#include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "x86real.h" #include "pc98.h" #include "pc98kbd.h" #include "planar.h" #include "shiftjis.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/blitter.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/font.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/graph.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/grcg.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/page.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/palette.hpp" #include "platform/x86real/pc98/vsync.hpp" #include "th01/main/entity.hpp" #include "th01/sprites/pellet.csp" #include "Research/blitperf.csp" static const pixel_t SPRITE_W = 8; static const pixel_t SPRITE_H = 8; static const uint4_t SPRITE_COL = 2; typedef dot_rect_t(16, SPRITE_H) sprite_rect_t; #ifndef CPU #error CPU macro not defined #endif #define _(x) __(x) #define __(x) #x const char BANNER[] = "PC-98 blitting benchmark (" _(CPU) " build, " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")"; #undef _ #undef __ void banner_put(void) { puts(BANNER); for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(BANNER) - 1); i++) { fputs("\x86\x44", stdout); } puts(""); } // Low-level blitter variations // ---------------------------- const uint8_t DONT_CHECK_LOW = 0x1; const uint8_t DONT_CHECK_HIGH = 0x2; #define checked_row(dc, op) \ _AX = *reinterpret_cast(_SI); \ if((dc & DONT_CHECK_LOW) || _AL) { *((dots8_t __es *)(_DI + 0)) op _AL; } \ if((dc & DONT_CHECK_HIGH) || _AH) { *((dots8_t __es *)(_DI + 1)) op _AH; } \ _SI += _DX; \ _DI += ROW_SIZE; #define DEFINE_CHECKED(func, check) \ void write_16_##func(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) \ { \ blitter_body(plane_seg, sprite, checked_row, check, =); \ } \ \ void or_16_##func(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) \ { \ blitter_body(plane_seg, sprite, checked_row, check, |=); \ } DEFINE_CHECKED(check_first, DONT_CHECK_HIGH); DEFINE_CHECKED(check_second, DONT_CHECK_LOW); DEFINE_CHECKED(check_both, 0); // That assignment to DX might have an impact, who knows!1!! #define movs_body(ins, size, plane_seg, sprite) { \ register int16_t loops_unrolled = blit_state.loops_unrolled; \ _SI = FP_OFF(sprite); \ _SI += blit_state.sprite_offset; \ _DI = blit_state.vo; \ _BX = blit_state.loops_remainder; \ _asm { push ds; } \ _DS = FP_SEG(sprite); \ _ES = plane_seg; \ static_assert(UNROLL_H == 8); \ switch(_BX) { \ case 0: do { asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 7: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 6: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 5: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 4: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 3: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 2: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ case 1: asm { ins }; _SI += (2 - size);_DI += (ROW_SIZE - size); \ /* */} while(--loops_unrolled > 0); \ } \ _asm { pop ds; } \ } void movsb(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) { movs_body(movsb, sizeof(uint8_t), plane_seg, sprite); } void movsw(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) { movs_body(movsw, sizeof(uint16_t), plane_seg, sprite); } void naive_write( seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite, vram_byte_amount_t vram_w ) { const dots8_t far* sprite_p = ( reinterpret_cast(sprite) + blit_state.sprite_offset ); const pixel_t h = ( (blit_state.loops_unrolled * UNROLL_H) + blit_state.loops_remainder ); vram_offset_t vo = blit_state.vo; vram_byte_amount_t stride = (ROW_SIZE - vram_w); GRCGStaticColor grcg(GC_RMW); for(pixel_t y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(vram_byte_amount_t x = 0; x < vram_w; x++) { pokeb(plane_seg, vo, sprite_p[x]); vo++; } sprite_p += blit_state.sprite_w; vo += stride; } } void naive_write_8(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) { naive_write(plane_seg, sprite, sizeof(dots8_t)); } void naive_write_16(seg_t plane_seg, const void far* sprite) { naive_write(plane_seg, sprite, sizeof(dots16_t)); } // ---------------------------- // Blitting methods tested // ----------------------- inline void rotate(sprite_rect_t& shifted, screen_x_t& left) { _CX = left; _CX &= (BYTE_DOTS - 1); static_assert(SPRITE_H == 8); shifted[0] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][0], _CX); shifted[1] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][1], _CX); shifted[2] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][2], _CX); shifted[3] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][3], _CX); shifted[4] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][4], _CX); shifted[5] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][5], _CX); shifted[6] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][6], _CX); shifted[7] = __rotr__(sPELLET[0][0][7], _CX); } void near grcg_blit_preshifted(const Blitter __ds* b, screen_x_t left) { b->write(SEG_PLANE_B, &sPELLET[0][left & (BYTE_DOTS - 1)]); } void near grcg_rotate_and_blit(const Blitter __ds* b, screen_x_t left) { sprite_rect_t shifted; rotate(shifted, left); b->write(SEG_PLANE_B, &shifted); } void near raw_blit_preshifted(const Blitter __ds* b, screen_x_t left) { const sprite_rect_t& sprite = sPELLET[0][left & (BYTE_DOTS - 1)]; b->or(SEG_PLANE_B, &sprite); b->or(SEG_PLANE_R, &sprite); b->or(SEG_PLANE_G, &sprite); b->or(SEG_PLANE_E, &sprite); } void near raw_rotate_and_blit(const Blitter __ds* b, screen_x_t left) { sprite_rect_t shifted; rotate(shifted, left); b->or(SEG_PLANE_B, &shifted); rotate(shifted, left); b->or(SEG_PLANE_R, &shifted); rotate(shifted, left); b->or(SEG_PLANE_G, &shifted); rotate(shifted, left); b->or(SEG_PLANE_E, &shifted); } // ----------------------- // Test runs // --------- typedef void (* test_func_t)(const Blitter __ds*, screen_x_t); struct Sprite : public entity_topleft_t { void init() { left = ((rand() % (RES_X + (SPRITE_W * 2))) - SPRITE_W); top = ((rand() % (RES_Y + (SPRITE_H * 2))) - SPRITE_H); } void move() { left += 1; top += 1; if(left >= RES_X) { left = -SPRITE_W; } if(top >= RES_Y) { top = -SPRITE_H; } } }; Sprite sprites[14500]; enum option_type_t { OPT_SPRITE_COUNT, OPT_DURATION, OPT_SPRITE_COL, OPT_COUNT, OPT_INVALID = -1 }; struct Option { char cmd_c; const char* desc; uint16_t val; uint16_t min; uint16_t max; }; struct Test { Option opt[OPT_COUNT]; unsigned int slowdown; uint16_t frame; bool skip_locked; void frame_delay(unsigned int frames); void sprite_loop(test_func_t func); void run(bool grcg, const char* prompt, test_func_t func); void run(bool grcg_only); }; void Test::frame_delay(unsigned int frames) { if(vsync_count_16 != 0) { ++slowdown; } else { while(vsync_count_16 < frames) {} } if(frame != 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); } printf( "\xEB\xA0 %3d/%3d \xEB\xA1 %6lu", slowdown, (frame + 1), vsync_count_32 ); vsync_count_16 = 0; } void graph_clear(void) { GRCGStaticColor<0> grcg(GC_TDW); _ES = SEG_PLANE_B; _DI = 0; #if (CPU == 386) _CX = (PLANE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)); asm { cld; db 0x66, 0xF3, 0xAB; } // REP STOSD #else _CX = (PLANE_SIZE / sizeof(uint16_t)); asm { cld; rep stosw; } #endif } void Test::sprite_loop(test_func_t func) { Sprite near* sprite_p = sprites; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < opt[OPT_SPRITE_COUNT].val; i++) { const Blitter __ds* b = blitter_init_clip_lrtb( (sprite_p->left >> BYTE_BITS), sprite_p->top, ((SPRITE_W + PRESHIFT) / BYTE_DOTS), SPRITE_H ); if(b) { func(b, sprite_p->left); } sprite_p->move(); sprite_p++; } } void Test::run(bool grcg, const char* prompt, test_func_t func) { page_t page_back = 0; // Make sure we start at the very beginning of a frame while(vsync_count_32 < 1) {} vsync_count_16 = 0; vsync_count_32 = 0; slowdown = 0; printf("%s ", prompt); for(frame = 0; frame < opt[OPT_DURATION].val; frame++) { page_show(1 - page_back); page_access(page_back); graph_clear(); if(grcg) { GRCG grcg(GC_RMW); grcg.setcolor(opt[OPT_SPRITE_COL].val); sprite_loop(func); } else { sprite_loop(func); } const uint8_t skip_pressed = (peekb(0, KEYGROUP_1) & K1_TAB); if(peekb(0, KEYGROUP_2) & K2_Q) { exit(0); } if(skip_pressed && !skip_locked) { // Run the remaining simulation steps to ensure a consistent // starting point for each test while(++frame < opt[OPT_DURATION].val) { Sprite near* sprite_p = sprites; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < opt[OPT_SPRITE_COUNT].val; i++) { sprite_p->move(); sprite_p++; } } } else { frame_delay(1); } skip_locked = skip_pressed; page_back ^= 1; } } void Test::run(bool grcg_only) { /* */printf("\xEB\x9F" " GRCG "); run(true, "preshifted", grcg_blit_preshifted); run(true, ", runtime-shifted", grcg_rotate_and_blit); if(!grcg_only) { printf("\n\xEB\x9F" "4-plane "); run(false, "preshifted", raw_blit_preshifted); run(false, ", runtime-shifted", raw_rotate_and_blit); } puts(""); } // --------- Test t = {{ { 's', "Sprite count", 2000, 1, (sizeof(sprites) / sizeof(sprites[0])) }, { 'd', "Frames per test", 100, 1, 999 }, { 'c', "GRCG sprite color", 2, 0x1, 0xF }, }}; const Palette4 PALETTE = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7, 0x0, 0x7, 0x0, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7, 0x7, 0x7, 0x7, 0x0, 0x7, 0x7, 0x7, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4, }; int option_invalid(const char* argv0, const char* arg) { printf("%s: invalid option: %s\n", argv0, arg); return 1; } int __cdecl main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // Command line parsing // -------------------- Option* cur_opt = nullptr; for(int arg_i = 1; arg_i < argc; arg_i++) { const char* cur_arg = argv[arg_i]; if(cur_opt != nullptr) { uint32_t val_long; if(cur_arg[0] == '\0') { printf("%s: missing option for /%c\n", argv[0], cur_opt->cmd_c); return 2; } else if(sscanf(cur_arg, "%lu", &val_long) != 1) { printf( "%s: invalid value for /%c: %s\n", argv[0], cur_opt->cmd_c, cur_arg ); return 3; } else if((val_long < cur_opt->min) || (val_long > cur_opt->max)) { printf( "%s: value for /%c (%s) out of range (must be between %u and %u, got %s)\n", argv[0], cur_opt->cmd_c, cur_opt->desc, cur_opt->min, cur_opt->max, cur_arg ); return 4; } cur_opt->val = val_long; cur_opt = nullptr; } else if((cur_arg[0] == '-') || (cur_arg[0] == '/')) { if(cur_arg[2] != '\0') { return option_invalid(argv[0], cur_arg); } if(cur_arg[1] == '?') { banner_put(); printf("Usage: %s", argv[0]); {for(int i = 0; i < OPT_COUNT; i++) { printf(" [/%c %d]", t.opt[i].cmd_c, t.opt[i].val); }} puts("\n"); {for(int i = 0; i < OPT_COUNT; i++) { printf( "\t/%c\t%s (%u-%u)\n", t.opt[i].cmd_c, t.opt[i].desc, t.opt[i].min, t.opt[i].max ); }} return 0; } cur_opt = nullptr; {for(int i = 0; i < OPT_COUNT; i++) { if(tolower(cur_arg[1]) == tolower(t.opt[i].cmd_c)) { cur_opt = &t.opt[i]; } }} if(cur_opt == nullptr) { return option_invalid(argv[0], cur_arg); } } } // -------------------- printf("%s", "\x1B*"); banner_put(); {for(int i = 0; i < OPT_COUNT; i++) { printf("%s%s: %u", ((i >= 1) ? ", " : ""), t.opt[i].desc, t.opt[i].val); }} puts("\nCall with /? for options, hold Q to quit, or TAB to skip to the next test.\n"); srand(0); {for(uint16_t i = 0; i < t.opt[OPT_SPRITE_COUNT].val; i++) { sprites[i].init(); }} graph_show_16color_400line(); palette_show(PALETTE); vsync_init(); extern Blitter BLITTER_FUNCS[]; blit_func_t orig_dots8_write = BLITTER_FUNCS[ 8 / BYTE_DOTS].write; puts("Unchecked, MOV:"); t.run(false); puts("Unchecked, MOVS:"); BLITTER_FUNCS[ 8 / BYTE_DOTS].write = movsb; BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].write = movsw; t.run(true); BLITTER_FUNCS[ 8 / BYTE_DOTS].write = orig_dots8_write; puts("Checking first byte:"); BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].write = write_16_check_first; BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].or = or_16_check_first; t.run(false); puts("Checking second byte:"); BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].write = write_16_check_second; BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].or = or_16_check_second; t.run(false); puts("Checking both bytes:"); BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].write = write_16_check_both; BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].or = or_16_check_both; t.run(false); puts("Unchecked, unbatched, naive pure C implementation (no explicit register use):"); BLITTER_FUNCS[ 8 / BYTE_DOTS].write = naive_write_8; BLITTER_FUNCS[16 / BYTE_DOTS].write = naive_write_16; t.run(true); return 0; } void blitperf_startup(void) { font_gaiji_write( sBLITPERF, (sizeof(sBLITPERF) / sizeof(sBLITPERF[0])), 0x21 ); // Hide cursor fprintf(stdout, "\x1B[>5h"); } void blitperf_exit(void) { // Flush input _AX = 0x0C00; geninterrupt(0x21); // Show cursor fprintf(stdout, "\x1B[>5l"); } #pragma startup blitperf_startup #pragma exit blitperf_exit