#include "th01/main/vars.hpp" #include "th01/formats/ptn.hpp" #include "th01/sprites/main_ptn.h" #include "th01/main/hud/hud.hpp" /// Constants /// --------- static const int SCORE_LEFT = 256; static const int MAX_TOP = 0; static const int MAX_FX = FX(7, 2, 0); #if (PTN_QUARTER_W < GLYPH_FULL_W) #error Original code assumes PTN_QUARTER_W >= GLYPH_FULL_W #endif static const int COL_W = PTN_QUARTER_W; /// --------- /// Globals /// ------- // Forces re-rendering of all full-width numbers on the HUD, even if they // haven't changed since the last render call. extern unsigned char fwnum_force_rerender; /// ------- /// Functions /// --------- inline int col_left(int first_left, int col) { return (first_left + (col * COL_W)); } #define bg_put(first_left, col, top, ptn_id, quarter) \ ptn_put_quarter_noalpha_8(col_left(first_left, col), top, ptn_id, quarter) #define ptn_id_and_quarter_from_i(func, first_left, col, top, ptn_id_base, i) \ func(first_left, col, top, (ptn_id_base + (i / 4)), (i % 4)) #define digit_changed(var, var_prev, divisor) \ ((var_prev / divisor) % 10) != ((var / divisor) % 10) || \ (fwnum_force_rerender == 1) /// --------- } template inline void fwnum_put( int left, int top, int fx, int digits, const T1 &val, const T2 &val_prev ) { graph_putfwnum_fx( left, top, fx, digits, val, (fwnum_force_rerender == true) ? 0 : val_prev, true ); } #define score_bg(func, digit, top, ptn_id_base) \ ptn_id_and_quarter_from_i(func, SCORE_LEFT, digit, top, ptn_id_base, digit) #define score_max_bg(func, digit) \ score_bg(func, digit, MAX_TOP, PTN_BG_MAX_SCORE) inline void score_put(int top, int fx, const long &prev) { fwnum_put(SCORE_LEFT, top, fx, SCORE_DIGITS, score, prev); } extern "C" { void hiscore_update_and_render(void) { // TODO: Should just be `static` once the variable can be declared here #define prev score_prev extern long prev; long divisor = 1000000; // Must match SCORE_DIGITS! unsigned long hiscore = resident->hiscore; if(hiscore >= score) { return; } for(int i = 0; i < SCORE_DIGITS; i++) { if(digit_changed(score, prev, divisor)) { graph_accesspage_func(1); score_max_bg(bg_put, i); graph_accesspage_func(0); score_max_bg(bg_put, i); } divisor /= 10; } graph_accesspage_func(1); score_put(MAX_TOP, MAX_FX, prev); graph_accesspage_func(0); score_put(MAX_TOP, MAX_FX, prev); prev = score; resident->hiscore = score; #undef prev }