.186	; The 8086 couldn't into PUSH imm8?!

include libs/master.lib/master.inc
include th02/hud/hud.inc
include th04/gaiji/gaiji.inc

extrn _hud_gaiji_row:byte:HUD_TRAM_W

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

main_01_TEXT	segment	word public 'CODE' use16
	assume cs:main_01_TEXT

; void pascal near hud_bar_put(
; 	unsigned int y, unsigned char value, unsigned int atrb
; );
public HUD_BAR_PUT
hud_bar_put	proc near
@@atrb	= word ptr ss:[bx+2]
@@value	= byte ptr ss:[bx+4]
@@y    	= word ptr ss:[bx+6]

	mov	bx, sp
	push	di
	push	ds
	pop	es
	mov	di, offset _hud_gaiji_row
	push	HUD_X
	push	@@y
	push	ds
	push	di
	push	@@atrb
	mov	al, g_BAR_MAX
	mov	cx, HUD_TRAM_W
	mov	bl, @@value
	cmp	bl, BAR_MAX
	jb	short @@below_max

	inc	al
	loop	@@at_max
	jmp	short @@put
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

	mov	dl, bl
	dec	al
	jmp	short @@cell_still_fully_filled?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


	dec	cx
	sub	dl, BAR_GAIJI_MAX
	jg	short @@cell_is_fully_filled
	mov	al, bl
	dec	al
	and	al, BAR_GAIJI_MAX - 1
	add	al, G_BAR
	mov	al, g_EMPTY
	rep stosb

	call	gaiji_putsa
	pop	di
	retn	6
hud_bar_put	endp
main_01_TEXT	ends
