#pragma option -zCSHARED_ #include "platform.h" #include "x86real.h" #include "libs/kaja/kaja.h" extern "C" { #include "th02/hardware/frmdelay.h" #include "th05/snd/snd.h" } #include "th02/snd/measure.hpp" int snd_bgm_measure(void) { if(!snd_bgm_active()) { return -1; } return snd_get_song_measure(); } void pascal snd_delay_until_measure(int measure, unsigned int frames_if_no_bgm) { int measure_cur; do { measure_cur = snd_bgm_measure(); if(measure_cur < 0) { /* TODO: Replace with the decompiled call * frame_delay(frames_if_no_bgm); * once the segmentation allows us to, if ever */ _asm { push frames_if_no_bgm; nop; push cs; call near ptr frame_delay; } return; } } while(measure_cur < measure); } #pragma codestring "\x00"