; ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) | ; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, | ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; Input MD5 : 5E401A5CD3D8D42DC67130359C42A7CF ; File Name : th05/ZUN.COM:MEMCHK (-M) ; Format : MS-DOS COM-file ; Base Address: 0h Range: 100h-237h Loaded length: 137h ; OS type : MS DOS ; Application type: Executable 16bit .186 .model tiny .code org 100h ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= public start start proc near mov bx, 567 shr bx, 4 add bx, 17 mov ah, 4Ah int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK) ; ES = segment address of block to change ; BX = new size in paragraphs shl bx, 4 mov sp, bx mov dx, offset aVavVVGbgcgugbg ; "あなたのメインメモリ空き容量は $" mov ah, 9 int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" mov bx, 0FFFFh mov ah, 48h int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY ; BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired mov di, offset aVVVVKctgvVIVVv ; "それでは頑張って下さいね☆\r\n$" cmp bx, 32500 jnb short loc_131 mov di, offset aVVxvVBagbgvgkv ; "ちょっと、メモリが足りないかも\r\nこのゲ"... mov byte_236, 0FFh loc_131: xor dx, dx mov ax, 16 mul bx mov cx, 10000 div cx mov cx, 10 call sub_15F mov ax, dx mov cx, 1000 call sub_15F mov dx, offset aGogcggvVV ; " バイトですの\r\n$" mov ah, 9 int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" mov dx, di mov ah, 9 int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" mov ah, 4Ch mov al, byte_236 int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT) start endp ; AL = exit code ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= sub_15F proc near pushf pusha mov bx, ax mov si, 10000 loc_166: xor dx, dx mov ax, bx div si mov bx, dx cmp cx, si jb short loc_17B mov dl, al add dl, '0' mov ah, 2 int 21h ; DOS - DISPLAY OUTPUT ; DL = character to send to standard output loc_17B: xor dx, dx mov ax, si mov si, 10 div si mov si, ax cmp si, 0 jnz short loc_166 popa popf retn sub_15F endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- aVavVVGbgcgugbg db 'あなたのメインメモリ空き容量は $' aGogcggvVV db ' バイトですの',0Dh,0Ah,'$' aVVxvVBagbgvgkv db 'ちょっと、メモリが足りないかも',0Dh,0Ah db 'このゲームは空きメインメモリは 520000 バイトは必要ですわ',0Dh,0Ah,'$' aVVVVKctgvVIVVv db 'それでは頑張って下さいね☆',0Dh,0Ah,'$' byte_236 db 0 end start