/* ReC98 * ----- * Code segment #1 of TH02's OP.EXE */ #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "x86real.h" #include "pc98.h" #include "master.hpp" #include "shiftjis.hpp" #include "libs/kaja/kaja.h" #include "th01/rank.h" #include "th01/math/clamp.hpp" extern "C" { #include "th01/hardware/grppsafx.h" } #include "th02/common.h" #include "th02/resident.hpp" #include "th02/hardware/frmdelay.h" #include "th02/hardware/grp_rect.h" extern "C" { #include "th02/hardware/input.hpp" } #include "th02/core/globals.hpp" #include "th02/core/zunerror.h" #include "th02/core/initexit.h" #include "th02/formats/cfg.h" extern "C" { #include "th02/formats/pi.h" #include "th02/snd/snd.h" } #include "th02/gaiji/gaiji.h" #include "th02/op/op.h" #include "th02/op/menu.hpp" #pragma option -d -a2 char menu_sel = 0; bool in_option = false; bool quit = false; char unused_1 = 0; // ZUN bloat static bool main_input_allowed; unsigned char snd_bgm_mode; static int unused_2; // ZUN bloat unsigned int idle_frames; unsigned char demo_num; resident_t __seg *resident_seg; menu_put_func_t menu_put; // Apparently, declaring variables with `extern` before definining them for // real within the same compilation unit causes Turbo C++ to emit *everything* // in a different order... really, I couldn't make this up. extern char extra_unlocked; extern unsigned int score_duration; void title_flash(void); void pascal score_menu(void); void pascal shottype_menu(void); void pascal musicroom(void); int cfg_load(void) { cfg_t cfg; const char *cfg_fn = CFG_FN; if(file_exist(cfg_fn)) { file_ropen(cfg_fn); file_read(&cfg, sizeof(cfg)); rank = cfg.opts.rank; snd_bgm_mode = cfg.opts.bgm_mode; bombs = cfg.opts.bombs; lives = cfg.opts.lives; resident_seg = cfg.resident; if(!resident_seg) { return 1; } resident = resident_seg; resident->reduce_effects = cfg.opts.reduce_effects; resident->debug = cfg.debug; file_close(); if(snd_bgm_mode == SND_BGM_OFF) { snd_fm_possible = false; snd_active = false; } else if(snd_bgm_mode == SND_BGM_FM) { snd_midi_active = false; snd_determine_mode(); } else { snd_midi_active = snd_midi_possible; snd_determine_mode(); } return 0; } return 1; } void cfg_save(void) { const char *cfg_fn = CFG_FN; cfg_t cfg; cfg.debug = 0; cfg.opts.rank = rank; cfg.opts.bgm_mode = snd_bgm_mode; cfg.opts.bombs = bombs; cfg.opts.lives = lives; cfg.opts.reduce_effects = resident->reduce_effects; file_create(cfg_fn); file_write(&cfg, offsetof(cfg_t, resident)); file_write(&resident_seg, sizeof(resident_seg)); file_write(&cfg.debug, sizeof(cfg.debug)); file_close(); } void text_wipe(void) { text_clear(); text_fillca(' ', TX_BLACK | TX_REVERSE); } void pascal near pi_load_put_8_free_to(const char near *fn, char page) { pi_load(0, fn); graph_accesspage(page); pi_palette_apply(0); pi_put_8(0, 0, 0); pi_free(0); } void op_animate(void) { // Sony Vegas calls this a "Barn Door" transition. int door_x; tram_y_t door_y; const char gbZUN[] = {gb_Z_, gb_U_, gb_N_, 0}; text_wipe(); snd_load("huuma.efc", SND_LOAD_SE); pi_load_put_8_free_to("op2.pi", 1); pi_load_put_8_free_to("op.pi", 0); pi_load(0, "opa.pi"); pi_load(1, "opb.pi"); pi_load(2, "opc.pi"); palette_white(); for(door_x = 0; door_x < 40; door_x++) { for(door_y = 0; door_y < 25; door_y++) { text_putca(39 - door_x, door_y, ' ', TX_WHITE); text_putca(door_x + 40, door_y, ' ', TX_WHITE); } palette_settone(200 - (door_x * 2)); frame_delay(1); } for(door_x = 40; door_x < 50; door_x++) { palette_settone(200 - (door_x * 2)); frame_delay(1); } palette_100(); if(resident->demo_num == 0) { door_x = 0; if(snd_midi_possible) { door_x = snd_midi_active; snd_midi_active = true; snd_load("op.m", SND_LOAD_SONG); } snd_midi_active = false; snd_load("op.m", SND_LOAD_SONG); snd_midi_active = door_x; } frame_delay(18); title_flash(); palette_white(); graph_accesspage(1); graph_gaiji_putc(548, 384, gs_COPYRIGHT, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(564, 384, 16, gbZUN, 0); graph_gaiji_putc(544, 380, gs_COPYRIGHT, 6); graph_gaiji_puts(560, 380, 16, gbZUN, 6); graph_copy_page(0); if(resident->demo_num == 0) { snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_PLAY, 0); } resident->demo_num = 0; palette_entry_rgb_show("op.rgb"); palette_white_in(6); } void pascal near start_init(void) { snd_se_play_force(13); frame_delay(20); resident->rem_lives = lives; resident->rem_bombs = bombs; resident->start_lives = lives; resident->start_bombs = bombs; resident->bgm_mode = snd_bgm_mode; resident->start_power = 0; resident->score = 0; resident->continues_used = 0; resident->unused_3 = 0; resident->unused_1 = 0; resident->demo_num = 0; resident->score_highest = 0; } inline void start_exec() { cfg_save(); pi_load(0, "ts1.pi"); text_clear(); shottype_menu(); snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_FADE, 15); gaiji_restore(); super_free(); game_exit(); if(resident->debug) { execl("select", "select", 0, 0); } else { execl("main", "main", 0, 0); } } void start_game(void) { start_init(); resident->rank = rank; resident->stage = 0; start_exec(); } void start_demo(void) { resident->rem_lives = 2; resident->rem_bombs = 3; resident->start_lives = 2; resident->start_bombs = 3; resident->bgm_mode = snd_bgm_mode; resident->rank = RANK_NORMAL; resident->continues_used = 0; resident->unused_3 = 0; resident->demo_num = demo_num; resident->shottype = 0; cfg_save(); text_clear(); pi_free(0); pi_free(1); pi_free(2); gaiji_restore(); super_free(); game_exit(); execl("main", "main", 0, 0); } void start_extra(void) { start_init(); resident->rank = RANK_EXTRA; resident->stage = 5; resident->rem_lives = 2; resident->rem_bombs = 1; resident->start_lives = 2; resident->start_bombs = 1; start_exec(); } #pragma option -d- #include "th02/gaiji/ranks_c.c" const unsigned char gbHIT_KEY[] = { gb_H_, gb_I_, gb_T_, gb_SP, gb_K_, gb_E_, gb_Y_, 0 }; const unsigned char gb7SPACES[] = { gb_SP, gb_SP, gb_SP, gb_SP, gb_SP, gb_SP, gb_SP, 0 }; const unsigned char gbSTART[] = { gb_S_,gb_T_,gb_A_,gb_R_,gb_T_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; inline char menu_extra_pos() { return 1; } const unsigned char gbEXTRA_START[] = { gb_E_,gb_X_,gb_T_,gb_R_,gb_A_,gb_SP,gb_S_,gb_T_,gb_A_,gb_R_,gb_T_, 0 }; const unsigned char gbHISCORE[] = { gb_H_,gb_I_,gb_S_,gb_C_,gb_O_,gb_R_,gb_E_, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbOPTION[] = { gb_O_,gb_P_,gb_T_,gb_I_,gb_O_,gb_N_, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbQUIT[] = { gb_Q_,gb_U_,gb_I_,gb_T_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbRANK[] = { gb_R_,gb_A_,gb_N_,gb_K_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbPLAYER[] = { gb_P_,gb_L_,gb_A_,gb_Y_,gb_E_,gb_R_, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbMUSIC[] = { gb_M_,gb_U_,gb_S_,gb_I_,gb_C_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbBOMB[] = { gb_B_,gb_O_,gb_M_,gb_B_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gbMUSIC_MODE[] = { gb_M_,gb_U_,gb_S_,gb_I_,gb_C_,gb_SP,gb_M_,gb_O_,gb_D_,gb_E_, 0 }; const unsigned char gbRESET[] = { gb_R_,gb_E_,gb_S_,gb_E_,gb_T_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const unsigned char gsRANKS[4][3] = { gs_EA, gs_SY, 0, gs_NOR, gs_MAL, 0, gs_HA, gs_RD, 0, gs_LUN, gs_ATIC, 0 }; const unsigned char gbcBGM_MODE[3][5] = { gb_O_, gb_F_, gb_F_, gb_SP, 0, gb_SP, gb_F_, gb_M_, gb_SP, 0, gb_M_, gb_I_, gb_D_, gb_I_, 0 }; #include "th02/shiftjis/op_main.hpp" #pragma option -d void pascal near main_put_shadow(void) { graph_gaiji_puts(284, 260, 16, gbSTART, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(236, 276, 16, gbEXTRA_START, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(268, 292, 16, gbHISCORE, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(276, 308, 16, gbOPTION, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(244, 324, 16, gbMUSIC_MODE, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(292, 340, 16, gbQUIT, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(212, 372, 16, gbRANK, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(308, 372, 16, gbcRANKS[rank], 0); } void pascal near main_put(int sel, tram_atrb2 atrb) { if(sel == 0) { gaiji_putsa(35, 16, gbSTART, atrb); } else if(sel == 2) { gaiji_putsa(33, 18, gbHISCORE, atrb); } else if(sel == 3) { gaiji_putsa(34, 19, gbOPTION, atrb); } else if(sel == 4) { gaiji_putsa(30, 20, gbMUSIC_MODE, atrb); } else if(sel == 5) { gaiji_putsa(36, 21, gbQUIT, atrb); } if(sel == 1) { if(extra_unlocked) { gaiji_putsa(29, 17, gbEXTRA_START, atrb); } else { gaiji_putsa(29, 17, gbEXTRA_START, TX_BLUE); } } gaiji_putsa(26, 23, gbRANK, TX_GREEN); gaiji_putsa(38, 23, gbcRANKS[rank], TX_GREEN); } void pascal near menu_sel_update_and_render(int8_t max, int8_t direction) { menu_put(menu_sel, TX_YELLOW); menu_sel += direction; if(!in_option && !extra_unlocked && menu_sel == menu_extra_pos()) { menu_sel += direction; } if(menu_sel < ring_min()) { menu_sel = max; } if(menu_sel > max) { menu_sel = 0; } menu_put(menu_sel, TX_WHITE); } void main_update_and_render(void) { static bool initialized = false; if(!initialized) { int i; main_input_allowed = false; initialized = true; text_clear(); graph_showpage(1); graph_copy_page(0); main_put_shadow(); graph_showpage(0); idle_frames = 0; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { main_put(i, menu_sel == i ? TX_WHITE : TX_YELLOW); } menu_put = main_put; } if(!key_det) { main_input_allowed = true; } if(main_input_allowed) { menu_update_vertical(6); if(key_det & INPUT_SHOT || key_det & INPUT_OK) { switch(menu_sel) { case 0: start_game(); break; case 1: start_extra(); break; case 2: score_duration = 2000; text_clear(); score_menu(); graph_accesspage(1); graph_showpage(0); pi_load_put_8_free(0, "op2.pi"); palette_entry_rgb_show("op.rgb"); graph_copy_page(0); graph_accesspage(0); initialized = false; break; case 3: menu_sel = 0; in_option = true; initialized = false; break; case 4: text_clear(); musicroom(); initialized = false; break; case 5: quit = true; break; } } if(key_det & INPUT_CANCEL) { quit = true; } if(key_det) { main_input_allowed = false; idle_frames = 0; } } if(idle_frames > 640) { start_demo(); } } void pascal near option_put_shadow(void) { graph_gaiji_puts(196, 260, 16, gbRANK, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(196, 276, 16, gbMUSIC, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(196, 292, 16, gbPLAYER, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(196, 308, 16, gbBOMB, 0); graph_putsa_fx(196, 324, 0, REDUCE_EFFECTS_TITLE); graph_gaiji_puts(284, 340, 16, gbRESET, 0); graph_gaiji_puts(292, 372, 16, gbQUIT, 0); } void pascal near option_put(int sel, tram_atrb2 atrb) { if(sel == 0) { gaiji_putsa(24, 16, gbRANK, atrb); gaiji_putsa(42, 16, gbcRANKS[rank], atrb); graph_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(336, 260, 128, 16); graph_gaiji_puts(340, 260, 16, gbcRANKS[rank], 0); } else if(sel == 1) { gaiji_putsa(24, 17, gbMUSIC, atrb); gaiji_putsa(47, 17, gbcBGM_MODE[(char)snd_bgm_mode], atrb); graph_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(376, 276, 64, 16); graph_gaiji_puts(380, 276, 16, gbcBGM_MODE[(char)snd_bgm_mode], 0); } else if(sel == 2) { gaiji_putsa(24, 18, gbPLAYER, atrb); gaiji_putca(49, 18, lives + 1 + gb_0_, atrb); graph_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(392, 292, 32, 16); graph_gaiji_putc(396, 292, lives + 1 + gb_0_, 0); } else if(sel == 3) { gaiji_putsa(24, 19, gbBOMB, atrb); gaiji_putca(49, 19, bombs + gb_0_, atrb); graph_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(392, 308, 32, 16); graph_gaiji_putc(396, 308, bombs + gb_0_, 0); } else if(sel == 4) { text_putsa(24, 20, REDUCE_EFFECTS_TITLE, atrb); text_putsa( 45, 20, REDUCE_EFFECTS_CHOICES[resident->reduce_effects], atrb ); graph_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(360, 324, 128, 16); graph_putsa_fx( 364, 324, 0, REDUCE_EFFECTS_CHOICES[resident->reduce_effects] ); } else if(sel == 5) { gaiji_putsa(35, 21, gbRESET, atrb); } else if(sel == 6) { gaiji_putsa(36, 23, gbQUIT, atrb); } } void pascal near snd_bgm_restart(void) { if(snd_bgm_mode == SND_BGM_OFF) { snd_fm_possible = false; snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_STOP, 0); snd_active = false; return; } else if(snd_bgm_mode == SND_BGM_FM) { snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_STOP, 0); snd_midi_active = false; snd_determine_mode(); snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_PLAY, 0); } else if(snd_bgm_mode == SND_BGM_MIDI) { snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_STOP, 0); snd_midi_active = snd_midi_possible; snd_determine_mode(); snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_PLAY, 0); } } inline void option_quit(bool &initialized) { menu_sel = 3; in_option = false; initialized = false; } // Circumventing 16-bit promotion inside comparisons between two 8-bit values // in Borland C++'s C++ mode... inline char option_rank_max() { return RANK_LUNATIC; } inline char option_bgm_max() { return SND_BGM_MIDI; } inline char option_lives_max() { return CFG_LIVES_MAX; } inline char option_bombs_max() { return CFG_BOMBS_MAX; } void option_update_and_render(void) { static bool input_allowed = false; static bool initialized = false; #define option_change(ring_direction) \ option_put(menu_sel, TX_YELLOW); \ switch(menu_sel) { \ case 0: \ ring_direction(rank, option_rank_max()); \ break; \ case 1: \ ring_direction((char)snd_bgm_mode, option_bgm_max()); \ snd_bgm_restart(); \ break; \ case 2: \ ring_direction(lives, option_lives_max()); \ break; \ case 3: \ ring_direction(bombs, option_bombs_max()); \ break; \ case 4: \ resident->reduce_effects = (true - resident->reduce_effects); \ break; \ } \ option_put(menu_sel, TX_WHITE); if(!initialized) { int i; input_allowed = false; initialized = true; text_clear(); graph_showpage(1); graph_copy_page(0); option_put_shadow(); graph_showpage(0); for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) { option_put(i, menu_sel == i ? TX_WHITE : TX_YELLOW); } menu_put = option_put; } if(!key_det) { input_allowed = 1; } if(input_allowed) { menu_update_vertical(7); if(key_det & INPUT_RIGHT) { option_change(ring_inc); } if(key_det & INPUT_LEFT) { option_change(ring_dec); } if(key_det & INPUT_SHOT || key_det & INPUT_OK) { switch(menu_sel) { case 5: rank = RANK_NORMAL; snd_bgm_mode = SND_BGM_FM; snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_STOP, 0); snd_midi_active = false; snd_determine_mode(); snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_PLAY ,0); lives = CFG_LIVES_DEFAULT; bombs = CFG_BOMBS_DEFAULT; resident->unused_2 = 1; resident->reduce_effects = false; option_put(0, TX_YELLOW); option_put(1, TX_YELLOW); option_put(2, TX_YELLOW); option_put(3, TX_YELLOW); option_put(4, TX_YELLOW); break; case 6: option_quit(initialized); break; } } if(key_det & INPUT_CANCEL) { option_quit(initialized); } if(key_det) { input_allowed = false; } } } int main(void) { unsigned char ret; if(snd_pmd_resident()) { snd_mmd_resident(); if(game_init_op()) { zun_error(ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 1; } extra_unlocked = cleardata_load(); if(cfg_load() == 1) { return 1; } } else { return 1; } gaiji_backup(); gaiji_entry_bfnt("MIKOFT.bft"); if(resident->demo_num == 0) { demo_num = 1; snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_STOP, 0); } else { demo_num = resident->demo_num + 1; if(demo_num > 3) { demo_num = 1; } score_duration = 350; score_menu(); graph_showpage(0); graph_accesspage(0); } key_det = 0; snd_active = snd_bgm_mode; if(!resident->demo_num && snd_midi_possible) { char midi_active = snd_midi_active; snd_midi_active = 1; snd_load("gminit.m", SND_LOAD_SONG); snd_kaja_func(KAJA_SONG_PLAY, 0); snd_midi_active = midi_active; } op_animate(); pi_load(2, "ts3.pi"); pi_load(1, "ts2.pi"); key_det = 0; idle_frames = 0; while(!quit) { input_sense(); if(in_option == false) { main_update_and_render(); } else if(in_option == true) { option_update_and_render(); } resident->frame++; idle_frames++; frame_delay(1); } ret = resident->op_main_retval; resident_seg = 0; cfg_save(); text_clear(); graph_clear(); game_exit_to_dos(); gaiji_restore(); return ret; }