mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Decompilation] [th01] .PTN: Byte-aligned 16×16 blitting
Part of P0096, funded by Ember2528.
This commit is contained in:
@ -135,5 +135,8 @@ void ptn_snap_quarter_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id, int quarter);
// the same (background) pixels from VRAM page 1, applying the alpha mask from
// the given [quarter] of [ptn_id].
void ptn_unput_quarter_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id, int quarter);
// Displays the given [quarter] of the given [ptn_id] at (⌊left/8⌋*8, top).
void ptn_put_quarter_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id, int quarter);
// ------------
/// -----------------------------------------
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ static inline ptn_t* ptn_with_id_shift(int id)
VRAM_CHUNK(G, vram_offset, w) |= (ptn->planes.G[y] & mask); \
VRAM_CHUNK(E, vram_offset, w) |= (ptn->planes.E[y] & mask);
#define ptn_or_quarter_masked(vram_offset, w, ptn, q, mask) \
VRAM_CHUNK(B, vram_offset, w) |= ((ptn->planes.B[y] >> q.x) & mask); \
VRAM_CHUNK(R, vram_offset, w) |= ((ptn->planes.R[y] >> q.x) & mask); \
VRAM_CHUNK(G, vram_offset, w) |= ((ptn->planes.G[y] >> q.x) & mask); \
VRAM_CHUNK(E, vram_offset, w) |= ((ptn->planes.E[y] >> q.x) & mask);
void ptn_unput_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id)
ptn_dots_t mask = 0;
@ -114,3 +120,28 @@ void ptn_unput_quarter_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id, int quarter)
// No vram_offset bounds check here?!
void ptn_put_quarter_8(int left, int top, int ptn_id, int quarter)
sdots_t(PTN_QUARTER_W) mask;
unsigned int y;
PTNQuarter q;
sdots_t(PTN_W) mask_full = 0;
uint16_t vram_offset = vram_offset_shift(left, top);
ptn_t *ptn = ptn_with_id_shift(ptn_id);
if(ptn_unput_before_alpha_put) {
egc_copy_rect_1_to_0(left, top, PTN_QUARTER_W, PTN_QUARTER_H);
for(y = q.y; y < (q.y + PTN_QUARTER_H); y++) {
mask_full = ptn->alpha[y];
mask = (mask_full >> q.x);
if(mask) {
grcg_clear_masked(vram_offset, PTN_QUARTER_W, mask);
ptn_or_quarter_masked(vram_offset, PTN_QUARTER_W, ptn, q, mask);
vram_offset += ROW_SIZE;
// No vram_offset bounds check here?!
@ -6816,9 +6816,9 @@ main_18_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
sub_12BAB proc near
var_4 = word ptr -4
@@left = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 4
@@top = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
@ -6829,8 +6829,8 @@ arg_4 = word ptr 8
mov [bp+var_2], 0
mov ax, [bp+arg_2]
shl ax, 4
add ax, 0E0h
mov [bp+var_4], ax
add ax, 224
mov [bp+@@left], ax
mov _ptn_unput_before_alpha_put, 1
xor si, si
jmp short loc_12C27
@ -6850,11 +6850,11 @@ loc_12BCE:
mov ax, dx
idiv bx
add ax, 1CAh
add ax, ((7 * PTN_IMAGES_PER_SLOT) + 10)
push ax
push [bp+arg_0]
push [bp+var_4]
call sub_19A62
push [bp+@@top]
push [bp+@@left]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
mov ax, si
mov bx, 0Ah
@ -6897,11 +6897,11 @@ loc_12C2C:
mov ax, dx
idiv bx
add ax, 1CAh
add ax, ((7 * PTN_IMAGES_PER_SLOT) + 10)
push ax
push [bp+arg_0]
push [bp+var_4]
call sub_19A62
push [bp+@@top]
push [bp+@@left]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
mov _ptn_unput_before_alpha_put, 0
pop di
@ -15747,9 +15747,9 @@ loc_18DA0:
idiv bx
shl dx, 4
add dx, 80h
add dx, 128
push dx
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
inc si
@ -15896,9 +15896,9 @@ loc_18EB3:
idiv bx
shl dx, 4
add dx, 80h
add dx, 128
push dx
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
inc si
@ -15950,13 +15950,13 @@ loc_18F39:
push ax
call _ptn_snap_quarter_8
add sp, 8
push 10000h
push 0 or (1 shl 16)
push 10h
mov ax, si
shl ax, 4
add ax, 80h
add ax, 128
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
inc si
@ -16080,13 +16080,13 @@ loc_1901D:
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
push 10000h
push 10h
push 0 or (1 shl 16)
push 16
mov ax, si
shl ax, 4
add ax, 80h
add ax, 128
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
inc si
@ -16886,160 +16886,7 @@ main_27__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _ptn_unput_8:proc
extern _ptn_put_8:proc
extern _ptn_unput_quarter_8:proc
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_19A62 proc far
@@ptn = dword ptr -0Eh
@@alpha = dword ptr -0Ah
var_6 = word ptr -6
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
@@left = word ptr 6
@@top = word ptr 8
arg_4 = word ptr 0Ah
arg_6 = byte ptr 0Ch
enter 0Eh, 0
push si
push di
mov [bp+@@alpha], 0
mov ax, [bp+@@left]
sar ax, 3
mov dx, [bp+@@top]
shl dx, 6
add ax, dx
mov dx, [bp+@@top]
shl dx, 4
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov bx, [bp+arg_4]
sar bx, 6
shl bx, 2
mov ax, word ptr (_ptn_images + 2)[bx]
mov dx, word ptr _ptn_images[bx]
push ax
mov ax, [bp+arg_4]
mov bx, 40h
push dx
idiv bx
imul dx, size ptn_t
pop ax
add ax, dx
pop dx
mov word ptr [bp+@@ptn+2], dx
mov word ptr [bp+@@ptn], ax
test [bp+arg_6], 2
jz short loc_19ABD
mov ax, 10h
jmp short loc_19ABF
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor ax, ax
mov [bp+var_4], ax
test [bp+arg_6], 1
jz short loc_19ACD
mov ax, 10h
jmp short loc_19ACF
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor ax, ax
mov [bp+var_6], ax
cmp _ptn_unput_before_alpha_put, 0
jz short loc_19AED
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0 c, [bp+@@left], [bp+@@top], large (16 shl 16) or 16
mov si, [bp+var_4]
jmp loc_19BB3
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
les bx, [bp+@@ptn]
add bx, ax
mov eax, es:[bx+ptn_t.PTN_alpha]
mov [bp+@@alpha], eax
mov cl, byte ptr [bp+var_6]
sar eax, cl
mov [bp+var_2], ax
cmp [bp+var_2], 0
jz loc_19BAF
call _grcg_setcolor_rmw stdcall, 0
pop cx
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
mov ax, [bp+var_2]
mov es:[bx], ax
call _grcg_off_func
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
les bx, [bp+@@ptn]
add bx, ax
mov eax, es:[bx+ptn_t.planes.PTN_B]
mov cl, byte ptr [bp+var_6]
shr eax, cl
and ax, [bp+var_2]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
or es:[bx], ax
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
les bx, [bp+@@ptn]
add bx, ax
mov eax, es:[bx+ptn_t.planes.PTN_R]
shr eax, cl
and ax, [bp+var_2]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_R
add bx, di
or es:[bx], ax
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
les bx, [bp+@@ptn]
add bx, ax
mov eax, es:[bx+ptn_t.planes.PTN_G]
shr eax, cl
and ax, [bp+var_2]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_G
add bx, di
or es:[bx], ax
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
les bx, [bp+@@ptn]
add bx, ax
mov eax, es:[bx+ptn_t.planes.PTN_E]
shr eax, cl
and ax, [bp+var_2]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_E
add bx, di
or es:[bx], ax
add di, ROW_SIZE
inc si
mov ax, [bp+var_4]
add ax, 10h
cmp ax, si
ja loc_19AF3
pop di
pop si
sub_19A62 endp
extern _ptn_put_quarter_8:proc
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -34605,26 +34452,22 @@ sub_23715 endp
sub_2376D proc near
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ah
@@quarter = word ptr 4
@@ptn_id = word ptr 6
@@top = word ptr 8
@@left = word ptr 0Ah
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov si, [bp+arg_6]
mov di, [bp+arg_4]
mov si, [bp+@@left]
mov di, [bp+@@top]
push (16 shl 16) or 16
push di
push si
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
push [bp+arg_0]
push [bp+arg_2]
push di
push si
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8 stdcall, si, di, [bp+@@ptn_id], [bp+@@quarter]
add sp, 10h
pop di
pop si
@ -34656,10 +34499,7 @@ arg_6 = word ptr 0Ah
cmp ax, 5
jge short loc_237DA
pushd 80h ; '?'
push di
push si
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8 stdcall, si, di, large 80h or (0 shl 16)
push si
push 0
call sub_236E0
@ -34675,11 +34515,7 @@ loc_237DA:
cmp ax, 0Ah
jge short loc_237FF
push 10080h
push di
push si
call sub_19A62
add sp, 8
call _ptn_put_quarter_8 c, si, di, large 80h or (1 shl 16)
push si
push 0
call sub_236E0
@ -34692,20 +34528,20 @@ loc_237FF:
cmp ax, 0Fh
jge short loc_2383B
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
push 20h ; ' '
call sub_236E0
push 10080h
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 10h
push 0
jmp short loc_23875
@ -34717,25 +34553,25 @@ loc_2383B:
cmp ax, 14h
jge short loc_23881
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
push 20h ; ' '
call sub_236E0
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-10h]
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 10h
push 1
push 80h ; '?'
push 80h
push di
mov ax, si
add ax, 10h
@ -34752,31 +34588,31 @@ loc_23881:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-18h]
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 18h
pushd 80h ; '?'
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
push 0
jmp loc_23C36
@ -34792,28 +34628,28 @@ loc_238E7:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-20h]
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-32]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
push 1
jmp loc_23C36
@ -34829,29 +34665,29 @@ loc_2394A:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-18h]
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
push 1
@ -34872,29 +34708,29 @@ loc_239B8:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-10h]
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-20h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-32]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-20h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-32]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
push 1
@ -34915,47 +34751,47 @@ loc_23A25:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h ; '?'
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
push si
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 10080h
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (1 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
push 1
push 80h ; '?'
push 80h
mov ax, di
add ax, 0FFE8h
add ax, -24
push ax
mov ax, si
add ax, 20h ; ' '
add ax, 32
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
jmp loc_23C44
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -34970,32 +34806,32 @@ loc_23AA2:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h ; '?'
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
push di
push si
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-20h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-32]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
pushd 80h ; '?'
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
mov ax, di
add ax, 0FFE0h
add ax, -32
jmp short loc_23A90
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -35009,28 +34845,25 @@ loc_23B0D:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
push 30080h
push di
push si
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8 stdcall, si, di, 80h or (3 shl 16)
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-18h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-24]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 20h
push 0
jmp loc_23A88
@ -35046,22 +34879,22 @@ loc_23B70:
push ax
push 40h
call sub_236E0
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h ; '?'
push di
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
push di
lea ax, [si+10h]
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
lea ax, [di-10h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 18h
push 0
jmp loc_23A1B
@ -35073,22 +34906,22 @@ loc_23BC0:
cmp ax, 41h ; 'A'
jge short loc_23C07
push 30080h
push 80h or (3 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-10h]
lea ax, [si-16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
push 30080h
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
push 80h or (3 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si+10h]
lea ax, [si+16]
push ax
call sub_19A62
pushd 80h ; '?'
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
pushd 80h or (0 shl 16)
lea ax, [di-8]
push ax
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 18h
push 0
jmp loc_239AD
@ -35105,16 +34938,16 @@ loc_23C07:
cmp ax, 4Bh ; 'K'
jge short loc_23C3D
push 30080h
push 80h or (3 shl 16)
push di
lea ax, [si-20h]
lea ax, [si-32]
push ax
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
push 3
push 80h ; '?'
push 80h
push di
jmp loc_23A91
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -55571,7 +55404,7 @@ loc_2FE27:
add bx, ax
push word ptr es:[bx+10h]
push word ptr es:[bx]
call sub_19A62
call _ptn_put_quarter_8
add sp, 8
Reference in New Issue