#if defined(REC98_PROJECT) # include "platform.h" /* see also [https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98/issues/8] */ #elif defined(_MSC_VER)/*Microsoft C++*/ || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__TURBOC__) typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; #else # include #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER)/*Microsoft C++*/ || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__TURBOC__) # include #else # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__GNUC__) # include #else # define le16toh(x) (x) # define le32toh(x) (x) # define htole16(x) (x) # define htole32(x) (x) #endif #include "bmp2arrl.h" /* O_BINARY is needed for MS-DOS, Windows, etc. * Linux, Mac OS X, etc. do not have O_BINARY */ #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY (0) #endif static unsigned char bmp_tmp[128]; /* more than enough */ /* typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { WORD bfType; +0 DWORD bfSize; +2 WORD bfReserved1; +6 WORD bfReserved2; +8 DWORD bfOffBits; +10 } BITMAPFILEHEADER, *LPBITMAPFILEHEADER, *PBITMAPFILEHEADER;=14 typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { DWORD biSize; +0 LONG biWidth; +4 LONG biHeight; +8 WORD biPlanes; +12 WORD biBitCount; +14 DWORD biCompression; +16 DWORD biSizeImage; +20 LONG biXPelsPerMeter; +24 LONG biYPelsPerMeter; +28 DWORD biClrUsed; +32 DWORD biClrImportant; +36 } BITMAPINFOHEADER, *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; =40 */ static void memcpyxor(unsigned char *dst,unsigned char *src,unsigned int bytes,unsigned char xorval) { while (bytes-- != 0) *dst++ = *src++ ^ xorval; } static void memcpy24to1(unsigned char *dst,unsigned char *src,unsigned int w) { unsigned char r,g,b,tmp; unsigned int x; while (w >= 8) { tmp = 0; for (x=0;x < 8;x++) { b = *src++; g = *src++; r = *src++; if ((r|g|b)&0x80) tmp |= 0x80 >> x; } *dst++ = tmp; w -= 8; } if (w > 0) { tmp = 0; for (x=0;x < w;x++) { b = *src++; g = *src++; r = *src++; if ((r|g|b)&0x80) tmp |= 0x80 >> x; } *dst++ = tmp; } } static void memcpy32to1(unsigned char *dst,unsigned char *src,unsigned int w) { unsigned char r,g,b,tmp; unsigned int x; while (w >= 8) { tmp = 0; for (x=0;x < 8;x++) { b = *src++; g = *src++; r = *src++; src++; /* A */ if ((r|g|b)&0x80) tmp |= 0x80 >> x; } *dst++ = tmp; w -= 8; } if (w > 0) { tmp = 0; for (x=0;x < w;x++) { b = *src++; g = *src++; r = *src++; src++; /* A */ if ((r|g|b)&0x80) tmp |= 0x80 >> x; } *dst++ = tmp; } } static int saveout_write_prologue(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t,struct saveout_ctx *sctx) { if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"/* Generated by bmp2arr from %s, do not modify directly. */\n",t->input_bmp); fprintf(sctx->fp,"/* Sprite sheet: %d sprites (%d x %d) of %d x %d sprites. */\n",sctx->sscols * sctx->ssrows,sctx->sscols,sctx->ssrows,t->sprite_width,t->sprite_height); fprintf(sctx->fp,"\n"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"const unsigned char %s",t->output_symname != NULL ? t->output_symname : "untitled"); if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 0) fprintf(sctx->fp,"[8/*PRESHIFT*/]"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"[%d]",sctx->ssrows * sctx->sscols); if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 1) fprintf(sctx->fp,"[8/*PRESHIFT*/]"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"[%d/*%d bytes x %d rows*/] = {\n", sctx->bytesperrow * t->sprite_height,sctx->bytesperrow,t->sprite_height); } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_ASM) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"; Generated by bmp2arr from %s, do not modify directly.\n",t->input_bmp); fprintf(sctx->fp,"; Sprite sheet: %d sprites (%d x %d) of %d x %d sprites.\n",sctx->sscols * sctx->ssrows,sctx->sscols,sctx->ssrows,t->sprite_width,t->sprite_height); fprintf(sctx->fp,"\n"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"; const unsigned char %s",t->output_symname != NULL ? t->output_symname : "untitled"); if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 0) fprintf(sctx->fp,"[8/*PRESHIFT*/]"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"[%d]",sctx->ssrows * sctx->sscols); if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 1) fprintf(sctx->fp,"[8/*PRESHIFT*/]"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"[%d/*%d bytes x %d rows*/];\n", sctx->bytesperrow * t->sprite_height,sctx->bytesperrow,t->sprite_height); fprintf(sctx->fp,"public %s\n",t->output_symname != NULL ? t->output_symname : "untitled"); fprintf(sctx->fp,"label %s byte\n",t->output_symname != NULL ? t->output_symname : "untitled"); } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BIN) { /* none needed */ } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BMP) { const unsigned int balign = (sctx->bytesperrow + 3u) & (~3u); /* BITMAPFILEHEADER */ memcpy(bmp_tmp+0, "BM",2); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+2 )) = htole32(14+40+4*2+(balign*t->sprite_height*sctx->ssrows*sctx->sscols*(t->preshift?8u:1u))); /* bfSize */ *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+6 )) = htole16(0); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+8 )) = htole16(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+10)) = htole32(14+40+4*2); /* bfOffBits */ fwrite(bmp_tmp,14,1,sctx->fp); /* BITMAPINFOHEADER */ *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+0 )) = htole32(40); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+4 )) = htole32(sctx->bytesperrow*8u); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+8 )) = htole32(t->sprite_height*sctx->ssrows*sctx->sscols*(t->preshift?8u:1u)); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+12)) = htole16(1); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+14)) = htole16(1); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+16)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+20)) = htole32(balign*t->sprite_height*sctx->ssrows*sctx->sscols*(t->preshift?8u:1u)); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+24)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+28)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+32)) = htole32(2); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+36)) = htole32(2); fwrite(bmp_tmp,40,1,sctx->fp); /* color palette */ bmp_tmp[0+0] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+1] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+2] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+3] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[4+0] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+1] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+2] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+3] = 0x00; fwrite(bmp_tmp,4,2,sctx->fp); } return 0; } static int saveout_write_epilogue(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t,struct saveout_ctx *sctx) { if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"};/*end spritesheet*/\n"); } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_ASM) { /* none needed */ } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BIN) { /* none needed */ } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BMP) { /* none needed */ } return 0; } /* C-string utils */ void cstr_free(char **s) { if (s != NULL) { if (*s != NULL) { free(*s); *s = NULL; } } } void cstr_set(char **s,const char *n) { if (s != NULL) { cstr_free(s); if (n != NULL) *s = strdup(n); } } void rec98_bmp2arr_task_free_bmp(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { if (t != NULL) { if (t->bmp != NULL) { free(t->bmp); t->bmp = NULL; } } } /* assume *t is uninitialized data */ int rec98_bmp2arr_task_init(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { if (t == NULL) return -1; /* failure */ memset(t,0,sizeof(*t)); return 0; /* success */ } /* assume *t is initialized data */ int rec98_bmp2arr_task_free(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { if (t == NULL) return -1; /* failure */ rec98_bmp2arr_task_free_bmp(t); cstr_free(&t->output_symname); cstr_free(&t->output_file); cstr_free(&t->input_bmp); memset(t,0,sizeof(*t)); return 0; /* success */ } int rec98_bmp2arr_save_debug_bmp_out(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { unsigned int y; int fd; if (t == NULL || t->output_file == NULL) return -1; if (t->bmp == NULL) return -1; fd = open(t->output_file,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY,0644); if (fd < 0) return -1; /* BITMAPFILEHEADER */ memcpy(bmp_tmp+0, "BM",2); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+2 )) = htole32(14+40+4*2+(t->bmp_height*t->bmp_stride)); /* bfSize */ *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+6 )) = htole16(0); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+8 )) = htole16(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+10)) = htole32(14+40+4*2); /* bfOffBits */ write(fd,bmp_tmp,14); /* BITMAPINFOHEADER */ *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+0 )) = htole32(40); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+4 )) = htole32(t->bmp_width); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+8 )) = htole32(t->bmp_height); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+12)) = htole16(1); *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+14)) = htole16(1); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+16)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+20)) = htole32(t->bmp_height*t->bmp_stride); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+24)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+28)) = htole32(0); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+32)) = htole32(2); *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+36)) = htole32(2); write(fd,bmp_tmp,40); /* color palette */ bmp_tmp[0+0] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+1] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+2] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[0+3] = 0x00; bmp_tmp[4+0] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+1] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+2] = 0xFF; bmp_tmp[4+3] = 0x00; write(fd,bmp_tmp,4*2); /* the bits */ y = t->bmp_height - 1; do { write(fd,t->bmp + (y*t->bmp_stride),t->bmp_stride); } while (y-- != 0); close(fd); return 0; } static int saveout_write_sprite(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t,struct saveout_ctx *sctx,const unsigned char *bmp/*length bytesperrow * height*/) { unsigned int r,c,b; if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"%c",sctx->sspreshift != 0 ? ',' : ' '); } else { fprintf(sctx->fp,"%c",sctx->spritenum != 0 ? ',' : ' '); } if (t->preshift) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"{/*sprite %u preshift %u*/\n",sctx->spritenum,sctx->sspreshift); } else { fprintf(sctx->fp,"{/*sprite %u*/\n",sctx->spritenum); } for (r=0;r < t->sprite_height;r++) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"\t"); for (c=0;c < sctx->bytesperrow;c++) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"%c",(c != 0 || r != 0) ? ',' : ' '); fprintf(sctx->fp,"0x%02x",*bmp++); } fprintf(sctx->fp," /* row %u */",t->upsidedown ? (t->sprite_height - 1u - r) : r); fprintf(sctx->fp,"\n"); } if (t->preshift) { fprintf(sctx->fp," }/*end sprite %u preshift %u*/\n",sctx->spritenum,sctx->sspreshift); } else { fprintf(sctx->fp," }/*end sprite %u*/\n",sctx->spritenum); } } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_ASM) { if (t->preshift) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"; sprite %u preshift %u\n",sctx->spritenum,sctx->sspreshift); } else { fprintf(sctx->fp,"; sprite %u\n",sctx->spritenum); } for (r=0;r < t->sprite_height;r++) { fprintf(sctx->fp,"\tdb "); for (c=0;c < sctx->bytesperrow;c++) { if (c != 0) fprintf(sctx->fp,","); for (b=0;b < 8;b++) fprintf(sctx->fp,"%u",(*bmp >> (7u - b)) & 1u); fprintf(sctx->fp,"b"); bmp++; } fprintf(sctx->fp," ; row %u",t->upsidedown ? (t->sprite_height - 1u - r) : r); fprintf(sctx->fp,"\n"); } } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BIN) { fwrite(bmp,sctx->bytesperrow * t->sprite_height,1,sctx->fp); } else if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_BMP) { const unsigned int balign = (sctx->bytesperrow + 3u) & (~3u); for (r=0;r < t->sprite_height;r++) { memcpy(bmp_tmp,bmp,sctx->bytesperrow); fwrite(bmp_tmp,balign,1,sctx->fp); bmp += sctx->bytesperrow; } } return 0; } int rec98_bmp2arr_save_output(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { struct saveout_ctx sctx; if (t == NULL || t->output_file == NULL) return -1; if (t->bmp == NULL) return -1; if (t->sprite_width < 8) return -1; if (t->sprite_height == 0) return -1; sctx.sscols = t->bmp_width / t->sprite_width; sctx.ssrows = t->bmp_height / t->sprite_height; if (sctx.sscols == 0 || sctx.ssrows == 0) return -1; /* PRESHIFT only supported for 8-pixel wide sprites */ if (t->preshift && t->sprite_width != 8) return -1; sctx.bytesperrow = (t->sprite_width + 7u) / 8u; if (t->preshift) sctx.bytesperrow += 1u; /* in the examples, an 8-pixel wide sprite is shifted across 16 pixels */ if ((sctx.bytesperrow * t->sprite_height) > sizeof(bmp_tmp)) return -1; sctx.fp = fopen(t->output_file,"wb"); if (sctx.fp == NULL) return -1; fprintf(stderr,"Sprite sheet: %d sprites total (%d x %d).\n", sctx.sscols * sctx.ssrows,sctx.sscols,sctx.ssrows); fprintf(stderr,"Each sprite is %d x %d\n", t->sprite_width,t->sprite_height); if (saveout_write_prologue(t,&sctx)) goto fioerr; if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 1) { for (sctx.ssrow=0;sctx.ssrow < sctx.ssrows;sctx.ssrow++) { sctx.spritenum = sctx.ssrow * sctx.sscols; for (sctx.sscol=0;sctx.sscol < sctx.sscols;sctx.sscol++,sctx.spritenum++) { if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx.fp,"%c",sctx.spritenum != 0 ? ',' : ' '); fprintf(sctx.fp,"{/*preshift*/\n"); } for (sctx.sspreshift=0;sctx.sspreshift < 8;sctx.sspreshift++) { unsigned char *dbits = bmp_tmp; /* use bmp_tmp[], this is why the size check */ unsigned int y,b; for (y=0;y < t->sprite_height;y++) { unsigned int shif = 0; unsigned int sr = t->upsidedown ? (t->sprite_height - 1 - y) : y; const unsigned char *sbits = (const unsigned char*)t->bmp + (sctx.sscol * ((t->sprite_width + 7u) / 8u)) + (((sctx.ssrow * t->sprite_height) + sr) * t->bmp_stride); b = sctx.bytesperrow; while (b >= 2) { b--; shif = (shif << 8u) + (((unsigned int)(*sbits++)) << (8u - sctx.sspreshift)); *dbits++ = shif >> 8u; } while (b >= 1) { b--; shif = (shif << 8u); *dbits++ = shif >> 8u; } } if (saveout_write_sprite(t,&sctx,bmp_tmp)) goto fioerr; } if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx.fp," }/*end preshift*/\n"); } } } } else if (t->preshift && t->preshift_inner == 0) { for (sctx.sspreshift=0;sctx.sspreshift < 8;sctx.sspreshift++) { if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx.fp,"%c",sctx.sspreshift != 0 ? ',' : ' '); fprintf(sctx.fp,"{/*preshift %u*/\n",sctx.sspreshift); } for (sctx.ssrow=0;sctx.ssrow < sctx.ssrows;sctx.ssrow++) { sctx.spritenum = sctx.ssrow * sctx.sscols; for (sctx.sscol=0;sctx.sscol < sctx.sscols;sctx.sscol++,sctx.spritenum++) { unsigned char *dbits = bmp_tmp; /* use bmp_tmp[], this is why the size check */ unsigned int y,b; for (y=0;y < t->sprite_height;y++) { unsigned int shif = 0; unsigned int sr = t->upsidedown ? (t->sprite_height - 1 - y) : y; const unsigned char *sbits = (const unsigned char*)t->bmp + (sctx.sscol * ((t->sprite_width + 7u) / 8u)) + (((sctx.ssrow * t->sprite_height) + sr) * t->bmp_stride); b = sctx.bytesperrow; while (b >= 2) { b--; shif = (shif << 8u) + (((unsigned int)(*sbits++)) << (8u - sctx.sspreshift)); *dbits++ = shif >> 8u; } while (b >= 1) { b--; shif = (shif << 8u); *dbits++ = shif >> 8u; } } if (saveout_write_sprite(t,&sctx,bmp_tmp)) goto fioerr; } } if (t->output_type == REC98_OUT_C) { fprintf(sctx.fp," }/*end preshift %u*/\n",sctx.sspreshift); } } } else { sctx.sspreshift = 0; for (sctx.ssrow=0;sctx.ssrow < sctx.ssrows;sctx.ssrow++) { sctx.spritenum = sctx.ssrow * sctx.sscols; for (sctx.sscol=0;sctx.sscol < sctx.sscols;sctx.sscol++,sctx.spritenum++) { unsigned char *dbits = bmp_tmp; /* use bmp_tmp[], this is why the size check */ unsigned int y,b; for (y=0;y < t->sprite_height;y++) { unsigned int sr = t->upsidedown ? (t->sprite_height - 1 - y) : y; const unsigned char *sbits = (const unsigned char*)t->bmp + (sctx.sscol * ((t->sprite_width + 7u) / 8u)) + (((sctx.ssrow * t->sprite_height) + sr) * t->bmp_stride); for (b=0;b < sctx.bytesperrow;b++) *dbits++ = *sbits++; } if (saveout_write_sprite(t,&sctx,bmp_tmp)) goto fioerr; } } } if (saveout_write_epilogue(t,&sctx)) goto fioerr; fclose(sctx.fp); return 0; fioerr: fclose(sctx.fp); return -1; } int rec98_bmp2arr_load_bitmap(struct rec98_bmp2arr_task *t) { unsigned char *tmprow = NULL; uint8_t xorval = 0; uint32_t srcstride; uint32_t offbits; uint32_t bisize; uint16_t bpp; uint32_t row; int fd; if (t == NULL || t->input_bmp == NULL) return -1; if (t->bmp != NULL) return -1; fd = open(t->input_bmp,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) return -1; if (lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET) != 0) goto fioerr; /* BITMAPFILEHEADER */ if (read(fd,bmp_tmp,14) != 14) goto fioerr; if (memcmp(bmp_tmp,"BM",2)) goto fioerr; offbits = le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+10)) ); /* endian.h little endian to host */ /* BITMAPINFOHEADER */ if (read(fd,bmp_tmp,40) != 40) goto fioerr; bisize = le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+0)) ); if (bisize < 40) goto fioerr; /* *sigh* GIMP has decided to export the larger header with NO option to emit the traditional 40-byte format */ t->bmp_width = le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+4)) ); t->bmp_height = le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+8)) ); if (t->bmp_width < 1 || t->bmp_height < 1 || t->bmp_width > 1024 || t->bmp_height > 1024) goto fioerr; if ( le16toh( *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+12)) ) != 1 /* biPlanes*/) goto fioerr; /* biCompression can be 0 (no compression) or 3 (BI_RGB) */ if (!(le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+16)) ) == 0 /* biCompression */ || le32toh( *((uint32_t*)(bmp_tmp+16)) ) == 3 /* biCompression */)) goto fioerr; bpp = le16toh( *((uint16_t*)(bmp_tmp+14)) ); if (!(bpp == 1 || bpp == 24 || bpp == 32)) goto fioerr; t->bmp_stride = srcstride = (((t->bmp_width * bpp) + 31u) & (~31u)) / 8u; /* 4-byte align */ #if TARGET_MSDOS == 16 if ((32768u / t->bmp_stride) < t->bmp_height) /* cannot fit into 32KB */ goto fioerr; #endif /* skip anything beyond the 40 byte header we expect */ if (bisize > 40) lseek(fd,bisize-40,SEEK_CUR); /* palette */ if (bpp == 1) { if (read(fd,bmp_tmp,4*2) != (4*2)) goto fioerr; /* in case of stupid editing programs that put the white color first */ if ((bmp_tmp[0]|bmp_tmp[1]|bmp_tmp[2])&0x80) xorval = 0xFF; } t->bmp = malloc(t->bmp_height * t->bmp_stride); if (t->bmp == NULL) goto fioerr; /* read bitmap bits. BMPs are upside-down */ if (lseek(fd,offbits,SEEK_SET) != offbits) goto fioerr; /* may need to convert to 1bpp from source */ #if TARGET_MSDOS == 16 if (srcstride >= 0xFFFFul) goto fioerr; #endif tmprow = malloc((unsigned int)srcstride); if (tmprow == NULL) goto fioerr; /* count: height-1 to 0 inclusive */ row = t->bmp_height - 1u; do { if ((uint32_t)read(fd,tmprow,(unsigned int)srcstride) != srcstride) goto fioerr; if (bpp == 1) memcpyxor(t->bmp + (row * t->bmp_stride),tmprow,(unsigned int)srcstride,xorval); else if (bpp == 24) memcpy24to1(t->bmp + (row * t->bmp_stride),tmprow,t->bmp_width); else if (bpp == 32) memcpy32to1(t->bmp + (row * t->bmp_stride),tmprow,t->bmp_width); } while (row-- != 0u); /* compare against post decrement to break out if it is zero */ if (tmprow) free(tmprow); close(fd); return 0; fioerr: if (tmprow) free(tmprow); close(fd); return -1; }