diff --git a/build32b.bat b/build32b.bat index 764c1a10..0657d146 100755 --- a/build32b.bat +++ b/build32b.bat @@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ set unparsed=.tup\unparsed.bat set parsed=.tup\parsed.bat set final=build_dumb.bat +: The separate `tup parse` call might take some time. +xcopy /-I /L /D /Y Tupfile.lua %final% | findstr /B /C:"1 " >NUL || ^ +xcopy /-I /L /D /Y Pipeline\rules.lua %final% | findstr /B /C:"1 " >NUL +if errorlevel 1 goto tup + : Tup insists on reparsing the Tupfile if we add or remove any file between : `tup parse` and `tup`… unless we place it in `.tup/`, which might not exist : yet.