; Displays the given [plane] of the CDG image in the given [slot] at (x, y). ; (Unlike other CDG displaying functions, this one actually accepts any value ; for X.) Assumes the GRCG to be set to monochrome mode. ; ; (This is used for the "dissolution effect" in the staff roll, but it ; actually doesn't apply any sort of effect on the pixel data, and relies on ; the individual planes being pre-dissolved.) ; void pascal cdg_put_plane(int x, int y, int slot, int plane) public _cdg_put_plane _cdg_put_plane proc far @@plane = word ptr 6 @@slot = word ptr 8 @@y = word ptr 0Ah @@x = word ptr 0Ch push bp mov bp, sp push si push di mov si, [bp+@@slot] shl si, 4 add si, offset _cdg_slots mov cx, [bp+@@x] mov di, cx sar di, 4 shl di, 1 add di, [si+CDGSlot.vram_byte_at_bottom_left] mov ax, [si+CDGSlot.width_divided_by_32] shl ax, 1 mov byte ptr cs:@@width_words+1, al and cx, 15 mov bx, cx shl bx, 1 mov bx, WORD_PUT_PATTERN[bx] mov word ptr cs:@@put_pattern_1+1, bx mov word ptr cs:@@put_pattern_2+1, bx jmp short $+2 shl ax, 1 add ax, (640 / 8) mov dx, ax mov ax, [bp+@@y] mov bx, ax shl ax, 2 add ax, bx add ax, 0A800h mov es, ax push ds mov ax, [si+CDGSlot.sgm_colors] mov si, [si+CDGSlot.bitplane_size] mov ds, ax mov ax, [bp+@@plane] mov bp, dx mul si mov si, ax cld @@width_words: mov ch, 80h lodsw ror ax, cl mov dx, ax @@put_pattern_1: and ax, 1234h xor dx, ax stosw dec ch @@blit_word: lodsw ror ax, cl mov bx, ax @@put_pattern_2: and ax, 1234h xor bx, ax or ax, dx mov dx, bx stosw dec ch jnz short @@blit_word or dx, dx jz short @@next_row mov es:[di], dx xor dx, dx @@next_row: sub di, bp jns short @@width_words pop ds pop di pop si pop bp retf 8 _cdg_put_plane endp