GAME = 1 reiidenconfig_t struc ; (sizeof=0x4B) id db 13 dup(?) ; = "ReiidenConfig" db ? rank db ? bgm_mode db ? ; 0 = off, 1 = FM bombs db ? start_lives_extra db ? ; Add 2 for the actual number of lives end_flag db ? unused_1 db ? route db ? ; 0 = E, 1 = n rem_lives db ? snd_need_init db ? unused_2 db ? mode db ? ; 0 = regular, 1 = test, 3 = debug bullet_speed dw ? rand dd ? score dd ? continues_total dd ? continues_per_scene dw 4 dup(?) bonus_per_stage dd 4 dup(?) ; of the current scene stage dw ? hiscore dd ? score_highest dd ? ; among all continues p_value dw ? reiidenconfig_t ends ; Text ; ---- FX_CLEAR_BG = 200h FX_UNDERLINE = 400h FX_REVERSE = 800h ; ---- ; Player ; ------ MISS_INVINCIBILITY_FRAMES = 150 ; ------ ; Bombs ; ----- BOMB_INVINCIBILITY_FRAMES_AFTER = 100 ; -----