;tab 8 ; master library - Pi Format Graphic File Load ; ; Description: ; 16色のPi Format Graphic File を pack形式でメモリに読み込みます。 ; ; Function/Procedures: ; int graph_pi_load_pack(const char *filename,PiHeader *header, void far * * bufptr ); ; ; Parameters: ; char *filename ファイル名 ; PiHeader *header 情報格納用引数 ; void far ** bufptr 画像データの先頭アドレス格納先 ; ; typedef struct PiHeader PiHeader ; ; struct PiHeader { ; unsigned char far *comment; // この関数ではNULLがsetされるだけ ; unsigned int commentlen; ; unsigned char mode; ; unsigned char n; // aspect ; unsigned char m; // aspect ; unsigned char plane; // 通常は 4 ; unsigned char machine[4]; ; unsigned int maexlen; // machine extend data length ; unsigned char far *maex; // machine extend data ; unsigned int xsize; ; unsigned int ysize; ; unsigned char palette[48]; ; } ; ; ; Returns: ; NoError 成功 ; FileNotFound ファイルがない ; InvalidData Pi画像ファイルじゃない, ; ASPECT RATIOが0じゃない, 16色じゃない ; InsufficientMemory メモリ不足 ; ; Binding Target: ; Microsoft-C / Turbo-C / Turbo Pascal ; ; Running Target: ; NEC PC-9801 Normal mode ; ; Requiring Resources: ; CPU: V30 ; ; Compiler/Assembler: ; TASM 2.51 ; ; Note: ; コメントは、本関数を実行しただけでは読み込まれません。 ; 返り値は、画像の始まりを指しています。メモリブロックの始まりは ; そこより-(xsize*2)移動した位置にあります。 ; ; ★ ファイルが途中で切れている場合、展開結果は不正になります。 ; ★ エラーのときには bufptr の差すポインタの値は不定です。 ; ; Author: ; SuCa ; ; Rivision History: ; 93/10/13 initial ; 93/11/05 加速と、ヘッダー読み込みの追加 ; 93/11/21 Initial: grppilod.asm/master.lib 0.21 ; 93/11/24 展開後データを1byte 2pixel方式へ変更 (ちょっと加速) ; 93/12/ 7 [M0.22] palette幅変更, 拡張領域があるときの修正 ; 93/12/10 [M0.22] 引数と戻り値変更 ; 95/ 2/ 6 [M0.22k] 横幅が奇数のときに崩れていたので仮対応 ; 95/ 3/ 3 [M0.22k] 横幅が奇数のときのメモリ確保修正 ; 95/ 4/ 1 [M0.22k] mem_AllocID対応 BUFF_LEN EQU 1024*16 PI_EOF EQU 26 ; debug = 1 IFDEF ??version ; tasm check JUMPS WARN ENDIF ; TASM doesn't seem to support segment prefixes in these macros, and somehow ; parses them as duplicated definitions (???), resulting in a "symbol already ; defined elsewhere" error... ; for pi decode xwidth EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN] ywidth EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+2] gbuffer EQU dword ptr [BUFF_LEN+4] gbuffer_off EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+4] gbuffer_seg EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+6] gblast EQU dword ptr [BUFF_LEN+8] gblast_off EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+8] gblast_seg EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+10] ctable EQU BUFF_LEN+12 mode EQU byte ptr [BUFF_LEN+256+12] ; for bit_load handle EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+256+14] buff_p EQU word ptr [BUFF_LEN+256+16] bit_buf EQU byte ptr [BUFF_LEN+256+18] bit_len EQU byte ptr [BUFF_LEN+256+19] BUFFERBLOCK_SIZE = (BUFF_LEN+256+20) IFDEF debug public _dss,_ess,_dii,_sii _dss DW 0 _ess DW 0 _dii DW 0 _sii DW 0 _where DW -1 ENDIF _too macro regoff,regwrk,regseg local _toolabel or regoff,regoff jnz short _toolabel mov regwrk,regseg add regwrk,1000h mov regseg,regwrk even _toolabel: endm _tor macro regdst,regwrk,regseg,regoff,value local _torlabel mov regdst,regseg:[regoff-value] cmp regoff,value jnc short _torlabel push es mov regwrk,regseg sub regwrk,1000h mov regseg,regwrk mov regdst,regseg:[regoff-value] pop es _torlabel: endm _bitl macro local _nbbl_bil,_not_load_bilA push CX mov DH,0 mov DL,DS:bit_buf mov CL,DS:bit_len ;if (bl < sz) cmp CL,CH jnc short _nbbl_bil ;shl bl : byteload : sz -= bl : bl = 8 shl DX,CL mov SI,DS:buff_p cmp SI,BUFF_LEN jne short _not_load_bilA call _buffer_load even _not_load_bilA: mov DL,[SI] inc SI sub CH,CL mov CL,8 mov DS:buff_p,SI even _nbbl_bil: ;shl sz : bl -= sz xchg CL,CH shl DX,CL sub CH,CL mov DS:bit_buf,DL mov DS:bit_len,CH mov DL,DH mov DH,0 pop CX endm ; --------- 8bit load --------- _bitl8 macro local _not_load_bilA push CX mov SI,DS:buff_p cmp SI,BUFF_LEN jne short _not_load_bilA call _buffer_load even _not_load_bilA: mov DH,0 mov DL,[SI] inc SI mov DS:buff_p,SI mov CL,DS:bit_len sub CL,8 ; CL = 8 - bitlen neg CL shl DX,CL xchg DL,DS:bit_buf or DL,DH mov DH,0 pop CX endm ; IN ; DH = 0 ; DL = bit_buf ; CL = DS:bit_len ; OUT ; cy = LOAD VALUE ; DL = bit_buf ; BREAK ; DX SI ; ; 1bit load (連続使用用) _bitl1 macro local _nbbl_bil,_not_load_bilA ;if (bl < sz) dec CL jns short _nbbl_bil ;shl bl : byteload : sz -= bl : bl = 8 mov SI,DS:buff_p cmp SI,BUFF_LEN jne short _not_load_bilA call _buffer_load even _not_load_bilA: mov DL,[SI] inc SI mov CL,7 mov DS:buff_p,SI even _nbbl_bil: ;shl sz : bl -= sz shl DL,1 endm EVEN retfunc _errorA ; in: AX=error code pop DI pop SI pop BP push seg DGROUP pop DS stc ret (DATASIZE+DATASIZE+DATASIZE)*2 endfunc func GRAPH_PI_LOAD_PACK ; graph_pi_load_pack() { push BP mov BP,SP push SI push DI CLD ; 引数 @@filename = (RETSIZE+1+DATASIZE+DATASIZE)*2 @@header = (RETSIZE+1+DATASIZE)*2 @@bufptr = (RETSIZE+1)*2 ; file open if LDATA push word ptr [bp+@@filename+2] endif push word ptr [bp+@@filename] nopcall DOS_ROPEN jc _errorA mov BX,AX ; handle ; load buffer allocate push offset BUFFERBLOCK_SIZE nopcall SMEM_WGET jc _errorA mov DS,AX ; data segment mov DS:handle,BX mov DS:bit_buf,0 mov DS:bit_len,0 mov CX,BUFF_LEN xor DX,DX mov DS:buff_p,DX mov AH,3fh int 21h ; buffer load ; color table initialize mov AX,DS mov ES,AX mov AX,1 mov CX,16 mov DI,OFFSET ctable even _ctinit_loop: and AL,15 stosb inc AL inc AH test AH,00001111b jnz short _ctinit_loop inc AL loop short _ctinit_loop ; header read ; Pi CHECK mov AX,InvalidData call byte_load cmp DL,'P' jnz _errorA call byte_load cmp DL,'i' jnz _errorA _les DI,[BP+@@header] s_mov AX, s_mov ES,AX xor AX,AX stosw stosw dec AX _comment_skip: inc AX call byte_load cmp DL,PI_EOF jnz _comment_skip stosw _dummy_skip: call byte_load or DL,DL jnz _dummy_skip ; MODE call byte_load mov AL,DL stosb mov DS:mode,AL ; ASPECT RATIO call byte_load mov AH,DL call byte_load mov AL,DL stosw test AX,AX mov AX,InvalidData jz short GRPPILOD_COLOR jmp _errorA GRPPILOD_COLOR: call byte_load cmp DL,4 ; 色数=16色? jz short GRPPILOD_MACHINE_INFORMATION jmp _errorA GRPPILOD_MACHINE_INFORMATION: mov AL,DL stosb call byte_load mov AL,DL call byte_load mov AH,DL stosw call byte_load mov AL,DL call byte_load mov AH,DL stosw call byte_load mov AH,DL call byte_load mov AL,DL stosw mov BX,AX ; BX = minfo length xor AX,AX stosw ; 拡張データ offset=0 push DS push AX push BX push seg DGROUP pop DS mov mem_AllocID,MEMID_pi nopcall HMEM_LALLOCATE ; minfo buffer pop DS stosw ; 拡張データ segment jc short _minfo_skipB push ES push DI mov ES,AX xor DI,DI even _minfo_skipA: call byte_load mov AL,DL stosb dec BX jnz short _minfo_skipA pop DI pop ES even _minfo_skipB: ; PICTURE WIDTH call byte_load mov AH,DL call byte_load mov AL,DL stosw mov DS:xwidth,AX mov BX,AX call byte_load mov AH,DL call byte_load mov AL,DL stosw mov DS:ywidth,AX ;GBUFFER ALLOCATE ;inc BX ; (xwidthが奇数の場合への考慮) ;shr BX,1 ; half size (1byte = 2pixel) add AX,2 mul BX ; BX = xwidth, DXAX = xwidth * (ywidth+2) shr DX,1 rcr AX,1 ; 2で割る push DS push DX ; ←hmem_lallocate()の引数 push AX shl DX,12 ; long to segment (gblast用) mov DS:gblast_off,AX ; 終了アドレス mov DS:gblast_seg,DX push seg DGROUP pop DS mov mem_AllocID,MEMID_pi nopcall HMEM_LALLOCATE ; 画像領域の確保 pop DS mov BX,AX mov AX,InsufficientMemory jnb short GRPPILOD_SET_PTRS jmp _errorA GRPPILOD_SET_PTRS: mov AX,BX mov DS:gbuffer_off,0 mov DS:gbuffer_seg,AX add DS:gblast_seg,AX ; add top address (segment) mov CX,DS:xwidth ;add CX,gbuffer_off _push ES _les BX,[BP+@@bufptr] mov ES:[BX],CX mov ES:[BX+2],AX ; gbuffer_seg _pop ES ;PALETTE shl DS:mode,1 jc short _palette_skip mov BL,48 even _palette_load: call byte_load mov AL,DL stosb dec BL jnz short _palette_load even _palette_skip: ;header read end ;decode pi data xor BL,BL call _read_color mov BL,DL mov AL,DL shl AL,4 call _read_color or AL,DL les DI,DS:gbuffer mov CX,DS:xwidth rep stosb ; fill 2 line mov CL,-1 ;主ループ CL == 前回位置データ ES:DI == gbuffer even _main_decode_loopA: ; position decode mov CH,2 _bitl mov BL,DL cmp DL,3 jnz short _position_decode_skip push CX mov DL,DS:bit_buf mov CL,DS:bit_len mov DH,0 _bitl1 mov DS:bit_buf,DL mov DS:bit_len,CL adc BL,0 pop CX even _position_decode_skip: cmp BL,CL jnz short _decode_forkA ;分岐先A _tor BL,AX,ES,DI,1 and BL,0fh even _decode_loopA: call _read_color mov BL,DL mov AL,DL shl AL,4 call _read_color mov BL,DL or AL,DL stosb _too DI,AX,ES ;IFDEF debug ; mov [_where],0 ; call _debug ;ENDIF mov DL,DS:bit_buf mov CL,DS:bit_len mov DH,0 _bitl1 mov DS:bit_buf,DL mov DS:bit_len,CL jc short _decode_loopA mov CL,-1 jmp _end_checkB ; 分岐先B BP:DX = length even _decode_forkA: ; BL = position mov BH,0 xor BP,BP mov AX,1 ; length mov DL,DS:bit_buf mov CL,DS:bit_len even loop_rlA: inc BH ; count number of bit length _bitl1 jc short loop_rlA mov DS:bit_buf,DL mov DS:bit_len,CL mov DH,0 dec BH jnz short GRPPILOD_LENGTH_CONTEXT jmp end_rlA GRPPILOD_LENGTH_CONTEXT: IF 1 cmp BH,8 ; read length context jl short skip_rlB mov CX,BP even rlA1: _bitl8 mov CH,CL mov CL,AH mov AH,AL mov AL,DL sub BH,8 cmp BH,8 jg short rlA1 mov BP,CX even skip_rlB: mov CH,BH _bitl mov CL,CH mov DH,AH shl AX,CL or AL,DL mov DL,0 rol DX,CL mov DH,0 shl BP,CL or BP,DX ELSE even loop_rlB: mov CH,BH sub BH,8 jc short skip_rlB mov CH,8 even skip_rlB: _bitl mov CL,CH mov CH,0 even loop_rlC: shl AX,1 rcl BP,1 loop short loop_rlC or AL,DL cmp BH,0 jg short loop_rlB ENDIF even end_rlA: mov CX,AX test BL,BL jnz short GRPPILOD_POSITION jmp _position_zero ; position: 0 前の2dotが同じ色なら2dot左 ; 違う色なら4dot左 GRPPILOD_POSITION: mov BH,0 ; BH = pixel position mov AX,DS:xwidth cmp BL,1 je short _ssC ; position: 1 1line上の2dot cmp BL,2 jne short _ssB shl AX,1 ; position: 2 2line上の2dot adc BH,BH jmp short _ssC even _ssB: ; position: 3 or 4 1line上の1dot{右,左}の2dot dec AX cmp BL,3 je short _ssC add AX,2 ; position: 4 1line上の1dot左の2dot even _ssC: ; in: AX=address offset, BH=pixel offset(0or1) push DS shr BH,1 rcr AX,1 sbb BH,BH mov SI,DI sbb SI,AX ; ds:si = reference address mov DX,ES jnb short _nbs0 sub DX,1000h even _nbs0: mov DS,DX or BH,BH jnz short _slAB even _slAA: ; pixel position equal byte arign IF 1 mov AX,CX ; AX = original length _slAA0: mov CX,SI cmp SI,DI ja short _slAA1 mov CX,DI _slAA1: neg CX test AX,AX jz short _slAA2 sub CX,AX sbb DX,DX and CX,DX add CX,AX ; CX = min(SI,DI,CX) _slAA2: sub AX,CX ; AX = (last CX) - new CX rep movsb _too DI,CX,ES _too SI,CX,DS test AX,AX jnz short _slAA0 ELSE movsb _too DI,AX,ES _too SI,AX,DS loop short _slAA sub BP,1 jnc short _slAA ENDIF pop DS jmp _end_check even _slAB: ; pixel position not equal byte align ;IFDEF debug ; mov [SS:_where],4 ; call _debug ;ENDIF lodsb mov AH,AL _too SI,BP,DS mov AL,[SI] shr AX,4 stosb _too DI,AX,ES loop short _slAB pop DS jmp short _end_check even _position_zero: ; position type zero( left 2 or 4 ) _tor DL,AX,ES,DI,1 ; read left 2pixel -> DL mov AL,DL ror DL,4 cmp AL,DL jne short _length_four even _slB: ;IFDEF debug ; mov [_where],2 ; mov dl,al ; call _debug ;ENDIF stosb _too DI,DX,ES loop short _slB sub BP,1 jnc short _slB jmp short _end_check even _length_four: mov BH,AL _tor DL,AX,ES,DI,2 even _slC: ;IFDEF debug ; mov [_where],3 ; call _debug ;ENDIF mov AL,DL stosb _too DI,AX,ES loop short _slD sub BP,1 jc short _end_check even _slD: mov AL,BH stosb _too DI,AX,ES loop short _slC sub BP,1 jnc short _slC even _end_check: mov CL,BL even _end_checkB: cmp DS:gblast_off,DI jbe short _end_checkC jmp _main_decode_loopA _end_checkC: mov AX,ES cmp DS:gblast_seg,AX jbe short @@file_close jmp _main_decode_loopA @@file_close: mov AH,3eh mov BX,DS:handle int 21h push DS mov BX,seg DGROUP mov DS,BX nopcall SMEM_RELEASE ; ←全レジスタ保存だから clc mov AX,NoError pop DI pop SI pop BP ret (DATASIZE+DATASIZE+DATASIZE)*2 endfunc ; } ; IN ; BL = いちどっと左の色 ; OUT ; DL = 色 ; BREAK ; DL even _read_color proc near push AX push BX push CX ; 色符号の解読(前半) xor AX,AX mov DL,DS:bit_buf mov CL,DS:bit_len _bitl1 jc short _skip_rc add AL,2 _bitl1 jnc short _skip_rc add AL,2 inc AH _bitl1 jnc short _skip_rc add AL,4 inc AH even _skip_rc: mov DS:bit_buf,DL mov DS:bit_len,CL ; 色符号の解読(後半) mov CH,AH inc CH _bitl add AL,DL xor AL,15 ; 色表のアドレス算定 mov AH,0 mov BH,0 shl BX,4 add BX,OFFSET ctable add BX,AX ; 色表の更新と色の読みだし mov CX,15 mov DH,0 mov DL,[BX] sub CX,AX jne short _loop_rcA pop CX pop BX pop AX ret even _loop_rcA: ; 色を参照したので、そのデータを先頭に浮上 mov AL,[BX+1] mov [BX],AL inc BX loop short _loop_rcA mov [BX],DL pop CX pop BX pop AX ret _read_color endp ; IN ; OUT ; DH = 0 ; DL = LOAD VALUE(Signed char) ; BREAK ; DX SI even byte_load proc near _bitl8 ret byte_load endp even _buffer_load proc near pusha ; (DX CX BX AX) mov AH,3fh mov BX,DS:handle mov CX,BUFF_LEN xor DX,DX int 21h popa xor SI,SI ret _buffer_load endp IFDEF debug EXTRN C printf:CALLMODEL _debug proc near pusha push ds push es push AX mov AX,@data mov DS,AX pop AX ; s_ ; l_ s_ l_ pop es pop ds popa ret _debug endp .data ; dbg db "ese %04X SI %04X AX %04X BX %04X CX %04X DX %04X wh %d",10,0 dbg db "ES %04X DI %04X DS %04X SI %04X CX %04X BP %04X BX %04X DX %04X wh %d",10,0 ENDIF