CUSTOM_COUNT = 64 custom_t struc db 26 dup (?) custom_t ends ; Stage 2 star particles ; ---------------------- S2PARTICLE_COUNT = 64 s2particle_t struc flag db ? S2P_angle db ? pos motion_t zoom dw ? dw 5 dup (?) s2particle_t ends s2particles equ <_custom_entities> ; ---------------------- ; Alice's puppets ; --------------- PUPPET_COUNT = 2 PUPPET_W = 32 PUPPET_H = 32 PUPPET_HP = 500 puppet_t struc flag db ? PUPPET_angle db ? pos motion_t phase_frame dw ? radius_motion label word radius_gather label word dw ? PUPPET_patnum dw ? PUPPET_hp_cur dw ? ; _cur to avoid a collision with PUPPET_HP PUPPET_damage_this_frame dw ? dw ? puppet_t ends puppets equ <_custom_entities> puppet0 equ puppet1 equ ; --------------- ; Cheeto bullets ; -------------- cheeto_template_t struc db ? CBTMPL_angle db ? pos motion_t CBTMPL_age dw ? dw ? CBTMPL_col dw ? dd ? CBTMPL_speed db ? db ? cheeto_template_t ends cheeto_head_t struc flag db ? CBH_angle db ? pos motion_t dw ? dw ? CBH_sprite dw ? dd ? CBH_speed db ? db ? cheeto_head_t ends cheeto_template equ <_custom_entities> cheeto_heads equ <_custom_entities[1 * size cheeto_head_t]> ; -------------- ; Mai's and Yuki's 32×32 balls ; ---------------------------- B4BALL_COUNT = 63 B4BALL_W = 32 B4BALL_H = 32 b4ball_t struc flag db ? B4B_angle db ? pos motion_t B4B_age dw ? B4B_revenge dw ? B4B_patnum_tiny_base dw ? B4B_hp dw ? B4B_damaged_this_frame dw ? B4B_speed db ? db ? b4ball_t ends b4ball_template equ <_custom_entities> b4balls equ <_custom_entities[1 * size b4ball_t]> ; ------------------------------ ; Yumeko's swords ; --------------- SWORD_COUNT = 63 SWORD_W = 32 SWORD_H = 32 sword_t struc flag db ? SWORD_angle db ? pos motion_t twirl_time dw ? dw ? SWORD_patnum_tiny dw ? SWORD_decay_frames dw ? dw ? SWORD_speed db ? db ? sword_t ends sword_template equ <_custom_entities> swords equ <_custom_entities[1 * size sword_t]> ; --------------- ; Shinki's 32×32 balls ; -------------------- B6BALL_COUNT = 63 B6BALL_W = 32 B6BALL_H = 32 b6ball_t struc flag db ? B6B_angle db ? pos motion_t B6B_age dw ? cloud_radius dw ? B6B_patnum_tiny dw ? B6B_decay_frames dw ? dw ? B6B_speed db ? db ? b6ball_t ends b6ball_template equ <_custom_entities> b6balls equ <_custom_entities[1 * size b6ball_t]> ; -------------------- public _custom_entities _custom_entities custom_t CUSTOM_COUNT dup () custom_t ; 1 additional unused one, for some reason?