; void pascal near bb_cheeto_load(void); public bb_cheeto_load bb_cheeto_load proc near mov ax, 3D00h mov dx, offset aLs00_bb int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE ; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename ; AL = access mode ; 0 - read mov bx, ax mov ah, 3Fh mov dx, offset _bb_cheeto mov cx, BB_SIZE int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE ; BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read ; DS:DX -> buffer mov ah, 3Eh int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE ; BX = file handle retn bb_cheeto_load endp nop ; Adapted from z_super_roll_put_tiny_32x32(). public @cheeto_put @cheeto_put proc near ; Parameters @@left equ ax @@top equ dx @@sprite equ bx ; Locals @@PATTERN_HEIGHT = CHEETO_H @@first_mask equ dl @@first_bit equ cl @@rows_left equ ch push si push di shl @@sprite, 7 mov si, @@sprite add si, offset _bb_cheeto mov di, @@top shl di, 2 add di, @@top shl di, 4 mov @@first_bit, al and @@first_bit, 7 shr @@left, 3 add di, @@left mov @@first_mask, 0FFh shr @@first_mask, @@first_bit test di, 1 jnz short @@ODD even @@EVEN: mov @@rows_left, @@PATTERN_HEIGHT cmp di, (RES_Y - @@PATTERN_HEIGHT + 1) * ROW_SIZE jb short @@EVEN_YLOOP2 @@EVEN_YLOOP1: call @@put32_even cmp di, PLANE_SIZE jb short @@EVEN_YLOOP1 sub di, PLANE_SIZE even @@EVEN_YLOOP2: call @@put32_even jnz short @@EVEN_YLOOP2 jmp short @@ret even @@ODD: mov @@rows_left, @@PATTERN_HEIGHT cmp di, (RES_Y - @@PATTERN_HEIGHT + 1) * ROW_SIZE jb short @@ODD_YLOOP2 @@ODD_YLOOP1: call @@put32_odd cmp di, PLANE_SIZE jb short @@ODD_YLOOP1 sub di, PLANE_SIZE even @@ODD_YLOOP2: call @@put32_odd jnz short @@ODD_YLOOP2 @@ret: pop di pop si retn ; ============================================================================ ; These are the same 32-dot put functions used in z_super_roll_put_tiny(), ; only without the optimization for not writing empty rows to VRAM. They take: ; • const dots32_t* row_dots ; • dots32_t* vram_offset ; • uint3_t first_bit ; • uint8_t& rows_left ; • dots8_t first_mask
; [rows_left] is decremented at the end. ZF then indicates whether this was ; the last row. @@words equ bh @@carry_dots_cur equ bl @@carry_dots_next equ dh @@put32_even: ; if X is even xor @@carry_dots_cur, @@carry_dots_cur mov @@words, 2 lodsd @@EVEN_WORD_LOOP: ror ax, @@first_bit mov @@carry_dots_next, al and al, @@first_mask xor @@carry_dots_next, al or al, @@carry_dots_cur mov @@carry_dots_cur, @@carry_dots_next stosw shr eax, (8 * word) dec @@words jnz short @@EVEN_WORD_LOOP mov es:[di], @@carry_dots_cur add di, (ROW_SIZE - dword) dec @@rows_left retn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@put32_odd: ; if X is odd mov @@words, 2 lodsd ror al, @@first_bit mov @@carry_dots_cur, al and al, @@first_mask stosb xor @@carry_dots_cur, al shr eax, (8 * byte) @@ODD_WORD_LOOP: ror ax, @@first_bit mov @@carry_dots_next, al and al, @@first_mask xor @@carry_dots_next, al or al, @@carry_dots_cur mov @@carry_dots_cur, @@carry_dots_next stosw shr eax, (8 * word) dec @@words jnz short @@ODD_WORD_LOOP add di, (ROW_SIZE - (dword + 1)) dec @@rows_left retn @cheeto_put endp