/* ReC98 * ----- * Code segment #4 of TH02's OP.EXE */ #include #include #include "th02/th02.h" #include "master.hpp" #include "th02/hardware/frmdelay.h" #include "th02/gaiji/gaiji.h" char rank = RANK_NORMAL; int8_t rank_padding = 0; #include "th02/score.c" const unsigned char gbcRANKS[4][8] = { gb_SP, gb_E_, gb_A_, gb_S_, gb_Y_, gb_SP, gb_SP, 0, gb_N_, gb_O_, gb_R_, gb_M_, gb_A_, gb_L_, gb_SP, 0, gb_SP, gb_H_, gb_A_, gb_R_, gb_D_, gb_SP, gb_SP, 0, gb_L_, gb_U_, gb_N_, gb_A_, gb_T_, gb_I_, gb_C_, 0, }; const char *SHOTTYPES[] = {"高機動", "防御", "攻撃"}; int logo_step = 0; char need_op_h_bft = 1; int8_t need_op_h_bft_padding = 0; scoredat_section_t hi; char extra_unlocked; int8_t extra_unlocked_padding; unsigned int score_duration; #include "th02/scorelod.c" // Slightly differs from the same function in MAINE.EXE! void pascal near score_points_put(unsigned y, long points, unsigned atrb) { unsigned digit = gb_0_; long divisor = 10000000; long result; char putting = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result = divisor ? (points / divisor) % 10 : points % 10; divisor /= 10; digit = result + gb_0_; if(result) { putting = 1; } if(putting) { gaiji_putca((i * 2) + 26, y, digit, atrb); } } } void pascal near shottype_put(tram_y_t y, int type, int atrb) { text_putsa(48, y, SHOTTYPES[type], atrb); } void int_to_string(char *str, int val, int chars) { int divisor = 1; int c = 1; while(c < chars) { divisor *= 10; c++; } c = 0; while(c < chars) { int result = (val / divisor) % 10; str[c] = result + '0'; divisor /= 10; c++; } str[c] = 0; } void pascal near scoredat_date_put(tram_y_t y, int place, int atrb) { char str[6]; int_to_string(str, hi.score.date[place].da_year, 4); text_putsa(56, y, str, atrb); int_to_string(str, hi.score.date[place].da_mon, 2); text_putca(60, y, '/', atrb); text_putsa(61, y, str, atrb); int_to_string(str, hi.score.date[place].da_day, 2); text_putca(63, y, '/', atrb); text_putsa(64, y, str, atrb); } void pascal near scores_put(int place_to_highlight) { unsigned atrb = TX_WHITE; int i; gaiji_putsa(22, 2, gbHI_SCORE, TX_GREEN); gaiji_putsa(40, 2, gbcRANKS[rank], TX_GREEN); text_putsa( 8, 4, " お名前      得点    STAGE TYPE 日付", TX_GREEN ); for(i = 0; i < SCOREDAT_PLACES; i++) { ATRB_SET(i); gaiji_putsa(12, 7+i, hi.score.g_name[i], atrb); score_points_put(7+i, hi.score.points[i], atrb); if(hi.score.stage[i] != STAGE_ALL) { gaiji_putca(44, 7+i, hi.score.stage[i] + gb_0_, atrb); } else { gaiji_putca(44, 7+i, gs_ALL, atrb); } shottype_put(7+i, hi.score.shottype[i], atrb); scoredat_date_put(7+i, i, atrb); } for(i = 0; i < SCOREDAT_PLACES; i++) { ATRB_SET(i); if(i != 9) { gaiji_putca(9, 7+i, gb_1_ + i, atrb); } else { gaiji_putca(8, 16, gb_1_, atrb); gaiji_putca(10, 16, gb_0_, atrb); } } } void pascal near logo_render(void) { int i; screen_x_t x; screen_y_t y; grcg_setcolor(GC_RMW, 10); grcg_fill(); grcg_off(); logo_step++; #define RENDER(offset) for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { \ x = logo_step + (160 * i) + offset; \ x %= 640; \ y = (i * 100) - logo_step; \ while(1) { \ if(y < 0) { \ y += 400; \ } else { \ break; \ } \ } \ super_put_rect(x, y, 0); \ super_put_rect(x + 64, y, 1); \ } RENDER(0); RENDER(320); } void pascal score_menu(void) { int input_allowed = 0; char page = 0; scoredat_load(); graph_accesspage(0); graph_clear(); graph_accesspage(1); graph_clear(); if(need_op_h_bft) { need_op_h_bft = 0; super_entry_bfnt("op_h.bft"); } palette_entry_rgb_show("op_h.rgb"); grc_setclip(128, 96, 512, 304); grcg_setcolor(GC_RMW, 10); grcg_fill(); grcg_off(); scores_put(-1); logo_step = 0; graph_accesspage(0); page = 1 - page; graph_showpage(1); do { input_sense(); if(!input_allowed && !key_det) { input_allowed = 1; } else if(input_allowed == 1 && key_det) { break; } logo_render(); frame_delay(1); graph_accesspage(page); graph_showpage(page = 1 - page); } while(logo_step <= score_duration); key_det = 0; frame_delay(20); grc_setclip(0, 0, 639, 399); } int cleardata_load(void) { int game_clear_constants[SHOTTYPE_COUNT] = GAME_CLEAR_CONSTANTS; unsigned char extra_clear_flags[SHOTTYPE_COUNT] = EXTRA_CLEAR_FLAGS; int extra_unlocked = 1; int shottype; for(rank = 0; rank < 3; rank++) { scoredat_load(); if(hi.score.cleared != game_clear_constants[rank]) { cleared_game_with[rank] = 0; extra_unlocked = 0; } else { cleared_game_with[rank] = 1; } } rank = 3; scoredat_load(); for(shottype = 0; shottype < 3; shottype++) { if(hi.score.cleared & extra_clear_flags[shottype]) { cleared_extra_with[shottype] = 1; } else { cleared_extra_with[shottype] = 0; } } return extra_unlocked; }