mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
857 lines
17 KiB
857 lines
17 KiB
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) |
; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, <support@hex-rays.com> |
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; Input MD5 : 492DA6ACEE8714C252630BCE0D3C12FD
; File Name : th04/OP.EXE
; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE)
; Base Address: 0h Range: 0h-133E0h Loaded length: 11A40h
; Entry Point : 0:0
; OS type : MS DOS
; Application type: Executable 16bit
.model use16 large _TEXT
include ReC98.inc
include th04/th04.inc
include th04/sprites/op_cdg.inc
op_01 group OP_SETUP_TEXT, op_01_TEXT
; ===========================================================================
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16
extern PALETTE_BLACK_IN:proc
extern FILE_CLOSE:proc
extern FILE_CREATE:proc
extern FILE_EXIST:proc
extern FILE_READ:proc
extern FILE_ROPEN:proc
extern FILE_SEEK:proc
extern FILE_WRITE:proc
extern GRCG_SETCOLOR:proc
extern GRAPH_CLEAR:proc
extern GRAPH_COPY_PAGE:proc
extern GRAPH_PI_FREE:proc
extern PALETTE_SHOW:proc
extern IRAND:proc
extern SUPER_FREE:proc
extern SUPER_ENTRY_BFNT:proc
extern SUPER_PUT_RECT:proc
extern SUPER_PUT:proc
extern GRAPH_GAIJI_PUTS:proc
extern GRAPH_GAIJI_PUTC:proc
_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
OP_SETUP_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:op_01
;org 0Ch
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
include th04/zunsoft.asm
op_01_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
include th04/formats/scoredat_decode_both.asm
include th04/formats/scoredat_encode.asm
include th04/formats/scoredat_recreate.asm
include th04/formats/scoredat_load_both.asm
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C79E proc near
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
enter 4, 0
push si
push di
mov di, [bp+arg_2]
mov si, [bp+arg_0]
mov [bp+var_4], 16
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
cmp ax, 10
jl short loc_C7E0
push 140
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
mov bx, 10
idiv bx
push ax
call super_put
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_marisa.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
cmp ax, 10
jl short loc_C811
push 448
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_marisa.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
mov bx, 10
idiv bx
push ax
call super_put
push 156
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
mov bx, 10
idiv bx
push dx
call super_put
push 464
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
mov al, _hi_marisa.score.g_score[bx][SCORE_DIGITS - 1]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
mov bx, 10
idiv bx
push dx
call super_put
mov [bp+var_2], 6
jmp short loc_C899
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, [bp+var_4]
add ax, 156
push ax
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
add bx, [bp+var_2]
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_score[bx]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
push ax
call super_put
mov ax, [bp+var_4]
add ax, 464
push ax
push di
mov bx, si
shl bx, 3
add bx, [bp+var_2]
mov al, _hi_marisa.score.g_score[bx]
mov ah, 0
add ax, -gb_0_
push ax
call super_put
dec [bp+var_2]
add [bp+var_4], 16
cmp [bp+var_2], 0
jge short loc_C854
pop di
pop si
retn 4
sub_C79E endp
include th04/hiscore/hiscore_stage_put.asm
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C8F5 proc near
arg_0 = word ptr 4
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov si, [bp+arg_0]
or si, si
jnz loc_C989
push (10 shl 16) or 98
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_reimu.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 14
call graph_gaiji_puts
push (8 shl 16) or 96
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_reimu.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 7
call graph_gaiji_puts
push (322 shl 16) or 98
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_marisa.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 14
call graph_gaiji_puts
push (320 shl 16) or 96
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_marisa.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 7
call graph_gaiji_puts
push 600000h
call sub_C79E
push (292 shl 16) or 96
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_stage[si]
mov ah, 0
push ax
call hiscore_stage_put
push (600 shl 16) or 96
; Hack (jmp loc_CA0A)
; No idea why TASM can't assemble this properly after
; dropdown() was decompiled.
db 0E9h, 81h, 00h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, si
shl ax, 4
add ax, 112
mov di, ax
push 10
add ax, 2
push ax
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_reimu.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 14
call graph_gaiji_puts
push 8
push di
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_reimu.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 2
call graph_gaiji_puts
push 322
lea ax, [di+2]
push ax
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_marisa.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 14
call graph_gaiji_puts
push 320
push di
push GAIJI_W
mov ax, si
imul ax, (SCOREDAT_NAME_LEN + 1)
add ax, offset _hi_marisa.score.g_name
push ds
push ax
push 2
call graph_gaiji_puts
push di
push si
call sub_C79E
push 292
push di
mov al, _hi_reimu.score.g_stage[si]
mov ah, 0
push ax
call hiscore_stage_put
push 600
push di
mov al, _hi_marisa.score.g_stage[si]
mov ah, 0
push ax
call hiscore_stage_put
pop di
pop si
pop bp
retn 2
sub_C8F5 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _score_render
_score_render proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
graph_accesspage 1
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
call pi_put_8 pascal, large 0, 0
graph_accesspage 0
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
call pi_put_8 pascal, large 0, 0
push 0
call sub_C8F5
mov si, 1
jmp short loc_CA5B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push si
call sub_C8F5
inc si
cmp si, 9
jl short loc_CA56
push 9
call sub_C8F5
push (496 shl 16) or 376
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
add ax, ax
add ax, 10
push ax
call super_put
push (560 shl 16) or 376
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
add ax, ax
add ax, 11
push ax
call super_put
pop si
pop bp
_score_render endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _regist_view_menu
_regist_view_menu proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call snd_load pascal, ds, offset aName, SND_LOAD_SONG
kajacall KAJA_SONG_FADE, -128
push 1
call palette_black_out
les bx, _resident
assume es:nothing
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.rank]
mov _rank, al
call _scoredat_load_both
call pi_load pascal, 0, ds, offset aHi01_pi
call _score_render
push 1
call palette_black_in
call far ptr _input_reset_sense
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
test _key_det.hi, high INPUT_OK
jnz short loc_CB58
test _key_det.lo, low INPUT_SHOT
jnz short loc_CB58
test _key_det.hi, high INPUT_CANCEL
jnz short loc_CB58
test _key_det.hi, high INPUT_OK
jnz short loc_CB58
test _key_det.lo, low INPUT_LEFT
jz short loc_CB36
cmp _rank, RANK_EASY
jz short loc_CB36
dec _rank
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call _scoredat_load_both
call _score_render
push 1
call palette_black_in
test _key_det.lo, low INPUT_RIGHT
jz short loc_CAE4
cmp _rank, RANK_EXTRA
jnb short loc_CAE4
inc _rank
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call _scoredat_load_both
jmp short loc_CADA
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
kajacall KAJA_SONG_FADE, 1
push 1
call palette_black_out
freePISlotLarge 0
graph_accesspage 1
call pi_load pascal, 0, ds, offset aOp1_pi_0
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
call pi_put_8 pascal, large 0, 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call graph_copy_page pascal, 0
push 1
call palette_black_in
call far ptr _input_reset_sense
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
cmp _key_det, INPUT_NONE
jnz short loc_CBB3
call snd_load pascal, ds, offset aOp_0, SND_LOAD_SONG
pop bp
_regist_view_menu endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _cleardata_and_regist_view_sprite
_cleardata_and_regist_view_sprite proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov _rank, RANK_EASY
jmp loc_CC6F
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _scoredat_load_both
or al, al
jnz loc_CC78
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov dl, _hi_reimu.score.cleared
mov bx, ax
mov _cleared_with_reimu[bx], dl
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov dl, _hi_marisa.score.cleared
mov bx, ax
mov _cleared_with_marisa[bx], dl
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
cmp _cleared_with_reimu[bx], SCOREDAT_CLEARED_BOTH
jbe short loc_CC2F
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
mov _cleared_with_reimu[bx], 0
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
cmp _cleared_with_marisa[bx], SCOREDAT_CLEARED_BOTH
jbe short loc_CC49
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
mov _cleared_with_marisa[bx], 0
cmp _rank, RANK_EASY
jz short loc_CC6B
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
mov al, _cleared_with_reimu[bx]
mov dl, _rank
mov dh, 0
mov bx, dx
or al, _cleared_with_marisa[bx]
or _extra_unlocked, al
inc _rank
cmp _rank, RANK_COUNT
jb loc_CBEE
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.rank]
mov _rank, al
call super_entry_bfnt pascal, ds, offset aScnum_bft ; "scnum.bft"
call super_entry_bfnt pascal, ds, offset aHi_m_bft ; "hi_m.bft"
pop bp
_cleardata_and_regist_view_sprite endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _main_cdg_load
_main_cdg_load proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call cdg_load_all pascal, CDG_NUMERAL, ds, offset aSft1_cd2
call cdg_load_all pascal, CDG_MAIN, ds, offset aSft2_cd2
call cdg_load_all pascal, CDG_CURSOR, ds, offset aCar_cd2
call cdg_load_all_noalpha pascal, 40, ds, offset aSl_cd2
pop bp
_main_cdg_load endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _main_cdg_free
_main_cdg_free proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call cdg_free_all
pop bp
_main_cdg_free endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _op_animate
_op_animate proc near
@@page = byte ptr -4
var_3 = byte ptr -3
@@component = word ptr -2
enter 4, 0
push si
push di
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage 1
call grcg_setcolor pascal, (GC_RMW shl 16) + V_WHITE
call grcg_byteboxfill_x pascal, large 0, (((RES_X - 1) / 8) shl 16) or (RES_Y - 1)
call graph_copy_page pascal, 0
call pi_load pascal, 0, ds, offset aOp5b_pi
call pi_load pascal, 1, ds, offset aOp4b_pi
call pi_load pascal, 2, ds, offset aOp3b_pi
call pi_load pascal, 3, ds, offset aOp2b_pi
call pi_load pascal, 4, ds, offset aOp1b_pi
call pi_load pascal, 5, ds, offset aOp0b_pi
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
push 4
call palette_black_in
graph_showpage 0
graph_accesspage 1
xor si, si
mov [bp+var_3], 0
mov di, 100
mov [bp+@@page], 0
jmp short loc_CDC4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, si
mov bx, 4
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_CDB0
cmp [bp+var_3], 6
jnb short loc_CDB0
pushd 38
mov al, [bp+var_3]
mov ah, 0
push ax
call pi_put_8
inc [bp+var_3]
graph_accesspage [bp+@@page]
mov al, 1
sub al, [bp+@@page]
mov [bp+@@page], al
graph_showpage al
mov PaletteTone, di
call far ptr palette_show
add di, 2
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
inc si
cmp si, 1Ch
jl short loc_CD7A
mov PaletteTone, 200
call far ptr palette_show
graph_showpage 0
graph_accesspage al
freePISlotLarge 0
freePISlotLarge 1
freePISlotLarge 2
freePISlotLarge 3
freePISlotLarge 4
freePISlotLarge 5
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+resident_t.demo_num], 0
jnz short loc_CE50
call snd_load pascal, ds, offset aOp_1, SND_LOAD_SONG
graph_accesspage 1
call pi_load pascal, 0, ds, offset aOp1_pi_1
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
call pi_put_8 pascal, large 0, 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call graph_copy_page pascal, 0
xor si, si
jmp short loc_CEAA
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, si
imul bx, size rgb_t
mov Palettes[bx].r, 255
mov bx, si
imul bx, size rgb_t
mov Palettes[bx].g, 255
mov bx, si
imul bx, size rgb_t
mov Palettes[bx].b, 255
inc si
jl short loc_CE8B
call far ptr palette_show
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
xor si, si
mov [bp+var_3], 240
jmp short loc_CEE8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov al, [bp+var_3]
mov Palettes[0 * size rgb_t].r, al
mov Palettes[0 * size rgb_t].g, al
mov Palettes[0 * size rgb_t].b, al
call far ptr palette_show
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
inc si
mov al, [bp+var_3]
add al, -16
mov [bp+var_3], al
cmp si, 15
jl short loc_CEC7
xor si, si
mov [bp+var_3], 252
jmp short loc_CF4E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov di, 1
jmp short loc_CF34
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov [bp+@@component], 0
jmp short loc_CF2D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, di
imul bx, size rgb_t
add bx, [bp+@@component]
mov al, _pi_headers._palette[bx]
mov bx, di
imul bx, size rgb_t
add bx, [bp+@@component]
cmp al, Palettes[bx].r
jnb short loc_CF2A
mov bx, di
imul bx, size rgb_t
add bx, [bp+@@component]
mov al, [bp+var_3]
mov Palettes[bx].r, al
inc [bp+@@component]
cmp [bp+@@component], size rgb_t
jl short loc_CF01
inc di
jl short loc_CEFA
call far ptr palette_show
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
inc si
mov al, [bp+var_3]
add al, -4
mov [bp+var_3], al
cmp si, 63
jl short loc_CEF5
call pi_palette_apply pascal, 0
pop di
pop si
_op_animate endp
_playchar_menu procdesc near
op_01_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
SHARED segment word public 'CODE' use16
include th02/snd/snd.inc
extern @FRAME_DELAY$QI:proc
extern PI_PALETTE_APPLY:proc
extern PI_PUT_8:proc
extern PI_LOAD:proc
extern @POLAR$QIII:proc
extern SND_LOAD:proc
extern _input_reset_sense:proc
extern _input_sense:proc
extern SND_SE_PLAY:proc
extern _snd_se_update:proc
extern _bgimage_snap:proc
extern _bgimage_put:proc
extern _bgimage_free:proc
extern CDG_LOAD_ALL:proc
extern CDG_FREE_ALL:proc
; libs/master.lib/pal[data].asm
extern PaletteTone:word
; libs/master.lib/sin8[data].asm
extern _SinTable8:word:256
extern _CosTable8:word:256
include th04/zunsoft[data].asm
aGensou_scr db 'GENSOU.SCR',0
aName db 'name',0
aHi01_pi db 'hi01.pi',0
aOp1_pi_0 db 'op1.pi',0
aOp_0 db 'op',0
aScnum_bft db 'scnum.bft',0
aHi_m_bft db 'hi_m.bft',0
db 0
aSft1_cd2 db 'sft1.cd2',0
aSft2_cd2 db 'sft2.cd2',0
aCar_cd2 db 'car.cd2',0
aSl_cd2 db 'sl.cd2',0
aOp5b_pi db 'op5b.pi',0
aOp4b_pi db 'op4b.pi',0
aOp3b_pi db 'op3b.pi',0
aOp2b_pi db 'op2b.pi',0
aOp1b_pi db 'op1b.pi',0
aOp0b_pi db 'op0b.pi',0
aOp_1 db 'op',0
aOp1_pi_1 db 'op1.pi',0
extern _resident:dword
; libs/master.lib/pal[bss].asm
extern Palettes:byte:48
; libs/master.lib/vs[bss].asm
extern vsync_Count1:word
; th02/formats/pi_slots[bss].asm
extern _pi_buffers:dword
extern _pi_headers:PiHeader
; th02/hardware/input_sense[bss].asm
extern _key_det:word
include th04/zunsoft[bss].asm
include th04/formats/scoredat_op[bss].asm
_rank db ?
public _cleared_with, _extra_unlocked
_cleared_with label byte
_cleared_with_reimu db RANK_COUNT dup (?)
_cleared_with_marisa db RANK_COUNT dup (?)
_extra_unlocked db ?
db 49 dup(?)