.386 .model large SHARED_ locals include pc98kbd.inc include twobyte.inc include th04/hardware/input.inc extrn _key_det:word extrn _shiftkey:byte extrn js_stat:word extrn js_bexist:word extrn JS_SENSE:proc SHARED_ segment word public 'CODE' use16 assume cs:SHARED_ ; TH05 insists on only updating the affected byte, so... if GAME eq 4 OR_INPUT_LOW macro value or _key_det, value endm OR_INPUT_HIGH macro value or _key_det, value endm else OR_INPUT_LOW macro value or _key_det.lo, low value endm OR_INPUT_HIGH macro value or _key_det.hi, high value endm endif public _input_reset_sense _input_reset_sense label proc xor ax, ax mov _key_det, ax mov js_stat, ax public _input_sense _input_sense proc far xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_7] test ah, K7_ARROW_UP jz short @@down? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_UP @@down?: test ah, K7_ARROW_DOWN jz short @@left? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_DOWN @@left?: test ah, K7_ARROW_LEFT jz short @@right? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_LEFT @@right?: test ah, K7_ARROW_RIGHT jz short @@num6? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_RIGHT @@num6?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_9] test ah, K9_NUM_6 jz short @@num1? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_RIGHT @@num1?: test ah, K9_NUM_1 jz short @@num2? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_DOWN_LEFT @@num2?: test ah, K9_NUM_2 jz short @@num3? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_DOWN @@num3?: test ah, K9_NUM_3 jz short @@num4? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_DOWN_RIGHT @@num4?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_8] test ah, K8_NUM_4 jz short @@num7? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_LEFT @@num7?: test ah, K8_NUM_7 jz short @@num8? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_UP_LEFT @@num8?: test ah, K8_NUM_8 jz short @@num9? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_UP @@num9?: test ah, K8_NUM_9 jz short @@z? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_UP_RIGHT @@z?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_5] test ah, K5_Z jz short @@x? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_SHOT @@x?: test ah, K5_X jz short @@q? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_BOMB @@q?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_2] test ah, K2_Q jz short @@esc? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_Q @@esc?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_0] test ah, K0_ESC jz short @@return? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_CANCEL @@return?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_3] test ah, K3_RETURN jz short @@space? OR_INPUT_HIGH INPUT_OK @@space?: mov ah, byte ptr es:[KEYGROUP_6] test ah, K6_SPACE jz short @@shift? OR_INPUT_LOW INPUT_SHOT @@shift?: mov ah, 2 int 18h and al, 1 mov _shiftkey, al cmp js_bexist, 0 jz short @@ret call js_sense or _key_det, ax @@ret: if GAME eq 5 mov ax, _key_det endif retf _input_sense endp even SHARED_ ends end