.386 locals include libs/master.lib/master.inc include th02/main/hud/hud.inc include th04/main/hud/popup.inc include th02/score.inc include th02/gaiji/boldfont.inc SCORE_DIGIT_HIGHEST = SCORE_DIGITS - 1 ; Also ignoring the last digit. (= 61,110 points) SCORE_DELTA_FRAME_LIMIT = 6111 if SCORE_DELTA_FRAME_LIMIT ge 100000 .err "SCORE_DELTA_FRAME_LIMIT can't have more than 5 decimal digits" endif ; Declaring everything here rather than inside a segment avoids fixup ; overflows… yup. extrn _score_lebcd:byte:SCORE_DIGITS extrn _hiscore_lebcd:byte:SCORE_DIGITS extrn _hiscore_popup_shown:byte extrn _score_delta:dword extrn _score_delta_frame:dword extrn _FIVE_DIGIT_POWERS_OF_10:word extrn _hud_gaiji_row:byte:SCORE_DIGITS extrn _popup_id_new:byte extrn _popup_fp:word POPUP_UPDATE_AND_RENDER procdesc near if GAME eq 4 extrn _score_unused:byte extrn _temp_lebcd:byte SCORE_EXTEND_UPDATE procdesc near else _temp_lebcd equ _hud_gaiji_row endif ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main_01_TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16 assume cs:main_01_TEXT ; ============================================================================ ; Renders both the current and high score. In contrast to TH02, it also ; displays the continues digit. ; void pascal near hud_score_put(void); public HUD_SCORE_PUT hud_score_put proc pascal near @@gaiji_p equ bx @@score_p equ si @@y equ di push si push di mov @@score_p, offset _hiscore_lebcd[SCORE_DIGIT_HIGHEST] mov @@y, 4 @@lebcd_to_gaiji: mov cx, SCORE_DIGITS mov @@gaiji_p, offset _hud_gaiji_row @@digit_loop: mov al, [@@score_p] add al, GB_DIGITS mov [@@gaiji_p], al inc @@gaiji_p dec @@score_p loop @@digit_loop call gaiji_putsa pascal, HUD_X, @@y, ds, offset _hud_gaiji_row, TX_WHITE add @@y, 2 ; Put exactly two lines, high score at (56, 4), and current score at ; (56, 6). ; You might notice that @@score_p is only assigned once. Yes, the code ; assumes that @@score_p now points at the end of _score_lebcd, which in ; turn assumes it's placed exactly before _hiscore_lebcd in memory, with ; no padding. cmp @@y, 6 jz @@lebcd_to_gaiji ; And if that wasn't enough already, ZUN pops the registers in the wrong ; order. Good thing it doesn't matter for any caller of this function! ; ; This could have easily been fixed by either defining two (or better, ; three) LOCAL variables, or the USES directive if you *really* insist on ; using registers. Both of which would have automatically inserted the ; correct cleanup instructions before RET. Even in the 90's, "using an ; assembler" did very much *not* mean "having to manually spell out every ; instruction executed on the CPU"… pop si pop di ret hud_score_put endp ; ============================================================================ ; void pascal near score_update_and_render(void); public SCORE_UPDATE_AND_RENDER score_update_and_render proc near ; The TH04 version is functionally identical, just less optimized. if GAME eq 5 @@delta_remaining_word equ dx @@delta_remaining_char equ dl else @@delta_remaining_word equ cx @@delta_remaining_char equ cl endif mov eax, _score_delta or eax, eax jz short @@ret cmp _score_delta_frame, eax jbe short @@calculate_frame_delta mov word ptr _score_delta_frame, ax @@calculate_frame_delta: shr eax, 5 or eax, eax jnz short @@clamp_delta_to_frame_limit inc ax jmp short @@prefer_larger_delta @@clamp_delta_to_frame_limit: cmp eax, SCORE_DELTA_FRAME_LIMIT jbe short @@prefer_larger_delta mov ax, SCORE_DELTA_FRAME_LIMIT @@prefer_larger_delta: cmp word ptr _score_delta_frame, ax jnb short @@commit_frame_delta mov word ptr _score_delta_frame, ax @@commit_frame_delta: mov @@delta_remaining_word, word ptr _score_delta_frame jmp short @@update ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@render: cmp _hiscore_popup_shown, 0 jnz short @@subtract_frame_delta_and_render or al, al jz short @@subtract_frame_delta_and_render mov _hiscore_popup_shown, 1 mov _popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_HISCORE_ENTRY mov _popup_fp, offset popup_update_and_render @@subtract_frame_delta_and_render: mov eax, _score_delta_frame sub _score_delta, eax call hud_score_put if GAME eq 4 mov _score_unused, 0 call score_extend_update endif @@ret: retn ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- even @@update: push si push di if GAME eq 5 push ds pop es @@bcd_p equ di @@po10_p equ bx ; Since the delta can have at most 5 digits, we only have to work on the ; range from _temp_lebcd[4] (highest) to _temp_lebcd[0] (lowest). ; Zeroing the remaining 3 digits is simply more convenient to do in a ; single 32-bit instruction if _temp_lebcd[4] is also (unnecessarily) ; zeroed. mov dword ptr _temp_lebcd[4], 0 else @@bcd_p equ bx @@po10_p equ si endif mov @@bcd_p, offset _temp_lebcd[4] mov @@po10_p, offset _FIVE_DIGIT_POWERS_OF_10 if GAME eq 5 ; 4 divisions, the units place doesn't need a separate one. mov cx, 4 endif @@delta_to_bcd: mov ax, @@delta_remaining_word ; 16-bit DIV interprets DX:AX as a 32-bit divisor… xor dx, dx ; … and returns the remainder in DX, so we actually aren't losing ; anything here. div word ptr [@@po10_p] if GAME eq 5 add @@po10_p, 2 else mov @@delta_remaining_word, dx endif mov [@@bcd_p], al dec @@bcd_p if GAME eq 5 loop @@delta_to_bcd else add @@po10_p, 2 cmp word ptr [@@po10_p], 1 ja @@delta_to_bcd endif @@last_digit: mov [@@bcd_p], @@delta_remaining_char ; Obviously skipping the continues digit… mov si, offset _score_lebcd[1] ; … and the last one seen from there doesn't need special BCD treatment ; either. mov cx, SCORE_DIGITS - 2 ; Yes, completely unnecessary in TH05, considering the next instruction. xor ah, ah ; @@bcd_p == _temp_lebcd[0] @@add_next_digit_to_score: if GAME eq 5 movzx ax, byte ptr [@@bcd_p] else mov al, [@@bcd_p] endif add al, [si] aaa ; AL < 9, AH = carry mov [si], al inc @@bcd_p inc si ; Add the carry to next score digit. May now be 0Ah, but who cares, it's ; fixed via AAA on the next digit anyway… *except* if it's already the ; highest one, which is exactly where the infamous >100 million score ; glitch comes from. add [si], ah if GAME eq 4 mov ah, 0 endif loop @@add_next_digit_to_score mov al, [@@bcd_p] add [si], al ; Is this the high score? @@is_hiscore equ dl ; Never read, though if GAME eq 4 push ds pop es ; assume es:_DATA endif mov si, offset _score_lebcd[SCORE_DIGIT_HIGHEST] mov di, offset _hiscore_lebcd[SCORE_DIGIT_HIGHEST] xor @@is_hiscore, @@is_hiscore mov cx, SCORE_DIGITS cmp _hiscore_popup_shown, 0 jnz short @@hiscore_confirmed @@check_next_digit_for_hiscore: mov al, [si] cmp [di], al ja short @@hiscore_denied jb short @@hiscore_confirmed dec di dec si loop @@check_next_digit_for_hiscore @@hiscore_confirmed: ; Copy the remaining number of digits in CX, backwards (STD!) if GAME eq 5 cli endif std rep movsb cld if GAME eq 5 sti endif inc @@is_hiscore @@hiscore_denied: mov al, @@is_hiscore pop di pop si jmp @@render score_update_and_render endp main_01_TEXT ends end