#pragma option -k- #include "platform.h" #include "x86real.h" #include "libs/kaja/kaja.h" #include "th02/snd/se_impl.hpp" extern "C" { #if (GAME >= 4) #include "master.hpp" #include "th04/snd/snd.h" // MODDERS: Just replace with [snd_se_playing]. inline uint16_t for_current(void) { _BL = snd_se_playing; _BH ^= _BH; return _BX; } inline void driver_play(unsigned char &se) { _AL = snd_se_playing; if(snd_se_mode != SND_SE_BEEP) { _AH = PMD_SE_PLAY; geninterrupt(PMD); } else { _AH ^= _AH; bgm_sound(_AX); } } #else #include "th02/snd/snd.h" // MODDERS: Just replace with [snd_se_playing]. inline uint16_t for_current(void) { return snd_se_playing; } inline void driver_play(unsigned char &se) { _AH = PMD_SE_PLAY; _AL = se; geninterrupt(PMD); } #endif void DEFCONV snd_se_play(int new_se) { register int se = snd_get_param(new_se); if(!snd_se_active()) { return; } if(snd_se_playing == SE_NONE) { snd_se_playing = se; } else if(snd_se_priorities[for_current()] <= snd_se_priorities[se]) { snd_se_playing = se; snd_se_frame = 0; } } #if (GAME >= 4) #pragma codestring "\x90" #endif void snd_se_update(void) { if(!snd_se_active() || (snd_se_playing == SE_NONE)) { return; } if(snd_se_frame == 0) { driver_play(snd_se_playing); } snd_se_frame++; if(snd_se_priority_frames[for_current()] < snd_se_frame) { snd_se_frame = 0; snd_se_playing = SE_NONE; } } }