; ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) | ; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, | ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; Input MD5 : AD4E53E1F1A042FBDA82F86B9BD6728C ; File Name : th01/OP.EXE ; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE) ; Base Address: 0h Range: 0h-14040h Loaded length: 13418h ; Entry Point : 0:0 ; OS type : MS DOS ; Application type: Executable 16bit .386 .model use16 large BINARY = 'O' include ReC98.inc include th01/th01.inc include th01/hardware/grppsafx.inc include th01/formats/cfg.inc extern SCOPY@:proc extern __setargv__:proc ; main() needs both to be set extern __setenvp__:proc extern _atol:proc extern _execl:proc extern _int86:proc extern _memcmp:proc extern _printf:proc .seq op_01 group op_01_TEXT, op_01__TEXT ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code _TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16 assume cs:_TEXT assume es:nothing, ds:DGROUP, fs:nothing, gs:nothing include libs/master.lib/graph_400line.asm include libs/master.lib/graph_clear.asm include libs/master.lib/graph_show.asm include libs/master.lib/graph_start.asm include libs/master.lib/palette_show.asm include libs/master.lib/palette_init.asm include libs/master.lib/respal_exist.asm include libs/master.lib/respal_free.asm include libs/master.lib/resdata.asm include libs/master.lib/file_read.asm include libs/master.lib/file_close.asm include libs/master.lib/file_ropen.asm include libs/master.lib/file_seek.asm include libs/master.lib/dos_free.asm include libs/master.lib/keystart.asm include libs/master.lib/keybios.asm include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen.asm include libs/master.lib/egc.asm include libs/master.lib/random.asm _TEXT ends ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code op_01_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 op_01_TEXT ends op_01__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 assume cs:op_01 ;org 4 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing extern _cfg_load:proc extern _cfg_save:proc extern _main_input_sense:proc extern _option_input_sense:proc extern _whitelines_animate:proc ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A719 proc far push bp mov bp, sp push ds push offset aReimu_mdt ; "reimu.mdt" call _mdrv2_bgm_load add sp, 4 call _mdrv2_bgm_play push 1 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _grp_put_palette_show c, offset aReiiden2_grp, ds ; "REIIDEN2.grp" call _z_palette_black call _graph_copy_page_back_to_front call _grp_put c, offset aReiiden3_grp, ds ; "REIIDEN3.grp" push 0 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _z_palette_black_in push 64h ; 'd' call _frame_delay pop cx call _whitelines_animate pop bp retf sub_A719 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A772 proc far push bp mov bp, sp push 1 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _graph_copy_page_back_to_front push 0 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _grp_put_colorkey c, offset aOp_win_grp, ds ; "op_win.grp" call _graph_copy_page_back_to_front pop bp retf sub_A772 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A79D proc far push bp mov bp, sp mov al, byte_1232F cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_A7AE call _resident_free loc_A7AE: call key_end pop bp retf sub_A79D endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A7B5 proc far push bp mov bp, sp push si call _cfg_save call _resident_stuff_set c, word ptr _opts.O_rank, word ptr _opts.O_bgm_mode, word ptr _opts.O_bombs, word ptr _opts.O_lives_extra, large [_rand] call sub_A79D call _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock call _game_switch_binary mov al, _mode cbw cmp ax, 2 jnz short loc_A7FC les bx, _resident mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.debug_mode], DM_TEST jmp short loc_A820 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_A7FC: mov al, _mode cbw cmp ax, 3 jnz short loc_A810 les bx, _resident mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.debug_mode], DM_FULL jmp short loc_A820 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_A810: cmp _mode, 0 jnz short loc_A820 les bx, _resident mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.debug_mode], DM_OFF loc_A820: les bx, _resident mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.route], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.stage], 0 mov al, _opts.O_lives_extra add al, 2 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.rem_lives], al mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.p_value], 0 xor si, si jmp short loc_A867 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_A842: mov ax, si add ax, ax les bx, _resident add bx, ax mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.continues_per_scene], 0 mov ax, si shl ax, 2 mov bx, word ptr _resident add bx, ax mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.bonus_per_stage], 0 inc si loc_A867: cmp si, 4 jl short loc_A842 les bx, _resident mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.score_highest], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.continues_total], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.end_flag], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.unused_1], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.snd_need_init], 1 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.bullet_speed], -4 pushd 0 push ds push offset aReiiden_0 ; "reiiden" push ds push offset aReiiden_0 ; "reiiden" call _execl add sp, 0Ch pop si pop bp retf sub_A7B5 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A8AD proc far push bp mov bp, sp call _cfg_save call _resident_stuff_set c, word ptr _opts.O_rank, word ptr _opts.O_bgm_mode, word ptr _opts.O_bombs, word ptr _opts.O_lives_extra, large [_rand] les bx, _resident cmp es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.stage], 0 jnz short loc_A8E1 mov ax, seg op_01 mov es, ax assume es:op_01 loc_A8E1: call sub_A79D call _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock call _game_switch_binary les bx, _resident assume es:nothing mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.debug_mode], DM_OFF mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.snd_need_init], 1 mov al, _opts.O_lives_extra add al, 2 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.rem_lives], al mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.unused_1], 0 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.bullet_speed], -4 mov es:[bx+reiidenconfig_t.p_value], 0 call _execl c, offset _REIIDEN, ds, offset _REIIDEN, ds, large 0 pop bp retf sub_A8AD endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A92C proc far arg_0 = word ptr 6 push bp mov bp, sp mov ax, [bp+arg_0] mov bx, 70 cwd idiv bx cmp dx, 50 jge short loc_A954 call _graph_putsa_fx c, 244, ((15 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 306, offset aVgvhvsb@vjvdvx, ds ; " HIT KEY" pop bp retf ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_A954: call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, large (306 shl 16) or 244, large (16 shl 16) or 128 pop bp retf sub_A92C endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A96A proc far var_14 = byte ptr -14h @@y = word ptr -4 @@x = word ptr -2 arg_0 = word ptr 6 arg_2 = word ptr 8 enter 14h, 0 push si mov si, [bp+arg_0] lea ax, [bp+var_14] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_124CD mov cx, 10h call SCOPY@ mov [bp+@@x], 244 mov ax, si imul ax, 14h add ax, 276 mov [bp+@@y], ax mov bx, si shl bx, 2 lea ax, [bp+var_14] add bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, FX_WEIGHT_BLACK push ax push [bp+@@y] push [bp+@@x] call _graph_putsa_fx add sp, 0Ah pop si leave retf sub_A96A endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_A9B9 proc far var_42 = byte ptr -42h var_2E = byte ptr -2Eh var_1E = byte ptr -1Eh var_A = word ptr -0Ah var_8 = byte ptr -8 arg_0 = word ptr 6 arg_2 = word ptr 8 enter 42h, 0 push si push di mov si, [bp+arg_0] lea ax, [bp+var_1E] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_124DD mov cx, 14h call SCOPY@ lea ax, [bp+var_2E] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_124F1 mov cx, 10h call SCOPY@ lea ax, [bp+var_8] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_12501 mov cx, 8 call SCOPY@ lea ax, [bp+var_42] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_12509 mov cx, 14h call SCOPY@ mov di, 228 mov ax, si imul ax, 20 add ax, 266 mov [bp+var_A], ax call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, di, ax, large (16 shl 16) or 176 or si, si jnz short loc_AA34 mov al, _opts.O_rank cbw shl ax, 2 lea dx, [bp+var_2E] jmp short loc_AA54 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AA34: cmp si, 1 jnz short loc_AA45 mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw shl ax, 2 lea dx, [bp+var_8] jmp short loc_AA54 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AA45: cmp si, 2 jnz short loc_AA83 mov al, _opts.O_lives_extra cbw shl ax, 2 lea dx, [bp+var_42] loc_AA54: add ax, dx mov bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] mov bx, si shl bx, 2 lea ax, [bp+var_1E] add bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] ; arglist push ds push offset aSS ; "%s%s" mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, 30h push ax ; int push [bp+var_A] ; int push di ; int call _graph_printf_fx add sp, 12h jmp short loc_AAB2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AA83: cmp si, 3 jz short loc_AA8D cmp si, 4 jnz short loc_AAB2 loc_AA8D: mov bx, si shl bx, 2 lea ax, [bp+var_1E] add bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] ; arglist push ds push (offset aSS+2) ; format mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, 30h push ax ; int push [bp+var_A] ; int push di ; int call _graph_printf_fx add sp, 0Eh loc_AAB2: pop di pop si leave retf sub_A9B9 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_AAB6 proc far var_46 = byte ptr -46h var_A = word ptr -0Ah var_8 = byte ptr -8 arg_0 = word ptr 6 arg_2 = word ptr 8 enter 46h, 0 push si push di mov si, [bp+arg_0] lea ax, [bp+var_8] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_1251E mov cx, 8 call SCOPY@ lea ax, [bp+var_46] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_12526 mov cx, 3Ch ; '<' call SCOPY@ mov di, 228 mov ax, si imul ax, 40 add ax, 286 mov [bp+var_A], ax call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, di, ax, large (16 shl 16) or 176 or si, si jnz short loc_AB69 push (16 shl 16) or 192 mov ax, [bp+var_A] add ax, 20 push ax push di call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 add sp, 8 mov al, byte_1251D cbw push ax mov bx, si shl bx, 2 lea ax, [bp+var_8] add bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] ; arglist push ds push offset aS_2d ; "%s%.2d" mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, 30h push ax ; int push [bp+var_A] ; int push di ; int call _graph_printf_fx add sp, 10h mov al, byte_1251D cbw shl ax, 2 lea dx, [bp+var_46] add ax, dx mov bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] push ds push (offset aSS+2) mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, 30h push ax mov ax, [bp+var_A] add ax, 14h push ax jmp short loc_AB8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AB69: cmp si, 1 jnz short loc_AB93 mov bx, si shl bx, 2 lea ax, [bp+var_8] add bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] ; arglist push ds push (offset aSS+2) ; format mov ax, [bp+arg_2] or ax, 30h push ax ; int push [bp+var_A] ; int loc_AB8A: push di ; int call _graph_printf_fx add sp, 0Eh loc_AB93: pop di pop si leave retf sub_AAB6 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_AB97 proc far push bp mov bp, sp cmp word_12564, 0 jnz short loc_AC04 call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, large (266 shl 16) or 220, large (100 shl 16) or 176 push 50000h call sub_A96A add sp, 4 push 50001h call sub_A96A add sp, 4 push 50002h call sub_A96A add sp, 4 push 50003h call sub_A96A add sp, 4 push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_A96A add sp, 4 mov word_12564, 1 mov al, _menu_sel cbw mov word_12562, ax loc_AC04: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, word_12562 jz short loc_AC30 push 5 push word_12562 call sub_A96A add sp, 4 push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_A96A add sp, 4 mov al, _menu_sel cbw mov word_12562, ax loc_AC30: cmp _input_ok, 0 jnz short loc_AC3E cmp _input_shot, 0 jz short loc_AC6E loc_AC3E: mov al, _menu_sel cbw mov bx, ax cmp bx, 3 ja short loc_AC6E add bx, bx jmp cs:off_AC7C[bx] loc_AC50: call sub_A7B5 jmp short loc_AC6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AC56: call sub_A8AD jmp short loc_AC6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AC5C: mov byte_1232A, 1 mov word_12564, 0 jmp short loc_AC6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AC69: mov byte_1232C, 1 loc_AC6E: cmp _input_cancel, 0 jz short loc_AC7A mov byte_1232C, 1 loc_AC7A: pop bp retf sub_AB97 endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- off_AC7C dw offset loc_AC50 dw offset loc_AC56 dw offset loc_AC5C dw offset loc_AC69 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_AC84 proc far push bp mov bp, sp cmp word_12566, 0 jnz short loc_ACF9 mov _menu_sel, 0 mov word_12568, 0 mov word_12566, 1 mov _option_rows, 4 call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, large (276 shl 16) or 220, large (80 shl 16) or 176 push 0F0000h call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 push 50001h call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 push 50002h call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 push 50003h call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 push 50004h call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 loc_ACF9: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, word_12568 jz short loc_AD25 push 5 push word_12568 call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 mov al, _menu_sel cbw mov word_12568, ax loc_AD25: mov al, _input_left cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_AD96 cmp word_1256A, 0 jnz short loc_AD9C mov al, _menu_sel cbw or ax, ax jz short loc_AD49 cmp ax, 1 jz short loc_AD5C cmp ax, 2 jz short loc_AD6F jmp short loc_AD80 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AD49: dec _opts.O_rank mov al, _opts.O_rank cbw or ax, ax jge short loc_AD80 mov _opts.O_rank, RANK_LUNATIC jmp short loc_AD80 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AD5C: dec _opts.O_bgm_mode mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw or ax, ax jge short loc_AD80 mov _opts.O_bgm_mode, 1 jmp short loc_AD80 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AD6F: dec _opts.O_lives_extra mov al, _opts.O_lives_extra cbw or ax, ax jge short loc_AD80 mov _opts.O_lives_extra, CFG_LIVES_EXTRA_MAX loc_AD80: push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 mov word_1256A, 1 jmp short loc_AD9C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AD96: mov word_1256A, 0 loc_AD9C: mov al, _input_right cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_AE10 cmp word_1256C, 0 jnz short loc_AE16 mov al, _menu_sel cbw or ax, ax jz short loc_ADC0 cmp ax, 1 jz short loc_ADD4 cmp ax, 2 jz short loc_ADE8 jmp short loc_ADFA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_ADC0: inc _opts.O_rank mov al, _opts.O_rank cbw cmp ax, RANK_LUNATIC jle short loc_ADFA mov _opts.O_rank, RANK_EASY jmp short loc_ADFA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_ADD4: inc _opts.O_bgm_mode mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw cmp ax, 1 jle short loc_ADFA mov _opts.O_bgm_mode, 0 jmp short loc_ADFA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_ADE8: inc _opts.O_lives_extra mov al, _opts.O_lives_extra cbw cmp ax, CFG_LIVES_EXTRA_MAX jle short loc_ADFA mov _opts.O_lives_extra, 0 loc_ADFA: push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_A9B9 add sp, 4 mov word_1256C, 1 jmp short loc_AE16 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AE10: mov word_1256C, 0 loc_AE16: cmp _input_ok, 0 jnz short loc_AE24 cmp _input_shot, 0 jz short loc_AE2D loc_AE24: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, 4 jz short loc_AE34 loc_AE2D: cmp _input_cancel, 0 jz short loc_AE44 loc_AE34: mov byte_1232A, 3 mov word_12566, 0 mov _menu_sel, 2 loc_AE44: cmp _input_ok, 0 jnz short loc_AE52 cmp _input_shot, 0 jz short loc_AE6B loc_AE52: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, 3 jnz short loc_AE6B mov byte_1232A, 2 mov word_12566, 0 mov _menu_sel, 0 loc_AE6B: pop bp retf sub_AC84 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_AE6D proc far var_3C = byte ptr -3Ch enter 3Ch, 0 lea ax, [bp+var_3C] push ss push ax push ds push offset off_1256E mov cx, 3Ch ; '<' call SCOPY@ call _mdrv2_bgm_stop mov al, byte_1251D cbw shl ax, 2 lea dx, [bp+var_3C] add ax, dx mov bx, ax pushd dword ptr ss:[bx] ; path call _mdrv2_bgm_load add sp, 4 call _mdrv2_bgm_play leave retf sub_AE6D endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame sub_AEA8 proc far push bp mov bp, sp cmp word_125AA, 0 jnz short loc_AF00 mov _menu_sel, 0 mov word_125AC, 0 mov word_125AA, 1 mov _input_ok, 0 mov _input_shot, 0 mov _option_rows, 1 call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, large (266 shl 16) or 220, large (100 shl 16) or 176 push 0F0000h call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 push 50001h call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 loc_AF00: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, word_125AC jz short loc_AF2C push 5 push word_125AC call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 mov al, _menu_sel cbw mov word_125AC, ax loc_AF2C: mov al, _input_left cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_AF69 cmp word_125AE, 0 jnz short loc_AF6F cmp _menu_sel, 0 jnz short loc_AF53 dec byte_1251D cmp byte_1251D, 0 jge short loc_AF53 mov byte_1251D, 0Eh loc_AF53: push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 mov word_125AE, 1 jmp short loc_AF6F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AF69: mov word_125AE, 0 loc_AF6F: mov al, _input_right cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_AFAC cmp word_125B0, 0 jnz short loc_AFB2 cmp _menu_sel, 0 jnz short loc_AF96 inc byte_1251D cmp byte_1251D, 0Fh jl short loc_AF96 mov byte_1251D, 0 loc_AF96: push 0Fh mov al, _menu_sel cbw push ax call sub_AAB6 add sp, 4 mov word_125B0, 1 jmp short loc_AFB2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_AFAC: mov word_125B0, 0 loc_AFB2: cmp _input_ok, 0 jnz short loc_AFC0 cmp _input_shot, 0 jz short loc_AFC9 loc_AFC0: mov al, _menu_sel cbw cmp ax, 1 jz short loc_AFD0 loc_AFC9: cmp _input_cancel, 0 jz short loc_AFE0 loc_AFD0: mov byte_1232A, 4 mov word_125AA, 0 mov _menu_sel, 3 loc_AFE0: cmp _input_ok, 0 jnz short loc_AFEE cmp _input_shot, 0 jz short loc_AFF9 loc_AFEE: cmp _menu_sel, 0 jnz short loc_AFF9 call sub_AE6D loc_AFF9: pop bp retf sub_AEA8 endp ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) public _main _main proc far outregs = REGS ptr -2Ch inregs = REGS ptr -1Ch @@kb_buf = word ptr -0Ch var_9 = byte ptr -9 var_8 = dword ptr -8 var_4 = dword ptr -4 _argc = word ptr 4 _argv = dword ptr 6 _envp = dword ptr 0Ah enter 2Ch, 0 push si push di xor si, si xor di, di call _mdrv2_resident or ax, ax jnz short loc_B015 push ds push offset aGogbgGtg@gcglv ; "バッチファイルから起動してよ" jmp loc_B25D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B015: mov byte_1232D, 0 mov dword_12330, 0 mov byte_1232E, 0 cmp word ptr [bp+_argv], 1 jle loc_B0D6 les bx, [bp+_argv+2] les bx, es:[bx+4] mov al, es:[bx] cbw cmp ax, 73h ; 's' jnz short loc_B045 mov _mode, 1 loc_B045: les bx, [bp+_argv+2] les bx, es:[bx+4] mov al, es:[bx] cbw cmp ax, 74h ; 't' jnz short loc_B05A mov _mode, 2 loc_B05A: les bx, [bp+_argv+2] les bx, es:[bx+4] mov al, es:[bx] cbw cmp ax, 64h ; 'd' jnz short loc_B06F mov _mode, 3 loc_B06F: push 3 ; n push ds push offset aCon ; "CON" les bx, [bp+_argv+2] pushd dword ptr es:[bx+4] ; s1 call _memcmp add sp, 0Ah or ax, ax jnz short loc_B0D6 les bx, [bp+_argv+2] mov eax, es:[bx+8] mov [bp+var_4], eax pushd [bp+var_4] call _atol add sp, 4 mov byte_1232D, al les bx, [bp+_argv+2] pushd dword ptr es:[bx+0Ch] call _atol add sp, 4 mov word ptr dword_12330+2, dx mov word ptr dword_12330, ax les bx, [bp+_argv+2] mov eax, es:[bx+10h] mov [bp+var_8], eax pushd [bp+var_8] call _atol add sp, 4 mov byte_1232E, al loc_B0D6: call _mdrv2_check_board call _game_init call _cfg_load mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw mov si, ax mov byte ptr [bp+inregs+1], 3 push ss lea ax, [bp+outregs] push ax ; outregs push ss lea ax, [bp+inregs] push ax ; inregs push 18h ; intno call _int86 add sp, 0Ah call key_start call sub_A719 xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov al, es:((50h shl 4) + 00h) ; BIOS_FLAG or al, 20h ; Do not beep when key buffer overflows mov [bp+var_9], al xor ax, ax mov dl, [bp+var_9] mov es, ax mov es:((50h shl 4) + 00h), dl ; BIOS_FLAG jmp short loc_B135 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B126: push 1 call _frame_delay pop cx push di call sub_A92C pop cx inc di loc_B135: call key_sense_bios or ax, ax jz short loc_B126 call sub_A772 mov eax, _rand mov random_seed, eax jmp loc_B21A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B14D: cmp byte_1232A, 0 jnz short loc_B15F call _main_input_sense call sub_AB97 jmp loc_B1EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B15F: mov al, byte_1232A cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_B172 call _option_input_sense call sub_AC84 jmp short loc_B1EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B172: mov al, byte_1232A cbw cmp ax, 2 jnz short loc_B185 call _option_input_sense call sub_AEA8 jmp short loc_B1EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B185: mov al, byte_1232A cbw cmp ax, 3 jnz short loc_B1D8 mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw cmp ax, si jz short loc_B1C9 cmp _opts.O_bgm_mode, 0 jnz short loc_B1A4 call _mdrv2_bgm_stop jmp short loc_B1C3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B1A4: mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw cmp ax, 1 jnz short loc_B1C3 call _mdrv2_bgm_stop push ds push offset aReimu_mdt ; "reimu.mdt" call _mdrv2_bgm_load add sp, 4 call _mdrv2_bgm_play loc_B1C3: mov al, _opts.O_bgm_mode cbw mov si, ax loc_B1C9: push 0Fh call _frame_delay pop cx mov byte_1232A, 0 jmp short loc_B1EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_B1D8: mov al, byte_1232A cbw cmp ax, 4 jnz short loc_B1EE push 0Fh call _frame_delay pop cx mov byte_1232A, 1 loc_B1EE: xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ax, word ptr es:[((50h shl 4) + 24h)] ; KB_BUF_HEAD mov [bp+@@kb_buf], ax xor ax, ax mov dx, [bp+@@kb_buf] mov es, ax mov word ptr es:[((50h shl 4) + 26h)], dx ; KB_BUF_TAIL mov es, ax mov byte ptr es:[((50h shl 4) + 28h)], 0 ; KB_COUNT inc _rand push 1 call _frame_delay pop cx loc_B21A: cmp byte_1232C, 0 jz loc_B14D call _cfg_save mov byte_1232F, 1 call _mdrv2_bgm_stop call sub_A79D push 1 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _z_graph_clear push 0 call _graph_accesspage_func pop cx call _z_graph_clear call _game_exit call _mdrv2_bgm_stop push ds push offset format ; "おつかれさまでした!!\n" loc_B25D: call _printf add sp, 4 pop di pop si leave retf _main endp op_01__TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code frmdelay_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _frame_delay:proc frmdelay_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code vsync_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 vsync_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ztext_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 ztext_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code initexit_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _game_init:proc extern _game_exit:proc extern _game_switch_binary:proc initexit_TEXT ends ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code graph_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _graph_accesspage_func:proc extern _z_graph_clear:proc extern _graph_copy_page_back_to_front:proc extern _z_palette_black:proc extern _z_palette_black_in:proc extern _graph_putsa_fx:proc graph_TEXT ends ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code SHARED segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16:proc SHARED ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code grppffx_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _graph_printf_fx:proc grppffx_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code PTN_GRP_GRZ segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _grp_put_palette_show:proc extern _grp_put:proc extern _grp_put_colorkey:proc PTN_GRP_GRZ ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code resstuff_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _resident_stuff_set:proc extern _resident_free:proc resstuff_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code mdrv2_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 extern _mdrv2_resident:proc extern _mdrv2_bgm_load:proc extern _mdrv2_bgm_play:proc extern _mdrv2_bgm_stop:proc extern _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock:proc extern _mdrv2_check_board:proc mdrv2_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== op_12_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16 op_12_TEXT ends ; =========================================================================== .data public _opts _opts cfg_options_t _mode db 0 public _menu_sel, _option_rows public _input_left, _input_right, _input_ok, _input_shot, _input_cancel public _main_input_prev, _option_input_prev _menu_sel db 0 _input_left db 0 _input_ok db 0 _input_shot db 0 _input_cancel db 0 byte_1232A db 0 _input_right db 0 byte_1232C db 0 byte_1232D db 0 byte_1232E db 0 byte_1232F db 0 dword_12330 dd 0 _main_input_prev dw 2 dup (0) _option_rows db 3 _option_input_prev dw 2 dup (0) public _WHITELINES_DRAWN_AT _WHITELINES_DRAWN_AT db RES_Y dup(0) off_124CD dd aVrvsvVqvs ; " START " dd aVbvnvmvsvhvmvt ; "CONTINUE" dd aB@vnvovsvhvnvm ; " OPTION " dd aB@b@vpvtvhvsb@ ; "  QUIT  " off_124DD dd aB@vqvVmvjb@ ; " RANK  " dd aVlvtvrvhvb ; " MUSIC " dd aVovkvVxvdvq ; "PLAYER " dd aVlbdvsvdvrvs ; "M.TEST " dd aB@vpvtvhvsb@ ; " QUIT  " off_124F1 dd aEasy ; " EASY " dd aNormal ; "NORMAL" dd aHard ; " HARD " dd aLunatic ; "LUNATIC" off_12501 dd aOff ; " OFF " dd aFm ; " FM " off_12509 dd a3 ; " 3 " dd a4 ; " 4 " dd a5 ; " 5 " dd a6 ; " 6 " dd a7 ; " 7 " byte_1251D db 0 off_1251E dd aVlvtvrvhvbb@vm ; "MUSIC No." dd aB@b@vpvxvivf ; "  Quit " off_12526 dd aASacretLot ; " A Sacret Lot" dd aXcvR_o ; " 風の神社 " dd aIiiuvIPc ; " 永遠の巫女 " dd aHighlyResponsi ; " Highly Responsive" dd aUmx dd aOrientalMagici ; " Oriental Magician" dd aB@FjoVPmsUbb@ ; "  破邪の小太刀  " dd aTheLegendOfKag ; " The Legend of KAGE" dd aPositiveAndNeg ; "Positive and Negative" dd aB@b@UvoguRrb@b ; "   天使伝説   " dd aB@b@b@CvlB@b@b ; "    魔鏡    " dd aVvvUVRVnvVOuvV ; "いざ倒れ逝くその時まで" dd aB@b@oavVVrvivV ; "  死なばもろとも  " dd aB@b@Rpchmxom ; "   星幽剣士" dd aB@b@b@gagcgkgx ; "   アイリス" word_12562 dw 63h word_12564 dw 0 word_12566 dw 0 word_12568 dw 0 word_1256A dw 0 word_1256C dw 0 off_1256E dd aReimu_mdt ; "reimu.mdt" dd aZipangu_mdt ; "ZIPANGU.mdt" dd aSt0_mdt ; "st0.mdt" dd aSt1_mdt ; "st1.mdt" dd aSt2_mdt ; "st2.mdt" dd aSt3_mdt ; "st3.mdt" dd aSt4_mdt ; "st4.mdt" dd aSt5_mdt ; "st5.mdt" dd aPositive_mdt ; "positive.mdt" dd aLegend_mdt ; "legend.mdt" dd aKami_mdt ; "kami.mdt" dd aTensi_mdt ; "tensi.mdt" dd aSyugen_mdt ; "syugen.mdt" dd aAlice_mdt ; "alice.mdt" dd aIris_mdt ; "iris.mdt" word_125AA dw 0 word_125AC dw 0 word_125AE dw 0 word_125B0 dw 0 include th01/formats/cfg[data].asm ; char aReimu_mdt[] aReimu_mdt db 'reimu.mdt',0 aReiiden2_grp db 'REIIDEN2.grp',0 aReiiden3_grp db 'REIIDEN3.grp',0 aOp_win_grp db 'op_win.grp',0 ; char aReiiden_0[] aReiiden_0 db 'reiiden',0 aVgvhvsb@vjvdvx db ' HIT KEY',0 aVrvsvVqvs db ' START ',0 aVbvnvmvsvhvmvt db 'CONTINUE',0 aB@vnvovsvhvnvm db ' OPTION ',0 aB@b@vpvtvhvsb@ db '  QUIT  ',0 aB@vqvVmvjb@ db ' RANK  ',0 aVlvtvrvhvb db ' MUSIC ',0 aVovkvVxvdvq db 'PLAYER ',0 aVlbdvsvdvrvs db 'M.TEST ',0 aB@vpvtvhvsb@ db ' QUIT  ',0 aEasy db ' EASY ',0 aNormal db 'NORMAL',0 aHard db ' HARD ',0 aLunatic db 'LUNATIC',0 aOff db ' OFF ',0 aFm db ' FM ',0 a3 db ' 3 ',0 a4 db ' 4 ',0 a5 db ' 5 ',0 a6 db ' 6 ',0 a7 db ' 7 ',0 ; char aSS[] aSS db '%s%s',0 aVlvtvrvhvbb@vm db 'MUSIC No.',0 aB@b@vpvxvivf db '  Quit ',0 aASacretLot db ' A Sacret Lot',0 aXcvR_o db ' 風の神社 ',0 aIiiuvIPc db ' 永遠の巫女 ',0 aHighlyResponsi db ' Highly Responsive',0 aUmx db ' 東方怪奇談 ',0 aOrientalMagici db ' Oriental Magician',0 aB@FjoVPmsUbb@ db '  破邪の小太刀  ',0 aTheLegendOfKag db ' The Legend of KAGE',0 aPositiveAndNeg db 'Positive and Negative',0 aB@b@UvoguRrb@b db '   天使伝説   ',0 aB@b@b@CvlB@b@b db '    魔鏡    ',0 aVvvUVRVnvVOuvV db 'いざ倒れ逝くその時まで',0 aB@b@oavVVrvivV db '  死なばもろとも  ',0 aB@b@Rpchmxom db '   星幽剣士',0 aB@b@b@gagcgkgx db '   アイリス',0 ; char aS_2d[] aS_2d db '%s%.2d',0 aZipangu_mdt db 'ZIPANGU.mdt',0 aSt0_mdt db 'st0.mdt',0 aSt1_mdt db 'st1.mdt',0 aSt2_mdt db 'st2.mdt',0 aSt3_mdt db 'st3.mdt',0 aSt4_mdt db 'st4.mdt',0 aSt5_mdt db 'st5.mdt',0 aPositive_mdt db 'positive.mdt',0 aLegend_mdt db 'legend.mdt',0 aKami_mdt db 'kami.mdt',0 aTensi_mdt db 'tensi.mdt',0 aSyugen_mdt db 'syugen.mdt',0 aAlice_mdt db 'alice.mdt',0 aIris_mdt db 'iris.mdt',0 aGogbgGtg@gcglv db 'バッチファイルから起動してよ',0 aCon db 'CON',0 ; char format[] format db 'おつかれさまでした!!',0Ah,0 include th01/hardware/vsync[data].asm include th01/hardware/ztext[data].asm include th01/core/initexit[data].asm include th01/hardware/palette[data].asm include th01/hardware/graph_r[data].asm include th01/hardware/respal[data].asm include th01/formats/grp_ptn[data].asm include th01/formats/grz[data].asm include libs/master.lib/version[data].asm include libs/master.lib/grp[data].asm include libs/master.lib/pal[data].asm include libs/master.lib/respal_exist[data].asm include libs/master.lib/resdata[data].asm include libs/master.lib/fil[data].asm include libs/master.lib/keytable[data].asm include libs/master.lib/keystart[data].asm include libs/master.lib/keyback[data].asm include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen[data].asm include libs/master.lib/clip[data].asm include libs/master.lib/rand[data].asm public _res_id _res_id db 'ReiidenConfig',0 include th01/snd/mdrv2[data].asm .data? public _rand _rand dd ? public _columns _columns dd ROW_SIZE dup (?) include th01/hardware/vsync[bss].asm db 191 dup (?) word_13627 dw ? db 60 dup (?) word_13665 dw ? db ? include th01/core/initexit[bss].asm include th01/hardware/graph[bss].asm include th01/hardware/vram_planes[bss].asm db 80 dup(?) include th01/formats/grp_palette[bss].asm include th01/formats/ptn_grz[bss].asm include th01/formats/grp_buf[bss].asm include libs/master.lib/pal[bss].asm include libs/master.lib/fil[bss].asm include libs/master.lib/keystart[bss].asm include libs/master.lib/clip[bss].asm public _resident _resident dd ? end