; Fills the playfield around the 256×256 pixels starting at (64, 56) with the ; current GRCG tile. ; Assumes that the GRCG is set to TDW mode. public @REIMU_MARISA_BACKDROP_COLORFILL$QV public @MAI_YUKI_BACKDROP_COLORFILL$QV label @mai_yuki_backdrop_colorfill$qv near @reimu_marisa_backdrop_colorfill$qv proc near push di mov ax, GRAM_400 + (PLAYFIELD_TOP * ROW_SIZE) shr 4 mov es, ax assume es:nothing mov di, (55 * ROW_SIZE) + PLAYFIELD_VRAM_LEFT nop @@rows_next: mov cx, PLAYFIELD_VRAM_W / 4 @@rows_top_and_bottom: mov es:[di+(312 * ROW_SIZE)], eax stosd loop @@rows_top_and_bottom sub di, ROW_SIZE + PLAYFIELD_VRAM_W jge short @@rows_next mov ax, GRAM_400 + ((56 + PLAYFIELD_TOP) * ROW_SIZE) shr 4 mov es, ax assume es:nothing mov di, (255 * ROW_SIZE) + PLAYFIELD_VRAM_LEFT nop @@cols: mov es:[di+(320 / 8)], eax stosd mov es:[di+(320 / 8)], eax stosd sub di, ROW_SIZE + 8 jge short @@cols pop di retn @reimu_marisa_backdrop_colorfill$qv endp even