#include "th02/score.h" static const int8_t LIVES_MAX = 5; static const int8_t BOMBS_MAX = 5; #define RES_ID "MIKOConfig" struct resident_t { char id[sizeof(RES_ID)]; unsigned char stage; char debug; int8_t padding_1; score_t score; unsigned int continues_used; char rem_bombs; char rem_lives; char rank; char start_power; char bgm_mode; char start_bombs; char start_lives; int8_t padding_2; long frame; int unused_1; char unused_2; unsigned char op_main_retval; bool reduce_effects; char unused_3; uint8_t shottype; char demo_num; int skill; int unused_4; long score_highest; }; extern resident_t *resident; // Redundant copies of resident structure fields to static data // ------------------------------------------------------------ extern int8_t bombs; extern int8_t lives; extern bool reduce_effects; // ------------------------------------------------------------