
128 lines
2.7 KiB

@tiles_bb_put_raw$qi proc near
@@top = word ptr -6
@@left = word ptr -4
@@row_tiles_left = byte ptr -2
@@bb_shiftreg = byte ptr -1
@@cel = word ptr 4
@@bb_seg equ <fs>
@@bb_off equ <di>
enter 6, 0
push di
push GC_TDW
mov al, _tiles_bb_col
mov ah, 0
call grcg_setcolor pascal, ax
mov ax, _tiles_bb_seg
mov @@bb_seg, ax
mov @@bb_off, [bp+@@cel]
shl @@bb_off, 7
mov [bp+@@top], PLAYFIELD_TOP
mov [bp+@@left], PLAYFIELD_LEFT
mov [bp+@@row_tiles_left], TILES_X
mov al, @@bb_seg:[@@bb_off]
mov [bp+@@bb_shiftreg], al
test [bp+@@bb_shiftreg], 80h
jz short @@skip_tile
mov ax, [bp+@@left]
mov dx, [bp+@@top]
if (GAME eq 5)
cmp _scroll_active, 0
jz short @@roll?
add dx, _scroll_line
cmp dx, RES_Y
jl short @@put
sub dx, RES_Y
call @grcg_tile_bb_put_8
shl [bp+@@bb_shiftreg], 1
add [bp+@@left], TILE_W
dec [bp+@@row_tiles_left]
jz short @@row_next
test [bp+@@row_tiles_left], 7
jnz short @@next_tile_in_row
inc @@bb_off
jmp short @@bb_byte_loop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
add @@bb_off, 2 ; 1 since we skipped the INC, 1 to skip the 8 unused tiles
add [bp+@@top], TILE_H
cmp [bp+@@top], PLAYFIELD_BOTTOM
jb short @@row_loop
pop di
retn 2
@tiles_bb_put_raw$qi endp
@tiles_bb_invalidate_raw$qi proc near
@@tile_center = Point ptr [bp-6]
@@row_tiles_remaining = byte ptr [bp-2]
@@bb_shiftreg = byte ptr [bp-1]
@@cel = word ptr [bp+4]
@@bb_seg equ <fs>
@@bb_off equ <di>
enter 6, 0
push di
mov _tile_invalidate_box, (2 shl 16) or 2
mov ax, _bb_boss_seg
mov @@bb_seg, ax
mov @@bb_off, @@cel
shl @@bb_off, 7
mov @@tile_center.y, ((TILE_H / 2) shl 4)
mov @@tile_center.x, ((TILE_W / 2) shl 4)
mov @@row_tiles_remaining, TILES_X
mov al, @@bb_seg:[@@bb_off]
mov @@bb_shiftreg, al
test @@bb_shiftreg, 80h
jnz short @@skip_tile
call tiles_invalidate_around pascal, dword ptr @@tile_center
shl @@bb_shiftreg, 1
add @@tile_center.x, (TILE_W shl 4)
dec @@row_tiles_remaining
jz short @@row_next
test @@row_tiles_remaining, 7
jnz short @@next_tile_in_row
inc @@bb_off
jmp short @@bb_byte_loop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
add @@bb_off, 2 ; 1 since we skipped the INC, 1 to skip the 8 unused tiles
add @@tile_center.y, (TILE_H shl 4)
cmp @@tile_center.y, (PLAYFIELD_H shl 4)
jb short @@row_loop
pop di
retn 2
@tiles_bb_invalidate_raw$qi endp