; Already decompiled in th02\op_06.cpp, but we need to haul this around until ; we can insert the C version into TH03, TH04 and TH05. Everything here is ; identical in all 4 games. ; ... well, except for this. Even though TH05 does allocate space for 16 ; polygons in the BSS segment as well. if GAME eq 5 POLYGONS_RENDERED = 14 else POLYGONS_RENDERED = 16 endif public SCREEN_BACK_B_SNAP screen_back_B_snap proc near push bp mov bp, sp push si call hmem_allocbyte pascal, PLANE_SIZE mov _screen_back_B, ax xor si, si jmp short loc_A5DF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_A5CA: les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B add bx, si mov eax, es:[bx] mov es, _screen_back_B mov es:[si], eax add si, 4 loc_A5DF: cmp si, PLANE_SIZE jl short loc_A5CA pop si pop bp retn screen_back_B_snap endp public SCREEN_BACK_B_FREE screen_back_B_free proc near push bp mov bp, sp call hmem_free pascal, _screen_back_B pop bp retn screen_back_B_free endp public SCREEN_BACK_B_PUT screen_back_B_put proc near push bp mov bp, sp push si push di push ds mov ax, 0A800h mov es, ax assume es:nothing mov ax, _screen_back_B mov ds, ax xor di, di xor si, si mov cx, (PLANE_SIZE / 2) rep movsw pop ds pop di pop si pop bp retn screen_back_B_put endp polygon_build proc near var_3 = byte ptr -3 var_2 = word ptr -2 arg_0 = byte ptr 4 arg_2 = word ptr 6 arg_4 = word ptr 8 arg_6 = word ptr 0Ah arg_8 = word ptr 0Ch arg_A = word ptr 0Eh enter 4, 0 push si push di mov di, [bp+arg_A] sar [bp+arg_6], 4 mov [bp+var_2], 0 jmp short loc_A67F loc_A628: mov ax, [bp+var_2] shl ax, 8 cwd idiv [bp+arg_2] add al, [bp+arg_0] mov [bp+var_3], al if GAME ge 4 push [bp+arg_8] push [bp+arg_4] mov ah, 0 add ax, ax mov bx, ax push _CosTable8[bx] call vector1_at else mov ah, 0 add ax, ax mov bx, ax push _CosTable8[bx] push [bp+arg_4] push [bp+arg_8] call _vector1_at add sp, 6 endif mov bx, [bp+var_2] shl bx, 2 mov [bx+di], ax if GAME ge 4 push [bp+arg_6] push [bp+arg_4] mov al, [bp+var_3] mov ah, 0 add ax, ax mov bx, ax push _SinTable8[bx] call vector1_at else mov al, [bp+var_3] mov ah, 0 add ax, ax mov bx, ax push _SinTable8[bx] push [bp+arg_4] push [bp+arg_6] call _vector1_at add sp, 6 endif mov bx, [bp+var_2] shl bx, 2 mov [bx+di+2], ax inc [bp+var_2] loc_A67F: mov ax, [bp+var_2] cmp ax, [bp+arg_2] jl short loc_A628 mov bx, [bp+var_2] shl bx, 2 mov ax, [di] mov [bx+di], ax mov bx, [bp+var_2] shl bx, 2 mov ax, [di+2] mov [bx+di+2], ax pop di pop si leave retn 0Ch polygon_build endp polygons_update_and_render proc near push bp mov bp, sp push si cmp polygons_initialized, 0 jnz loc_A752 xor si, si jmp loc_A746 loc_A6B5: call IRand mov bx, 280h cwd idiv bx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_pos.x[bx], dx call IRand mov bx, 1900h cwd idiv bx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_pos.y[bx], dx call IRand and ax, 7 mov dx, 4 sub dx, ax mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.x[bx], dx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 cmp polygon_move_speed.x[bx], 0 jnz short loc_A70A mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.x[bx], 1 loc_A70A: call IRand and ax, 3 shl ax, 4 add ax, 20h ; ' ' mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.y[bx], ax call IRand mov polygon_angle[si], al call IRand and al, 7 mov dl, 4 sub dl, al mov polygon_rot_speed[si], dl cmp polygon_rot_speed[si], 0 jnz short loc_A745 mov polygon_rot_speed[si], 4 loc_A745: inc si loc_A746: cmp si, POLYGONS_RENDERED jl loc_A6B5 mov polygons_initialized, 1 loc_A752: xor si, si jmp loc_A88F loc_A757: push offset polygon_points mov bx, si shl bx, 2 push polygon_pos.x[bx] mov bx, si shl bx, 2 push polygon_pos.y[bx] mov ax, si and ax, 3 shl ax, 4 add ax, 40h push ax mov ax, si mov bx, 4 cwd idiv bx add ax, 3 push ax mov al, polygon_angle[si] push ax call polygon_build mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov ax, polygon_move_speed.x[bx] mov bx, si shl bx, 2 add polygon_pos.x[bx], ax mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov ax, polygon_move_speed.y[bx] mov bx, si shl bx, 2 add polygon_pos.y[bx], ax mov al, polygon_rot_speed[si] add polygon_angle[si], al mov bx, si shl bx, 2 cmp polygon_pos.x[bx], 0 jle short loc_A7D1 mov bx, si shl bx, 2 cmp polygon_pos.x[bx], 27Fh jl short loc_A7E3 loc_A7D1: mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov dx, 0FFFFh mov ax, polygon_move_speed.x[bx] imul dx mov polygon_move_speed.x[bx], ax loc_A7E3: mov bx, si shl bx, 2 cmp polygon_pos.y[bx], 1F40h jl loc_A879 call IRand mov bx, 280h cwd idiv bx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_pos.x[bx], dx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_pos.y[bx], 0F9C0h call IRand and ax, 0Fh mov dx, 8 sub dx, ax mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.x[bx], dx mov bx, si shl bx, 2 cmp polygon_move_speed.x[bx], 0 jnz short loc_A83E mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.x[bx], 1 loc_A83E: call IRand and ax, 3 shl ax, 4 add ax, 20h ; ' ' mov bx, si shl bx, 2 mov polygon_move_speed.y[bx], ax call IRand mov polygon_angle[si], al call IRand and al, 7 mov dl, 4 sub dl, al mov polygon_rot_speed[si], dl cmp polygon_rot_speed[si], 0 jnz short loc_A879 mov polygon_rot_speed[si], 4 loc_A879: push ds push offset polygon_points mov ax, si mov bx, 4 cwd idiv bx add ax, 3 push ax call grcg_polygon_c inc si loc_A88F: cmp si, POLYGONS_RENDERED jl loc_A757 pop si pop bp retn polygons_update_and_render endp public MUSIC_FLIP music_flip proc near push bp mov bp, sp call screen_back_B_put if GAME eq 5 call _piano_render endif call grcg_setcolor pascal, ((GC_RMW or GC_B) shl 16) + 15 call polygons_update_and_render if GAME ge 4 GRCG_OFF_CLOBBERING dx if GAME eq 5 call frame_delay pascal, 1 endif else call grcg_off endif graph_showpage _music_page mov al, 1 sub al, _music_page mov _music_page, al graph_accesspage al if GAME le 4 call frame_delay_2 pascal, 1 endif pop bp retn music_flip endp