[Reduction] #377-378: super_large_put

[Binary change] db 0 → nop after the end of the DISP8 function in both
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2014-08-30 14:02:08 +02:00
parent 1a0ec60825
commit dd4c95e249
4 changed files with 184 additions and 226 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
LARGE_BYTE DB 000h,003h,00ch,00fh,030h,033h,03ch,03fh
DB 0c0h,0c3h,0cch,0cfh,0f0h,0f3h,0fch,0ffh

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
; superimpose & master library module
; Description:
; 大きさを縦横2倍に拡大してパターンを表示する
; Functions/Procedures:
; void super_large_put( int x, int y, int num ) ;
; Parameters:
; x,y 左上端の座標
; num パターン番号
; Returns:
; none
; Binding Target:
; Microsoft-C / Turbo-C / Turbo Pascal
; Running Target:
; PC-9801
; Requiring Resources:
; CPU: 8086
; Notes:
; クリッピングしてません
; Compiler/Assembler:
; TASM 3.0
; OPTASM 1.6
; Author:
; Kazumi(奥田 仁)
; 恋塚(恋塚昭彦)
; Revision History:
;$Id: largeput.asm 0.04 92/05/29 20:06:02 Kazumi Rel $
; 93/ 3/10 Initial: master.lib <- super.lib 0.22b
func SUPER_LARGE_PUT ; super_large_put() {
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DS
push SI
push DI
@@x = (RETSIZE+3)*2
@@y = (RETSIZE+2)*2
@@num = (RETSIZE+1)*2
mov ES,graph_VramSeg
mov CX,[BP+@@x]
mov DI,[BP+@@y]
mov AX,DI ;-+
shl AX,2 ; |
add DI,AX ; |DI=y*80
shl DI,4 ;-+
mov AX,CX
and CX,7h ;CL=x%8(shift dot counter)
shr AX,3 ;AX=x/8
add DI,AX ;GVRAM offset address
mov BX,[BP+@@num]
shl BX,1 ;integer size & near pointer
mov DX,super_patsize[BX] ;pattern size (1-8)
xor SI,SI
mov DS,super_patdata[BX] ;BX+2 -> BX
mov BX,DX
xor BH,BH
mov DL,DH ;????
xor DH,DH ;????
mov AX,160
sub AX,DX
sub AX,DX ;large
mov WORD PTR CS:[largeput_add_di],AX
mov AL,0c0h ;RMW mode
out 7ch,AL
xor AL,AL
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
mov DH,DL
call LARGEPUT_DISP8 ;originally cls_loop
mov AL,0FFh
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
out 7eh,AL
mov AL,11001110b
out 7ch,AL ;RMW mode
mov AL,11001101b
out 7ch,AL ;RMW mode
mov AL,11001011b
out 7ch,AL ;RMW mode
mov AL,11000111b
out 7ch,AL ;RMW mode
xor AL,AL
out 7ch,AL ;grcg stop
pop DI
pop SI
pop DS
pop BP
ret 6
endfunc ; }
; IN:
; AH
; DH
LARGEPUT_DISP8 proc near
mov CH,11h ;dummy
mov DI,1111h ;dummy
mov BP,AX
and AX,00f0h
shr AX,4
mov BX,AX
xor AH,AH
ror AX,CL
mov ES:[DI],AX ;stosw より速い
mov ES:[DI+80],AX
inc DI
and BP,000fh
xor AH,AH
ror AX,CL
mov ES:[DI],AX ;stosw より速い
mov ES:[DI+80],AX
inc DI
dec DH
jnz short @@PUT_LOOP
add DI,1111h ;dummy
largeput_add_di EQU $-2
mov DH,DL
dec CH
jnz short @@PUT_LOOP

View File

@ -1180,122 +1180,8 @@ sub_1D50 endp
include libs/master.lib/iatan2.asm
include libs/master.lib/js_end.asm
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 0, 3, 0Ch, 0Fh, 30h, 33h, 3Ch, 3Fh, 0C0h, 0C3h, 0CCh
db 0CFh, 0F0h, 0F3h, 0FCh, 0FFh
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_1E2A proc far
arg_0 = word ptr 6
arg_2 = word ptr 8
arg_4 = word ptr 0Ah
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds
push si
push di
mov es, graph_VramSeg
assume es:nothing
mov cx, [bp+arg_4]
mov di, [bp+arg_2]
mov ax, di
shl ax, 2
add di, ax
shl di, 4
mov ax, cx
and cx, 7
shr ax, 3
add di, ax
mov cs:word_1EC1, di
mov bx, [bp+arg_0]
shl bx, 1
mov dx, [bx+2EC4h]
xor si, si
mov ds, word ptr [bx+2AC4h]
mov bx, dx
xor bh, bh
mov dl, dh
xor dh, dh
mov cs:byte_1EBF, bl
mov ax, 0A0h ; ' '
sub ax, dx
sub ax, dx
mov cs:word_1EFA, ax
mov al, 0C0h ; 'À'
out 7Ch, al
xor al, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
mov dh, dl
call near ptr byte_1EBE
mov al, 0FFh
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
mov al, 0CEh ; 'Î'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_1EBE
mov al, 0CDh ; 'Í'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_1EBE
mov al, 0CBh ; 'Ë'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_1EBE
mov al, 0C7h ; 'Ç'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_1EBE
xor al, al
out 7Ch, al
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop bp
retf 6
sub_1E2A endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
byte_1EBE db 0B5h
byte_1EBF db 11h
db 0BFh
word_1EC1 dw 1111h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bp, ax
and ax, 0F0h
shr ax, 4
mov bx, ax
mov al, cs:[bx+1E1Ah]
xor ah, ah
ror ax, cl
mov es:[di], ax
mov es:[di+50h], ax
inc di
and bp, 0Fh
mov al, cs:[bp+1E1Ah]
xor ah, ah
ror ax, cl
mov es:[di], ax
mov es:[di+50h], ax
inc di
dec dh
jnz short loc_1EC4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 81h ; <20>
db 0C7h ; Ç
word_1EFA dw 1111h
db 8Ah, 0F2h, 0FEh, 0CDh, 75h, 0C2h, 0C3h, 0
include libs/master.lib/large_byte.asm
include libs/master.lib/super_large_put.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_show.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfclose.asm
@ -14992,7 +14878,7 @@ loc_EDC3:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
call sub_D88C
@ -20135,7 +20021,7 @@ loc_11629:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
call sub_D88C
@ -20545,7 +20431,7 @@ loc_1193A:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
call sub_D88C
@ -20676,7 +20562,7 @@ loc_11A69:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
call sub_D88C
@ -21178,7 +21064,7 @@ loc_11E5D:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
cmp byte_25A27, 1
@ -23424,7 +23310,7 @@ loc_12F2E:
mov al, byte_26718
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_1E2A
call super_large_put
call sub_D88C

View File

@ -1559,101 +1559,8 @@ word_202A dw 1234h
pop bp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 0, 3, 0Ch, 0Fh, 30h, 33h, 3Ch, 3Fh, 0C0h, 0C3h, 0CCh
db 0CFh, 0F0h, 0F3h, 0FCh, 0FFh
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_2048 proc far
arg_0 = word ptr 6
arg_2 = word ptr 8
arg_4 = word ptr 0Ah
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds
push si
push di
mov es, graph_VramSeg
assume es:nothing
mov cx, [bp+arg_4]
mov di, [bp+arg_2]
mov ax, di
shl ax, 2
add di, ax
shl di, 4
mov ax, cx
and cx, 7
shr ax, 3
add di, ax
mov cs:word_20DF, di
mov bx, [bp+arg_0]
shl bx, 1
mov dx, [bx+2A9Eh]
xor si, si
mov ds, word ptr [bx+269Eh]
mov bx, dx
xor bh, bh
mov dl, dh
xor dh, dh
mov cs:byte_20DD, bl
mov ax, 0A0h ; ' '
sub ax, dx
sub ax, dx
mov cs:word_2118, ax
mov al, 0C0h ; 'À'
out 7Ch, al
xor al, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
mov dh, dl
call near ptr byte_20DC
mov al, 0FFh
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
out 7Eh, al
mov al, 0CEh ; 'Î'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_20DC
mov al, 0CDh ; 'Í'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_20DC
mov al, 0CBh ; 'Ë'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_20DC
mov al, 0C7h ; 'Ç'
out 7Ch, al
call near ptr byte_20DC
xor al, al
out 7Ch, al
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop bp
retf 6
sub_2048 endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
byte_20DC db 0B5h
byte_20DD db 11h
db 0BFh
word_20DF dw 1111h
db 0ACh, 8Bh, 0E8h, 25h, 0F0h, 0, 0C1h, 0E8h, 4, 8Bh, 0D8h
db 2Eh, 8Ah, 87h, 38h, 20h, 32h, 0E4h, 0D3h, 0C8h, 26h
db 89h, 5, 26h, 89h, 45h, 50h, 47h, 83h, 0E5h, 0Fh, 2Eh
db 8Ah, 86h, 38h, 20h, 32h, 0E4h, 0D3h, 0C8h, 26h, 89h
db 5, 26h, 89h, 45h, 50h, 47h, 0FEh, 0CEh, 75h, 0CCh, 81h
db 0C7h
word_2118 dw 1111h
db 8Ah, 0F2h, 0FEh, 0CDh, 75h, 0C2h, 0C3h, 0
include libs/master.lib/large_byte.asm
include libs/master.lib/super_large_put.asm
include libs/master.lib/make_linework.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_show.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfclose.asm
@ -18691,7 +18598,7 @@ sub_10848 endp
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_10999
@ -18843,7 +18750,7 @@ loc_10A26:
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_10A94
@ -19147,7 +19054,7 @@ sub_10B1D endp
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_10D1C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -19288,7 +19195,7 @@ sub_10D26 endp
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_10E07
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -19298,7 +19205,7 @@ loc_10DBC:
mov al, byte_2635C
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
push si
push di
mov al, byte_26344
@ -19481,7 +19388,7 @@ loc_10F08:
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_10F86
@ -19582,7 +19489,7 @@ loc_10FC9:
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_11069
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -19718,7 +19625,7 @@ loc_110D8:
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_1117A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -20528,7 +20435,7 @@ loc_117BA:
mov al, byte_26344
mov ah, 0
push ax
call sub_2048
call super_large_put
jmp short loc_11862
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------