; Everything here needs to be kept in sync with the C++ versions in ; gather.hpp! gather_t struc G_flag db ? G_col db ? G_center motion_t G_radius_cur dw ? G_ring_points dw ? G_angle_cur db ? G_angle_delta db ? if GAME eq 4 G_bullet_template bullet_template_t endif G_radius_prev dw ? G_radius_delta dw ? if GAME eq 5 G_bullet_template bullet_template_t endif gather_t ends gather_template_t struc GT_center Point GT_velocity Point GT_radius dw ? GT_ring_points dw ? GT_col db ? GT_angle_delta db ? gather_template_t ends GATHER_FRAMES = 32 GATHER_RADIUS_START = (64 shl 4) GATHER_COUNT = 16 if GAME eq 5 GATHER_CAP = 8 else GATHER_CAP = GATHER_COUNT endif