; Loads a song ([func] = SND_LOAD_SONG) or a sound effect bank ([func] = ; SND_LOAD_SE) into the respective work buffer of the sound driver. [fn] must ; not have any extension. Depending on snd_bgm_mode and snd_se_mode, the ; following file is loaded: ; • '[fn].m26' if SND_BGM_FM26 ; • '[fn].m86' if SND_BGM_FM86 ; • '[fn].mmd' if SND_BGM_MIDI ; • '[fn].efc' if SND_SE_FM ; • '[fn].efs' if SND_SE_BEEP (using master.lib's BGM driver) ; void __stdcall snd_load(int func, const char *fn) snd_load proc @@func = word ptr (cPtrSize + 2) @@fn = DPTR_ (cPtrSize + 2 + 2) push bp mov bp, sp push si xor si, si jmp short @@memcpy_cond @@memcpy_loop: les bx, [bp+@@fn] add bx, si mov al, es:[bx] mov snd_load_fn[si], al inc si @@memcpy_cond: cmp si, SND_LOAD_FN_LEN jl short @@memcpy_loop xor si, si @@strlen: inc si cmp snd_load_fn[si], 0 jnz short @@strlen mov (snd_load_fn+4)[si], 0 mov snd_load_fn[si], '.' inc si cmp [bp+@@func], SND_LOAD_SE jnz short @@song mov snd_load_fn[si], 'e' mov (snd_load_fn+1)[si], 'f' cmp snd_se_mode, SND_SE_OFF jz @@ret cmp snd_se_mode, SND_SE_BEEP jnz short @@FM_SE mov (snd_load_fn+2)[si], 's' call bgm_read_sdata pascal, ds, offset snd_load_fn jmp @@ret @@FM_SE: mov (snd_load_fn+2)[si], 'c' jmp short @@open @@song: cmp snd_bgm_mode, SND_BGM_OFF jz short @@ret push (KAJA_SONG_STOP shl 8) nopcall snd_kaja_func mov al, snd_bgm_mode mov ah, 0 shl ax, 2 mov bx, ax les bx, SND_LOAD_EXT[bx] mov al, es:[bx] mov snd_load_fn[si], al mov al, snd_bgm_mode mov ah, 0 shl ax, 2 mov bx, ax les bx, SND_LOAD_EXT[bx] mov al, es:[bx+1] mov (snd_load_fn+1)[si], al mov al, snd_bgm_mode mov ah, 0 shl ax, 2 mov bx, ax les bx, SND_LOAD_EXT[bx] mov al, es:[bx+2] mov (snd_load_fn+2)[si], al @@open: push ds mov dx, offset snd_load_fn mov ax, 3D00h int 21h mov bx, ax mov ax, [bp+@@func] cmp ah, KAJA_GET_SONG_ADDRESS jnz short @@PMD cmp snd_bgm_mode, SND_BGM_MIDI jnz short @@PMD int 61h jmp short @@read @@PMD: int 60h @@read: mov ax, 3F00h mov cx, 5000h int 21h pop ds mov ah, 3Eh int 21h @@ret: pop si pop bp ret 6 snd_load endp