; Transforms the 1/16-pixel on-screen Y coordinate [sy] to its corresponding ; VRAM line given the current scrolling offset. ; int pascal near scroll_subpixel_y_to_vram(int sy); public SCROLL_SUBPIXEL_Y_TO_VRAM_SEG1 scroll_subpixel_y_to_vram_seg1 proc near @@sy = word ptr 2 mov bx, sp mov ax, ss:[bx+@@sy] sar ax, 4 cmp _scroll_active, 0 jz short @@lt0? add ax, _scroll_line @@lt0?: or ax, ax jge short @@lt400? add ax, RES_Y jmp short @@ret @@lt400?: cmp ax, RES_Y jl short @@ret sub ax, RES_Y @@ret: ret 2 scroll_subpixel_y_to_vram_seg1 endp