/* ReC98 * ----- * ZUN Soft logo used in TH01, TH02 and TH03 */ #include #include "platform.h" #include "pc98.h" #include "decomp.h" #include "th01/hardware/egc.h" #define CIRCLE_COUNT 4 #define STAR_COUNT 50 const char LOGO_FILENAME[] = "touhou.dat"; static char CIRCLE_COLORS[] = {4, 3, 2, 1}; char page_write; char page_show; char tone; char logo_patnum; char wave_len; char wave_phase; char wave_amp; char wave_padding; Point circle_pos[CIRCLE_COUNT]; Point star_pos[STAR_COUNT]; int frame; int circle_speed_x[CIRCLE_COUNT]; int circle_speed_y[CIRCLE_COUNT]; unsigned char star_angle; unsigned char star_speed[STAR_COUNT]; void graph_clear_both(void) { graph_accesspage(1); graph_clear(); graph_accesspage(0); graph_clear(); graph_showpage(0); } void zunsoft_init(void) { mem_assign_all(); graph_start(); key_beep_off(); text_systemline_hide(); text_cursor_hide(); egc_start(); graph_clear_both(); text_clear(); page_write = 0; page_show = 1; grc_setclip(96, 100, 543, 299); graph_hide(); super_entry_bfnt(LOGO_FILENAME); palette_show(); palette_black(); graph_show(); } void zunsoft_exit(void) { super_free(); graph_clear_both(); mem_unassign(); text_clear(); egc_start(); } void pascal vector2( pixel_t *ret_x, pixel_t *ret_y, unsigned char angle, pixel_t length ) { *ret_x = (length * (long)Cos8(angle)) >> 8; *ret_y = (length * (long)Sin8(angle)) >> 8; } void objects_setup(void) { int i; circle_pos[0].x = 128; circle_speed_x[0] = -8; circle_pos[0].y = 320; circle_speed_y[0] = 8; circle_pos[1].x = 256; circle_speed_x[1] = -8; circle_pos[1].y = 240; circle_speed_y[1] = 8; circle_pos[2].x = 384; circle_speed_x[2] = -8; circle_pos[2].y = 160; circle_speed_y[2] = 8; circle_pos[3].x = 512; circle_speed_x[3] = -8; circle_pos[3].y = 80; circle_speed_y[3] = 8; frame = 0; tone = 0; logo_patnum = 0; wave_len = 23; wave_phase = 0; wave_amp = 0; for(i = 0; i < STAR_COUNT; i++) { star_pos[i].x = rand() % 640; star_pos[i].y = rand() % 400; star_speed[i] = (rand() % 32) + 6; } star_angle = +0x40; } void circles_render_and_update(void) { int i = CIRCLE_COUNT - 1; while(i >= 0) { grcg_setcolor(GC_RMW, CIRCLE_COLORS[i]); grcg_circlefill(circle_pos[i].x, circle_pos[i].y, 96); circle_pos[i].x += circle_speed_x[i]; circle_pos[i].y += circle_speed_y[i]; if(circle_pos[i].x <= 32 || circle_pos[i].x > 607) { circle_speed_x[i] *= -1; } if(circle_pos[i].y <= 32 || circle_pos[i].y > 367) { circle_speed_y[i] *= -1; } i--; } grcg_off(); } void stars_render_and_update(void) { int i; grcg_setcolor(GC_RMW, 5); for(i = 0; i < STAR_COUNT; i++) { pixel_t dx, dy; grcg_pset(star_pos[i].x, star_pos[i].y); vector2(&dx, &dy, star_angle, star_speed[i]); star_pos[i].x += dx; star_pos[i].y += dy; if(star_pos[i].x < 0) { star_pos[i].x += 640; } else if(star_pos[i].x >= 640) { star_pos[i].x -= 640; } if(star_pos[i].y < 0) { star_pos[i].y += 400; } else if(star_pos[i].y >= 400) { star_pos[i].y -= 400; } } star_angle++; grcg_off(); } void wait(void) { do __asm { out 0x5F, al; in al, 0xA0; } while((_AL & 0x20) != 0); do __asm { out 0x5F, al; in al, 0xA0; } while((_AL & 0x20) == 0); } void logo_render_and_update(void) { if(frame < 50) { return; } if(frame < 90) { if(frame == 55 || frame == 60 || frame == 65) { logo_patnum += 2; } super_put_8(256, 192, logo_patnum+0); super_put_8(320, 192, logo_patnum+1); } else if(frame < 110) { super_wave_put(256, 192, logo_patnum+0, wave_len, wave_amp, wave_phase); super_wave_put(320, 192, logo_patnum+1, wave_len, wave_amp, wave_phase); wave_len--; wave_phase += 4; wave_amp += 4; } else if(frame < 130) { if(frame == 110) { logo_patnum += 2; } super_wave_put(256, 192, logo_patnum+0, wave_len, wave_amp, wave_phase); super_wave_put(320, 192, logo_patnum+1, wave_len, wave_amp, wave_phase); wave_len++; wave_phase += 4; wave_amp -= 4; } else if(frame < 170) { if(frame == 155 || frame == 160 || frame == 165) { logo_patnum += 2; } super_put_8(256, 192, logo_patnum+0); super_put_8(320, 192, logo_patnum+1); } } void main(void) { int keygroup, quit; // Do some setup if we are running on a PC-9821 __asm { xor ax, ax mov es, ax test byte ptr es:0x45C, 0x40 jz hw_setup_done } graph_mode_change(true); __asm { mov al, 0x20 out 0x6a, al } graph_mode_change(false); // Activate all graphics hardware in 16-color mode __asm { and byte ptr es:0x54d, 0x7f } hw_setup_done: zunsoft_init(); objects_setup(); while(1) { if(frame > 180) { if(tone <= 0) { break; } palette_settone(tone -= 2); } else if(tone < 100) { palette_settone(tone += 2); } grcg_setcolor(GC_RMW, 0); grcg_byteboxfill_x(12, 100, 67, 299); stars_render_and_update(); circles_render_and_update(); logo_render_and_update(); wait(); wait(); __asm { mov al, page_write mov page_show, al out 0xa4, al xor page_write, 1 mov al, page_write out 0xa6, al } quit = 0; for(keygroup = 0; keygroup < 8; keygroup++) { quit |= key_sense(keygroup); } if(quit) { break; } frame++; }; zunsoft_exit(); }