/* ReC98 * ----- * 2nd part of code segment #2 of TH02's MAIN.EXE */ #pragma codeseg SHARED #pragma option -3 #include "libs/kaja/kaja.h" #include "th02/th02.h" #include "th02/hardware/frmdelay.h" #include "th02/mem.h" #include "th02/snd/snd.h" extern const char pf_fn[]; #include "th02/hardware/input.c" #include "th02/exit.c" #include "th02/snd/mmd_res.c" #include "th02/snd/detmode.c" #include "th02/snd/pmd_res.c" #include "th02/snd/delayvol.c" #include "th02/snd/load.c" #pragma option -k void pascal mptn_palette_show(void) { palette_set_all(mptn_palette); palette_show(); } int pascal mptn_load_inner(const char *fn) { mptn_header_t header; file_ropen(fn); file_read(&header, sizeof(header)); mptn_count = header.count; file_read(&mptn_palette, sizeof(mptn_palette)); if(mptn_show_palette_on_load) { mptn_palette_show(); } if(mptn_buffer) { mptn_free(); } mptn_buffer = MK_FP(hmem_allocbyte((mptn_count + 1) * MPTN_SIZE), 0); if(!mptn_buffer) { file_close(); return -1; } file_read(mptn_buffer, (mptn_count + 1) * MPTN_SIZE); file_close(); return 0; } #include "th02/initmain.c"