[Decompilation] [th05] Shinki's 32×32 balls: Update function

Completes P0188, funded by [Anonymous] and nrook.
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2022-03-24 23:09:23 +01:00
parent adffa1ccf9
commit e881f95ce1
4 changed files with 70 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -2,16 +2,22 @@
#include "platform.h"
#include "pc98.h"
#include "th01/math/overlap.hpp"
#include "th01/math/subpixel.hpp"
#include "th04/math/motion.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include "th04/math/vector.hpp"
#include "th04/main/playfld.hpp"
#include "th04/main/player/player.hpp"
#include "th04/main/bullet/clearzap.hpp"
#include "th05/sprites/main_pat.h"
#include "th05/main/playperf.hpp"
#include "th05/main/custom.h"
#include "th05/main/bullet/b6ball.hpp"
inline void optimization_barrier(void) {}
void near b6balls_add(void)
subpixel_t speed = playperf_speedtune(b6ball_template.speed);
@ -29,3 +35,63 @@ void near b6balls_add(void)
void near b6balls_update(void)
b6ball_t near *p;
int i;
for((p = b6balls, i = 1); i < (1 + B6BALL_COUNT); (i++, p++)) {
if(p->flag == B6BF_FREE) {
if(p->flag == B6BF_CLOUD) {
p->cloud_radius -= 2.0f;
if(p->cloud_radius.v < to_sp(B6BALL_W / 2)) {
static_cast<unsigned char>(p->flag)++;
} else {
if(bullet_clear_time || bullet_zap.active) {
p->flag = B6BF_DECAY;
/* DX:AX = */ p->pos.update_seg3();
if(!playfield_encloses(_AX, _DX, B6BALL_W, B6BALL_H)) {
p->flag = B6BF_FREE;
} else if(p->flag != B6BF_DECAY) {
_AX -= player_pos.cur.x.v;
_DX -= player_pos.cur.y.v;
_AX, _DX, to_sp(B6BALL_W / 2), to_sp(B6BALL_H / 2)
)) {
player_is_hit = true;
p->flag = B6BF_DECAY;
} else if(p->patnum_tiny < PAT_DECAY_B6BALL) {
// Rather brave to assume that the regular patnums of this entity
// can't be smaller. You know how you properly DRY decay state
// initialization? By moving it into a function...
p->patnum_tiny = PAT_DECAY_B6BALL;
p->pos.velocity.x.v /= 2;
p->pos.velocity.y.v /= 2;
p->decay_frames = 0;
} else /* if(p->flag == B6BF_DECAY) */ {
if((p->decay_frames % 4) == 0) {
if(p->patnum_tiny >= (PAT_DECAY_B6BALL_last + 1)) {
p->flag = B6BF_FREE;

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ typedef struct {
b6ball_flag_t flag;
unsigned char angle; // unused
PlayfieldMotion pos;
unsigned int age;
unsigned int age; // unused and broken, because it's never reset
Subpixel cloud_radius;
int patnum_tiny;
int decay_frames;
@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ typedef struct {
// Spawns a new ball bullet according to the [b6ball_template].
void near b6balls_add();
void pascal near b6balls_update();
void near b6balls_update();
void pascal near b6balls_render();

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@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
b6balls_update proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov si, offset b6balls
mov di, 1
jmp @@more?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp [si+b6ball_t.flag], 0
jz @@next
cmp [si+b6ball_t.flag], 1
jnz short @@no_cloud
sub [si+b6ball_t.cloud_radius], (2 shl 4)
cmp [si+b6ball_t.cloud_radius], ((B6BALL_W / 2) shl 4)
jge @@next
inc [si+b6ball_t.flag]
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 0
jnz short @@decay
cmp _bullet_zap_active, 0
jz short @@motion_update
mov [si+b6ball_t.flag], 3
inc [si+b6ball_t.B6B_age]
lea ax, [si+b6ball_t.pos.cur]
call @PlayfieldMotion@update_seg3$qv pascal, ax
cmp ax, (-16 shl 4)
jle short @@clip
cmp ax, ((PLAYFIELD_W + 16) shl 4)
jge short @@clip
cmp dx, (-16 shl 4)
jle short @@clip
cmp dx, ((PLAYFIELD_H + 16) shl 4)
jl short @@hitbox_active_or_already_decaying?
jmp short @@remove
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp [si+b6ball_t.flag], 3
jz short @@in_decay_state
sub ax, _player_pos.cur.x
sub dx, _player_pos.cur.y
add ax, 8 * 16
cmp ax, 16 * 16
ja short @@not_hitting_player
add dx, 8 * 16
cmp dx, 16 * 16
ja short @@not_hitting_player
mov _player_is_hit, 1
mov [si+b6ball_t.flag], 3
jmp short @@next
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
jmp short @@next
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp [si+b6ball_t.B6B_patnum_tiny], PAT_DECAY_B6BALL
jge short @@already_decaying
mov [si+b6ball_t.B6B_patnum_tiny], PAT_DECAY_B6BALL
mov ax, [si+b6ball_t.pos.velocity.x]
sub ax, dx
sar ax, 1
mov [si+b6ball_t.pos.velocity.x], ax
mov ax, [si+b6ball_t.pos.velocity.y]
sub ax, dx
sar ax, 1
mov [si+b6ball_t.pos.velocity.y], ax
mov [si+b6ball_t.B6B_decay_frames], 0
jmp short @@next
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inc [si+b6ball_t.B6B_decay_frames]
mov ax, [si+b6ball_t.B6B_decay_frames]
mov bx, 4
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short @@next
inc [si+b6ball_t.B6B_patnum_tiny]
cmp [si+b6ball_t.B6B_patnum_tiny], (PAT_DECAY_B6BALL + BULLET_DECAY_CELS)
jl short @@next
mov [si+b6ball_t.flag], 0
inc di
add si, size b6ball_t
cmp di, 1 + B6BALL_COUNT
jl @@loop
pop di
pop si
pop bp
b6balls_update endp

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@ -19673,10 +19673,10 @@ main_035_TEXT ends
BOSS_6_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@b6balls_add$qv procdesc near
@b6balls_update$qv procdesc near
BOSS_6_TEXT ends
BOSS_X_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
include th05/main/bullet/b6balls_add_update.asm
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -21130,7 +21130,7 @@ loc_1E522:
call @boss_defeat_update$qui pascal, 65
call b6balls_update
call @b6balls_update$qv
call @curvebullets_update$qv
call hud_hp_update_and_render pascal, _boss_hp, 22800
pop di