/* ReC98 * ----- * 1st part of ZUN_RES.COM. Initializes the resident structure and * configuration file required in order to run TH02. */ #pragma inline #include #include "th02/th02.h" #include "th02/snd/snd.h" #pragma option -a1 char debug = 0; void cfg_write(seg_t resident_sgm) { static const huuma_options_t opts_default = { RANK_NORMAL, SND_BGM_FM, 3, 2, 0 }; static const char HUUMA_CFG[] = CFG_FN; const char *fn = HUUMA_CFG; huuma_options_t opts = opts_default; int handle = dos_axdx(0x3D02, fn); if(handle > 0) { dos_seek(handle, sizeof(opts), SEEK_SET); } else { handle = dos_create(fn, _A_ARCH); dos_write(handle, &opts, sizeof(opts)); } dos_write(handle, &resident_sgm, sizeof(resident_sgm)); dos_write(handle, &debug, sizeof(debug)); dos_close(handle); } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int pascal scoredat_verify(void); static const char MIKOConfig[] = RES_ID; static const char LOGO[] = "\n" "\n" "東方封魔録用  常駐プログラム ZUN_RES.com Version1.01 (c)zun 1997\n"; static const char ERROR_SCOREDAT[] = "ハイスコアファイルがおかしいの、もう一度実行してね。\n"; static const char ERROR_NOT_RESIDENT[] = "わたし、まだいませんよぉ\n\n"; static const char REMOVED[] = "さよなら、また会えたらいいな\n\n"; static const char ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION[] = "そんなオプション付けられても、困るんですけど\n\n"; static const char ERROR_ALREADY_RESIDENT[] = "わたし、すでにいますよぉ\n\n"; static const char ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY[] = "作れません、わたしの居場所がないの!\n\n"; static const char INITIALIZED[] = "それでは、よろしくお願いします\n\n"; seg_t sgm; const char *res_id = MIKOConfig; int i; char far *resident; sgm = resdata_exist(res_id, RES_ID_STRLEN, RES_PARASIZE); dos_puts2(LOGO); graph_clear(); // No, I tried all permutations of command-line switches, // gotos and returns, and no pure C solution seems to work! if(scoredat_verify() == 1) __asm { push offset ds:ERROR_SCOREDAT jmp error_puts } if(argc == 2) { #define arg1_is(capital, small) \ (argv[1][0] == '-' || argv[1][0] == '/') \ && (argv[1][1] == (capital) || argv[1][1] == (small)) if(arg1_is('R', 'r')) { if(!sgm) { dos_puts2(ERROR_NOT_RESIDENT); asm jmp error_ret } dos_free(sgm); dos_puts2(REMOVED); return 0; } else if(arg1_is('D', 'd')) { debug = 1; } else { dos_puts2(ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION); return 1; } } if(sgm) { dos_puts2(ERROR_ALREADY_RESIDENT); return 1; } sgm = resdata_create(res_id, RES_ID_STRLEN, RES_PARASIZE); if(!sgm) { asm push offset ds:ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY error_puts: asm call near ptr dos_puts2 error_ret: return 1; } resident = MK_FP(sgm, 0); dos_puts2(INITIALIZED); for(i = offsetof(resident_t, stage); i < sizeof(resident_t); i++) { resident[i] = 0; } cfg_write(sgm); return 0; } #pragma codestring "\x00"