[Decompilation] [th01] Elis: Pattern 2/13

The one where Elis fires missiles from random locations around her
sprite, aimed at random angles towards the bottom of the playfield.

Part of P0193, funded by Ember2528.
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2022-05-12 13:34:18 +02:00
parent af7dd08626
commit 85a76f74a8
2 changed files with 95 additions and 211 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "th01/math/dir.hpp"
#include "th01/math/subpixel.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include "th01/math/vector.hpp"
#include "th01/hardware/egc.h"
#include "th01/hardware/graph.h"
#include "th01/formats/pf.hpp"
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ extern bool initial_hp_rendered;
static const int CHOOSE_NEW = 0;
extern union {
int angle_range; // ACTUAL TYPE: unsigned char
int speed_multiplied_by_8;
} pattern_state;
// --------
@ -180,6 +182,56 @@ inline screen_y_t surround_random_top(elis_entity_t relative_to) {
// -------------
// .GRC entities
// -------------
enum elis_grc_cel_t {
C_RIFT = 4,
C_RIFT_last = (C_RIFT + RIFT_CELS - 1),
#define elis_grc_sloppy_unput(entities, i) { \
grc_sloppy_unput(entities.left[i], entities.top[i]); \
#define elis_grc_put(entities, i, cel, col) { \
grc_put_8(entities.left[i], entities.top[i], GRC_SLOT_BOSS_1, cel, col); \
#define rifts_update_and_render(rifts, start_frame, end_frame, tmp_cel) { \
if( \
(boss_phase_frame >= start_frame) && \
(boss_phase_frame <= end_frame) && \
((boss_phase_frame % 4) == 0) \
) { \
for(int i = 0; i < rifts.count(); i++) { \
/* Unblit */ \
if(boss_phase_frame > start_frame) { \
elis_grc_sloppy_unput(rifts, i); \
} \
/* Initialize */ \
if( \
((boss_phase_frame % 16) == ((i * 4) % 16)) || \
(boss_phase_frame == start_frame) \
) { \
rifts.left[i] = surround_random_left(ENT_STILL_OR_WAVE); \
rifts.top[i] = surround_random_top(ENT_STILL_OR_WAVE); \
} \
/* Render */ \
if(boss_phase_frame < end_frame) { \
tmp_cel = (rand() % RIFT_CELS); \
elis_grc_put(rifts, i, (C_RIFT + cel), COL_FX); \
} \
} \
mdrv2_se_play(7); \
} \
// -------------
// .PTN
// ----
@ -498,3 +550,41 @@ done:
#undef circle_center_y
#undef circle_center_x
int pattern_random_downwards_missiles(void)
#define rifts pattern1_rifts
extern CEntities<5> rifts;
int cel; // ACTUAL TYPE: elis_grc_cel_t
pixel_t velocity_x;
pixel_t velocity_y;
unsigned char angle;
if(boss_phase_frame == 50) {
ent_unput_and_put_both(ENT_STILL_OR_WAVE, C_HAND);
select_for_rank(pattern_state.angle_range, 0x0F, 0x15, 0x19, 0x1D);
// That's quite the brave placement for this branch...
if((boss_phase_frame > 60) && ((boss_phase_frame % 3) == 0)) {
int i = (rand() % rifts.count());
angle = (
(rand() % pattern_state.angle_range) -
((pattern_state.angle_range - 0x01) / 2) +
vector2(velocity_x, velocity_y, 7, angle);
Missiles.add(rifts.left[i], rifts.top[i], velocity_x, velocity_y);
rifts_update_and_render(rifts, 60, 160, cel);
if(boss_phase_frame > 170) {
boss_phase_frame = 0;
return CHOOSE_NEW;
return 2;
#undef rifts

View File

@ -17409,219 +17409,11 @@ ELIS_BASE_TOP = (PLAYFIELD_TOP + ((PLAYFIELD_H / 21) * 5) - (ELIS_GIRL_H / 2))
extern @wave_teleport$qii:proc
extern @elis_select_for_rank$qmiiiii:proc
extern @pattern_11_lasers_across$qv:proc
extern @pattern_random_downwards_missile$qv:proc
main_35_TEXT ends
main_35__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_256AA proc far
var_1E = qword ptr -1Eh
var_16 = qword ptr -16h
var_A = word ptr -0Ah
@@angle = byte ptr -7
@@vector_y = word ptr -6
@@vector_x = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
enter 0Ah, 0
push si
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 50
jnz short loc_25726
push 1
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call @girl_bg_put$qi stdcall, 1
pop cx
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_bos_image, 1
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset elis_still_or_wave, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_bos_image, 1
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset elis_still_or_wave, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @elis_select_for_rank$qmiiiii c, offset _elis_pattern_state, ds, large 15 or (21 shl 16), large 25 or (29 shl 16)
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 60
jle loc_257C3
mov ax, _boss_phase_frame
mov bx, 3
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz loc_257C3
call IRand
mov bx, 5
idiv bx
mov si, dx
call IRand
idiv _elis_pattern_state
mov ax, _elis_pattern_state
dec ax
push dx
sub ax, dx
sar ax, 1
pop dx
sub dl, al
add dl, 40h
mov [bp+@@angle], dl
push word ptr [bp+@@angle]
push 7
push ss
lea ax, [bp+@@vector_y]
push ax
push ss
lea ax, [bp+@@vector_x]
push ax
call _vector2
add sp, 0Ch
push 0 ; char
mov ax, [bp+@@vector_y]
mov [bp+var_A], ax
fild [bp+var_A]
sub sp, 8
fstp [bp+var_16]
mov ax, [bp+var_4]
mov [bp+var_A], ax
fild [bp+var_A]
sub sp, 8
fstp [bp+var_1E]
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D51h] ; int
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D47h] ; int
push ds
push offset _Missiles ; this
call @CMissiles@add$qiiddc
add sp, 1Ah
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 60
jl loc_258AA
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 160
jg loc_258AA
mov ax, _boss_phase_frame
mov bx, 4
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz loc_258AA
xor si, si
jmp loc_2589B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 60
jle short loc_2580F
push (32 shl 16) or 48
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D51h]
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D47h]
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16
add sp, 8
mov ax, _boss_phase_frame
mov bx, 16
idiv bx
mov ax, si
shl ax, 2
push dx
idiv bx
pop ax
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_2582D
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 60
jnz short loc_25861
call IRand
mov bx, 192
idiv bx
add dx, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add dx, -32
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
mov [bx+5D47h], dx
call IRand
mov bx, 128
idiv bx
add dx, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add dx, -32
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
mov [bx+5D51h], dx
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 160
jge short loc_2589A
call IRand
mov bx, 2
idiv bx
mov [bp+var_2], dx
push 4 ; col
mov ax, [bp+var_2]
add ax, 4
push ax ; image
push GRC_SLOT_BOSS_1 ; slot
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D51h] ; top
mov bx, si
add bx, bx
push word ptr [bx+5D47h] ; left
call _grc_put_8
add sp, 0Ah
inc si
cmp si, 5
jl loc_257EA
push 7
call _mdrv2_se_play
pop cx
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 170
jle short loc_258BC
mov _boss_phase_frame, 0
xor ax, ax
jmp short loc_258BF
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, 2
pop si
sub_256AA endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@ -18091,7 +17883,7 @@ loc_25DC8:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call sub_256AA
call @pattern_random_downwards_missile$qv
pop bp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -23056,6 +22848,7 @@ _kikuri_invincibility_frame dw ?
_kikuri_entrance_ring_radius_base dw ?
_kikuri_initial_hp_rendered db ?
db ?
public _boss_hp, _boss_phase_frame, _elis_pattern_state, _boss_phase
_boss_hp dw ?
_boss_phase_frame dw ?
@ -23068,7 +22861,8 @@ public _pattern0_circle_radius, _pattern0_direction
_pattern0_circle_radius dw ?
_pattern0_direction dw ?
db 20 dup(?)
CEntities _pattern1_rifts, 5
angle_3A6FB db ?
word_3A6FC dw ?
angle_3A6FE db ?