mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
195 lines
3.0 KiB
195 lines
3.0 KiB
cdg_load_single_noalpha label proc
mov cdg_noalpha, 1
align 2
cdg_load_single proc far
@@n = word ptr 6
@@fn = dword ptr 8
@@slot = word ptr 12
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov di, [bp+@@slot]
push di
nopcall cdg_free
shl di, 4
add di, offset _cdg_slots
pushd [bp+@@fn]
call file_ropen
push ds
push di
push size cdg_t
call file_read
mov ax, [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
mov dx, ax
cmp [di+cdg_t.plane_layout], CDG_COLORS
jz short @@read
shl ax, 2
cmp [di+cdg_t.plane_layout], CDG_ALPHA
jz short @@read
add ax, dx
mul [bp+@@n]
movzx eax, ax
push eax
push 1
call file_seek
call cdg_read_single
call file_close
mov cdg_noalpha, 0
pop di
pop si
pop bp
retf 8
cdg_load_single endp
align 2
; Reads a single CDG image from the master.lib file, which previously has been
; positioned at the beginning of the image data, into the slot in DI.
cdg_read_single proc near
mov al, [di+cdg_t.plane_layout]
or al, al ; AL == CDG_COLORS?
jz short @@colors
cmp al, CDG_ALPHA
jz short @@alpha
cmp cdg_noalpha, 0
jnz short @@skip_alpha
push [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
call hmem_allocbyte
mov [di+cdg_t.seg_alpha], ax
push ax
push 0
push [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
call file_read
jmp short @@colors
movzx eax, [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
push eax
push 1
call file_seek
cmp [di+cdg_t.plane_layout], CDG_ALPHA
jz short @@ret
mov ax, [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
shl ax, 2
push ax
call hmem_allocbyte
mov [di+cdg_t.seg_colors], ax
push ax
push 0
mov ax, [di+cdg_t.CDG_plane_size]
shl ax, 2
push ax
call file_read
cdg_read_single endp
cdg_load_all_noalpha label proc
mov cdg_noalpha, 1
align 2
cdg_load_all proc far
@@fn = dword ptr 6
@@slot_first = word ptr 10
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
pushd [bp+@@fn]
call file_ropen
mov di, [bp+@@slot_first]
shl di, 4
add di, offset _cdg_slots
push ds
push di
push size cdg_t
call file_read
mov si, di
mov bp, [bp+@@slot_first]
mov al, cdg_t.image_count[si]
mov cdg_images_to_load, al
push ds
pop es
assume es:_DATA
push bp
call cdg_free
mov cx, 3
rep movsd
sub si, cdg_t.seg_alpha
sub di, cdg_t.seg_alpha
call cdg_read_single
inc bp
add di, size cdg_t
dec cdg_images_to_load
jnz short @@loop
call file_close
mov cdg_noalpha, 0
pop di
pop si
pop bp
retf 6
cdg_load_all endp
public CDG_FREE
cdg_free proc far
mov bx, sp
push di
mov di, ss:[bx+4]
shl di, 4
add di, offset _cdg_slots.seg_alpha
cmp word ptr [di], 0
jz short @@colors
push word ptr [di]
call hmem_free
mov word ptr [di], 0
add di, 2
cmp word ptr [di], 0
jz short @@ret
push word ptr [di]
call hmem_free
mov word ptr [di], 0
pop di
retf 2
cdg_free endp
align 2
cdg_free_all proc far
push si
mov si, CDG_SLOT_COUNT - 1
call cdg_free pascal, si
dec si
jge short @@loop
pop si
cdg_free_all endp