; Creates a hit animation at the position of [shot], invalidating [shot] in ; the process. ; void pascal near hitshot_from(shot_t near *shot) public HITSHOT_FROM hitshot_from proc near @@shot = word ptr 4 push bp mov bp, sp push si push di mov di, [bp+@@shot] mov ax, _hitshot_next_free_id imul ax, size hitshot_t add ax, offset _hitshots mov si, ax cmp _hitshot_next_free_id, HITSHOT_COUNT - 1 jnb short @@wrap_id inc _hitshot_next_free_id jmp short @@convert_age @@wrap_id: mov _hitshot_next_free_id, 0 @@convert_age: mov [di+shot_t.flag], F_REMOVE cmp [si+hitshot_t.HITSHOT_AGE], 0 jnz short @@ret ; Wat? mov [si+hitshot_t.HITSHOT_AGE], 1 cmp [di+shot_t.patnum_base], 20 jnz short @@patnum_32 mov [si+hitshot_t.patnum], 28 jmp short @@convert_pos_and_brake @@patnum_32: mov [si+hitshot_t.patnum], 32 @@convert_pos_and_brake: mov eax, dword ptr [di+hitshot_t.pos.cur] mov dword ptr [si+hitshot_t.pos.cur], eax mov eax, dword ptr [di+shot_t.pos.prev] mov dword ptr [si+hitshot_t.pos.prev], eax mov ax, [di+shot_t.pos.velocity.x] mov bx, 6 cwd idiv bx mov [si+hitshot_t.pos.velocity.x], ax mov ax, [di+shot_t.pos.velocity.y] cwd idiv bx mov [si+hitshot_t.pos.velocity.y], ax @@ret: pop di pop si pop bp retn 2 hitshot_from endp