mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Maintenance] [th02/th04/th05] Declare more stage and player symbols in C land
Part of P0089, funded by [Anonymous] and Blue Bolt.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1 @@
extern char stage_id;
@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ loc_B1CD:
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.demo_num], 0
jnz short loc_B237
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
cmp ax, 5
jnz short loc_B202
@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ loc_B263:
les bx, _resident
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.stage], al
jmp short loc_B290
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ loc_B32B:
movzx eax, ax
mov _score, eax
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov bx, 5
@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ arg_0 = dword ptr 4
mov byte ptr es:[bx+2], 'a'
mov byte ptr es:[bx+3], 'g'
mov byte ptr es:[bx+4], 'e'
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, '0'
mov es:[bx+5], al
mov byte ptr es:[bx+6], '.'
@ -2154,10 +2154,10 @@ var_C = byte ptr -0Ch
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.demo_num], 0
jnz short loc_B4BB
mov bgm_show_timer, 1
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, al
mov _bgm_title_id, al
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, al
inc al
mov byte_1F46E, al
@ -2186,20 +2186,20 @@ loc_B4D7:
cmp si, 80h
jge short loc_B4C5
mov stage1_gaiji_halflen, 6
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov bx, 5
idiv bx
add dl, 0A1h
mov gStage1+5, dl
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add ax, ax
mov bx, ax
mov ax, _STAGE_TITLES[bx]
mov _stage_title, ax
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov bx, ax
@ -2273,7 +2273,7 @@ loc_B4D7:
call sub_C5B0
mov byte_20342, 1
mov byte_1E500, 4
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov bx, ax
cmp bx, 5
@ -3016,7 +3016,7 @@ sub_BF9C proc far
mov bp, sp
cmp byte_1F466, 2
jnz short loc_BFCC
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
cmp ax, 2
jnz short loc_BFC3
@ -3049,7 +3049,7 @@ sub_BFD0 proc far
cmp byte_1E501, 1
jnz loc_C05B
mov byte_1F466, 1
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
cmp ax, 3
jnz short loc_BFF8
@ -3058,7 +3058,7 @@ sub_BFD0 proc far
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
cmp ax, 2
jnz short loc_C015
@ -3164,7 +3164,7 @@ demo_load proc far
mov es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.frame], 12h
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.demo_num], 1
jnz short loc_C18A
mov stage_id, 3
mov _stage_id, 3
push ds
push offset aDemo1_rec ; "DEMO1.REC"
call file_ropen
@ -3177,7 +3177,7 @@ loc_C18A:
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.demo_num], 2
jnz short loc_C1AE
mov stage_id, 2
mov _stage_id, 2
push ds
push offset aDemo2_rec ; "DEMO2.REC"
call file_ropen
@ -3190,7 +3190,7 @@ loc_C1AE:
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.demo_num], 3
jnz short loc_C1D0
mov stage_id, 1
mov _stage_id, 1
push ds
push offset aDemo3_rec ; "DEMO3.REC"
call file_ropen
@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ cfg_load proc near
mov word ptr _resident, 0
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
mov _stage_id, al
mov al, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.start_lives]
mov lives, al
mov al, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.start_bombs]
@ -3494,7 +3494,7 @@ loc_C516:
mov power, 1
inc es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.continues_used]
call sub_DD1B
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov bx, 5
@ -14654,7 +14654,7 @@ stones_end proc far
call sub_1310B
call sub_FC53
call sub_E162
inc stage_id
inc _stage_id
pop bp
stones_end endp
@ -15343,7 +15343,7 @@ var_4 = dword ptr -4
mov word ptr [bp+var_4+2], ds
mov word ptr [bp+var_4], 12FBh
les bx, [bp+var_4]
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 30h ; '0'
mov es:[bx+5], al
push word ptr [bp+var_4+2]
@ -15899,7 +15899,7 @@ arg_0 = word ptr 4
push si
push di
mov di, [bp+arg_0]
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add ax, ax
add ax, di
@ -15918,7 +15918,7 @@ loc_13123:
inc si
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add ax, ax
mov bx, ax
@ -17221,7 +17221,7 @@ rika_end proc far
call sub_FC53
call _key_delay
call sub_E162
inc stage_id
inc _stage_id
mov word_1EB0A, 0
mov word_1EDA4, 0
pop bp
@ -19830,7 +19830,7 @@ meira_end proc far
call sub_FC53
call _key_delay
call sub_E162
inc stage_id
inc _stage_id
mov word_1EB0A, 0
pop bp
@ -32087,7 +32087,7 @@ marisa_end proc far
call sub_E162
inc stage_id
inc _stage_id
pop bp
@ -32302,8 +32302,8 @@ var_2 = word ptr -2
mov word ptr [bp-0Ch], ds
mov word ptr [bp+dest+2], 111Ah
les bx, [bp+dest+2]
mov al, stage_id
add al, 30h ; '0'
mov al, _stage_id
add al, '0'
mov es:[bx+5], al
push word ptr [bp-0Ch]
push bx
@ -33189,7 +33189,7 @@ loc_1CB0C:
mov eax, _score
mov [bx+7890h], eax
mov bx, [bp+var_2]
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
inc al
mov [bx+7903h], al
mov ax, [bp+var_2]
@ -33699,8 +33699,9 @@ include th02/snd/se[data].asm
db 0E0h
db 0F0h
db 0F8h
public _rank, _stage_id
_rank db RANK_NORMAL
stage_id db 0
_stage_id db 0
aHuuma_cfg db 'huuma.cfg',0
include th02/sprites/pellet.asm
gBONUS db 0ABh, 0B8h, 0B6h, 0BEh, 0BCh, 0
@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ typedef enum {
} shottype_t;
extern playchars_t playchar;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
public _stage_id, _playperf, _playperf_max, _playperf_min, _playchar
_stage_id db ?
if GAME eq 5
public _rank
_rank db ?
_playperf db ?
_playperf_max db ?
_playperf_min db ?
_playchar db ?
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; void playperf_raise(char delta);
_playperf_raise proc far
playperf_raise proc far
delta = byte ptr 4
mov bx, sp
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ delta = byte ptr 4
mov _playperf, al
retf 2
_playperf_raise endp
playperf_raise endp
; void playperf_lower(char delta);
_playperf_lower proc far
playperf_lower proc far
delta = byte ptr 4
mov bx, sp
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ delta = byte ptr 4
mov _playperf, al
retf 2
_playperf_lower endp
playperf_lower endp
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// Player performance ("rank")
extern unsigned char playperf;
extern unsigned char playperf_max;
extern char playperf_min;
void pascal playperf_raise(char delta);
void pascal playperf_lower(char delta);
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
; Player performance ("rank")
_playperf db ?
_playperf_max db ?
_playperf_min db ?
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "th01/ranks.h"
extern unsigned char rank;
int pascal far select_for_rank(
int for_easy, int for_normal,
int for_hard, int for_lunatic
@ -0,0 +1 @@
extern unsigned char stage_id;
@ -12,14 +12,6 @@
#include "th03/math/randring.h"
/// ----
/// Rank
/// ----
int pascal far select_for_rank(
int for_easy, int for_normal,
int for_hard, int for_lunatic
/// ----
/// Formats
/// -------
#include "th03/formats/cdg.h"
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ loc_ACDE:
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_ACF4
push 1
nopcall _playperf_raise
nopcall playperf_raise
jmp short $+2
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ loc_ADD0:
mov _playperf, 16
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_ADEA
mov _rank, RANK_EXTRA
jmp short loc_ADD0
@ -675,10 +675,10 @@ sub_AED0 proc near
mov vsync_Count2, 0
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
cmp stage_id, 0
mov _stage_id, al
cmp _stage_id, 0
jz short loc_AEF9
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_AF4A
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ loc_AEF9:
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.demo_stage]
mov es:[bx+resident_t.stage], al
mov stage_id, al
mov _stage_id, al
mov _power, 128
add al, '0'
mov es:[bx+resident_t.stage_ascii], al
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ loc_AFD5:
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage_ascii]
les bx, off_213E0
mov es:[bx+3], al
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
cmp bx, 6
@ -1067,8 +1067,8 @@ EmsSetup proc near ; ZUN symbol [MAGNet2010]
mov bp, sp
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
cmp stage_id, 6
mov _stage_id, al
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short @@game_is_not_extra
mov _rank, RANK_EXTRA
jmp short loc_B4AF
@ -2822,9 +2822,9 @@ sub_CF44 proc near
jnz short loc_CFB6
cmp _page_back, 1
jnz short loc_CFB6
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CF63
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_CF70
@ -2841,11 +2841,11 @@ loc_CF70:
mov _boss_update, eax
mov ax, _boss_fg_render_func
mov _boss_fg_render, ax
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, al
add al, 2
mov _bgm_title_id, al
cmp stage_id, 3
cmp _stage_id, 3
jnz short loc_CFAC
cmp _playchar, PLAYCHAR_REIMU
jz short loc_CFAC
@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ loc_D7F8:
cmp si, 8
jl short loc_D7F8
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_D83A
mov si, 8
jmp short loc_D817
@ -5485,7 +5485,7 @@ sub_E541 proc near
var_2 = word ptr -2
enter 2, 0
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_E551
nopcall main_01:end_game_bad
@ -5610,7 +5610,7 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
enter 2, 0
push si
push di
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jz loc_E7D8
xor di, di
mov si, 1
@ -6562,7 +6562,7 @@ loc_EE60:
cmp [bp+var_1], 0
jz short locret_EEA3
push 4
nopcall _playperf_raise
nopcall playperf_raise
inc _extends_gained
les bx, _resident
assume es:nothing
@ -9734,7 +9734,7 @@ loc_109E9:
push 4
nopcall _playperf_lower
nopcall playperf_lower
les bx, _resident
assume es:nothing
inc es:[bx+resident_t.miss_count]
@ -10211,7 +10211,7 @@ loc_10F80:
call _grcg_setmode_rmw_seg1
mov ah, GC_G
call _grcg_setcolor_direct_seg1_raw
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnb short loc_10F99
push 150A80h
push 0Eh
@ -10255,14 +10255,14 @@ loc_10FED:
cmp _popup_byte_unknown, 0
jnz short loc_11057
mov byte_22EF6, 10h
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
inc al
mov _stage_title_id, al
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, al
inc al
mov _bgm_title_id, al
cmp stage_id, 0
cmp _stage_id, 0
jnz short loc_11023
cmp _playchar, PLAYCHAR_REIMU
jnz short loc_11023
@ -10288,10 +10288,10 @@ loc_11057:
jb loc_1118F
cmp byte_22EF6, 16h
jnz loc_11107
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 0A1h
mov gStage_1+6, al
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_11084
push (17 shl 16) + 11
push ds
@ -10300,7 +10300,7 @@ loc_11057:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_11097
push (17 shl 16) + 11
push ds
@ -10350,7 +10350,7 @@ loc_11107:
call _grcg_setmode_rmw_seg1
mov ah, GC_G
call _grcg_setcolor_direct_seg1_raw
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnb short loc_11120
push 150A80h
push 0Eh
@ -13100,11 +13100,11 @@ loc_12C6E:
or si, si
jge short loc_12C6E
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jz short loc_12CA3
mov al, byte_2CFF2
mov ah, 0
mov dl, stage_id
mov dl, _stage_id
add dl, gb_1_
mov bx, ax
mov _hi.score.g_stage[bx], dl
@ -30990,7 +30990,7 @@ loc_1D822:
push 1
call _playperf_raise
call playperf_raise
jmp short loc_1D854
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -31007,7 +31007,7 @@ loc_1D843:
push 1
call _playperf_lower
call playperf_lower
les bx, _resident
@ -31015,20 +31015,20 @@ loc_1D854:
call sub_EFA1
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.miss_count]
cmp al, stage_id
cmp al, _stage_id
ja short loc_1D876
call _playperf_raise pascal, 2
call playperf_raise pascal, 2
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.bombs_used]
mov ah, 0
mov dl, stage_id
mov dl, _stage_id
mov dh, 0
add dx, dx
cmp ax, dx
jg short loc_1D893
call _playperf_raise pascal, 2
call playperf_raise pascal, 2
pop si
@ -31420,7 +31420,7 @@ loc_1DD35:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _playperf_raise pascal, 3
call playperf_raise pascal, 3
les bx, _resident
inc es:[bx+resident_t.rem_lives]
call sub_EEE8
@ -31473,7 +31473,7 @@ loc_1DDC9:
mov al, byte_23660
add al, 0E0h
mov byte_23660, al
call _playperf_raise pascal, 1
call playperf_raise pascal, 1
inc _items_collected
@ -31540,7 +31540,7 @@ loc_1DE2F:
push 4
call _playperf_lower
call playperf_lower
cmp byte_23661, 40h
@ -31548,7 +31548,7 @@ loc_1DE36:
mov al, byte_23661
add al, 0D0h
mov byte_23661, al
call _playperf_lower pascal, 1
call playperf_lower pascal, 1
pop si
@ -32227,9 +32227,9 @@ loc_1E7B5:
les bx, _resident
mov ax, _stage_graze
add es:[bx+resident_t.graze], ax
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz loc_1E8AE
cmp stage_id, 4
cmp _stage_id, 4
jnz short loc_1E801
cmp _continues_used, 0
jnz short loc_1E7F2
@ -32242,7 +32242,7 @@ loc_1E7F2:
call end_game_bad
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz loc_1E8A4
call super_clean pascal, (128 shl 16) or 256
call sub_D6EB
@ -32292,14 +32292,14 @@ loc_1E8AE:
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 416
jnz short loc_1E8E5
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_1E8C9
call end_game_good
jmp short loc_1E8D5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_1E8D5
call end_extra
@ -36760,11 +36760,7 @@ include th04/main/frames[bss].asm
word_266D0 dw ?
byte_266D2 db ?
include th03/hardware/palette_changed[bss].asm
stage_id db ?
include th04/main/playperf[bss].asm
public _playchar
_playchar db ?
db ?
include th04/main/play[bss].asm
include th04/main/drawpoint[bss].asm
include th04/main/ems[bss].asm
_turbo_mode db ?
@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ typedef enum {
} playchars_t;
extern playchars_t playchar;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ std_load proc near
push di
push ds
call std_free
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, '0'
mov byte ptr _std_fn+3, al
mov dx, offset _std_fn
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "th04/main/playperf.hpp"
unsigned char __fastcall playperf_adjust_speed(unsigned char speed);
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
; unsigned char __fastcall playperf_adjust_speed(unsigned char speed)
public @playperf_adjust_speed
@playperf_adjust_speed proc near
shr al, 1
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
extern "C" {
#include "th05/th05.hpp"
#include "th04/main/rank.hpp"
#include "th04/main/item/items.hpp"
void pascal far nullsub_1(void);
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ loc_B003:
test _stage_frame, 0FFFh
jnz short loc_B055
push 1
nopcall _playperf_raise
nopcall playperf_raise
jmp short $+2
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ loc_B13E:
mov _playperf, 32
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_B15D
@ -750,10 +750,10 @@ sub_B237 proc near
mov vsync_Count2, 0
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
cmp stage_id, 0
mov _stage_id, al
cmp _stage_id, 0
jz short loc_B260
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_B2DD
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ loc_B260:
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.debug_stage]
mov es:[bx+resident_t.stage], al
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
mov _stage_id, al
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.debug_power]
mov _power, al
mov es:[bx+resident_t.debug_mode], 0
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ loc_B2A5:
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.demo_stage]
mov es:[bx+resident_t.stage], al
mov stage_id, al
mov _stage_id, al
cmp es:[bx+resident_t.demo_num], 5
jz short loc_B2CE
mov _power, 128
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ loc_B3C5:
nopcall sub_BF27
mov _pellet_bottom_col, GC_RG
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov ah, 0
mov bx, ax
cmp bx, 6
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ loc_B4BB:
les bx, off_20A86
mov byte ptr es:[bx+2], 30h ; '0'
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 30h ; '0'
mov es:[bx+3], al
push word ptr off_20A86+2
@ -1246,8 +1246,8 @@ EmsSetup proc near ; ZUN symbol [MAGNet2010]
mov bp, sp
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+resident_t.stage]
mov stage_id, al
cmp stage_id, 6
mov _stage_id, al
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short @@game_is_not_extra
mov _rank, RANK_EXTRA
jmp short loc_B84E
@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ mptn_load endp
map_load proc near
push si
call map_free
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 30h ; '0'
mov aSt00_map+3, al
mov ax, 3D00h
@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ loc_BDB7:
mov byte_23F04, al
mov al, [bp+var_1]
add byte_23EFC, al
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_BD81
cmp _scroll_active, 0
jz short loc_BD81
@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ loc_C4BC:
assume es:nothing
inc es:[bx+resident_t.bombs_used]
push 1
nopcall _playperf_lower
nopcall playperf_lower
pop bp
@ -2418,7 +2418,7 @@ loc_C7D8:
cmp byte_2429B, 80h
jnz short loc_C7F9
call snd_se_play pascal, 15
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_C7F2
mov _scroll_active, 1
@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ loc_C800:
mov _palette_changed, 1
cmp byte_2429B, 82h
jnz short loc_C849
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_C849
call graph_scrollup pascal, _scroll_line
jmp loc_C7AB
@ -2667,7 +2667,7 @@ loc_CA05:
cmp byte_2429B, 50h ; 'P'
jnz short loc_CA26
call snd_se_play pascal, 15
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CA1F
mov _scroll_active, 1
@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@ loc_CA2D:
mov _palette_changed, 1
cmp byte_2429B, 52h ; 'R'
jnz short loc_CA75
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CA75
call graph_scrollup pascal, _scroll_line
jmp short loc_CA75
@ -2878,7 +2878,7 @@ loc_CC28:
cmp byte_2429B, 40h
jnz short loc_CC49
call snd_se_play pascal, 15
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CC42
mov _scroll_active, 1
@ -2904,7 +2904,7 @@ loc_CC50:
mov _palette_changed, 1
cmp byte_2429B, 42h ; 'B'
jnz short loc_CC98
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CC98
call graph_scrollup pascal, _scroll_line
jmp short loc_CC98
@ -3080,7 +3080,7 @@ loc_CDDE:
cmp byte_2429B, 0A0h
jnz short loc_CDFF
call snd_se_play pascal, 15
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CDF8
mov _scroll_active, 1
@ -3106,7 +3106,7 @@ loc_CE06:
mov _palette_changed, 1
cmp byte_2429B, 0A1h
jnz short loc_CE4F
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_CE4F
call graph_scrollup pascal, _scroll_line
jmp loc_CDB1
@ -5653,7 +5653,7 @@ loc_E8D5:
add byte ptr [di], gb_0_
inc di
loop loc_E8D5
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
cmp al, 6
jnz short loc_E8E4
xor al, al
@ -5906,7 +5906,7 @@ sub_EE17 proc near
mov bp, sp
les bx, off_221D0
assume es:nothing
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 30h ; '0'
mov es:[bx+4], al
push word ptr off_221D0+2
@ -6188,7 +6188,7 @@ loc_F068:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jz short loc_F091
call super_clean pascal, (180 shl 16) or 320
jmp loc_F181
@ -6561,7 +6561,7 @@ loc_F3A4:
cmp word_2C938, 0
jz short loc_F41B
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
jmp short loc_F421
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -7166,7 +7166,7 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
enter 2, 0
push si
push di
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jz loc_FBF5
xor di, di
mov si, 1
@ -7463,7 +7463,7 @@ sub_100C6 endp
sub_10214 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_10223
mov _scroll_active, 0
@ -7478,7 +7478,7 @@ loc_10223:
jz short loc_1024F
cmp _scroll_active, 0
jz short loc_1024F
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_1024F
call graph_scrollup pascal, dx
@ -10340,7 +10340,7 @@ loc_11AF8:
call _grcg_setmode_rmw_seg1
mov ah, GC_G
call _grcg_setcolor_direct_seg1_raw
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnb short loc_11B11
push 150A80h
push 0Eh
@ -10394,10 +10394,10 @@ loc_11B91:
jb loc_11CB5
cmp byte_228EC, 16h
jnz loc_11C2D
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
add al, 0A1h
mov gStage_1+6, al
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_11BBE
push (17 shl 16) + 11
push ds
@ -10406,7 +10406,7 @@ loc_11B91:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_11BD1
push (17 shl 16) + 11
push ds
@ -10440,7 +10440,7 @@ loc_11C2D:
call _grcg_setmode_rmw_seg1
mov ah, GC_G
call _grcg_setcolor_direct_seg1_raw
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnb short loc_11C46
push 150A80h
push 0Eh
@ -10644,7 +10644,7 @@ loc_12064:
push 4
nopcall _playperf_lower
nopcall playperf_lower
les bx, _resident
inc es:[bx+resident_t.miss_count]
@ -11329,7 +11329,7 @@ loc_127BD:
jb short loc_12821
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_127E7
mov ax, 5
imul si
@ -11350,7 +11350,7 @@ loc_127E7:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_1281A
cmp _playchar, PLAYCHAR_REIMU
jnz short loc_1281A
@ -13478,7 +13478,7 @@ loc_1626C:
mov [bp+var_2], dl
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
shl al, 4
mov dl, [bp+var_2]
sub dl, al
@ -13761,7 +13761,7 @@ loc_165DF:
call text_putsa pascal, (6 shl 16) + 21, ds, BONUS_TOTAL, TX_WHITE
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov ah, 0
imul ax, 64h
add ax, 64h ; 'd'
@ -13796,7 +13796,7 @@ loc_165F8:
push si
nopcall hud_int_put
mov al, stage_id
mov al, _stage_id
mov ah, 0
imul ax, 5000
add ax, 10000
@ -13838,7 +13838,7 @@ loc_166E9:
push 1
call _playperf_raise
call playperf_raise
jmp short loc_1671B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -13855,7 +13855,7 @@ loc_1670A:
push 1
call _playperf_lower
call playperf_lower
push ss
@ -14486,7 +14486,7 @@ sub_16F05 proc near
add ax, 100
cmp ax, _extend_point_items_collected
ja short loc_16F52
call _playperf_raise pascal, 4
call playperf_raise pascal, 4
inc _extends_gained
cmp _lives, 99
jnb short loc_16F52
@ -14707,7 +14707,7 @@ loc_1711E:
push 3
call _playperf_raise
call playperf_raise
inc _lives
call sub_10407
call snd_se_play pascal, 7
@ -14748,7 +14748,7 @@ loc_17199:
mov al, byte_225CC
add al, 0E0h
mov byte_225CC, al
call _playperf_raise pascal, 1
call playperf_raise pascal, 1
inc _items_collected
@ -14809,7 +14809,7 @@ loc_171FD:
push 4
call _playperf_lower
call playperf_lower
call hud_dream_put
@ -29138,10 +29138,10 @@ loc_1FC95:
assume es:nothing
mov ax, _stage_graze
add es:[bx+resident_t.graze], ax
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jz short loc_1FCD1
call sub_F2B4
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jz short loc_1FCCB
call sub_16510
jmp loc_1FD51
@ -29161,7 +29161,7 @@ loc_1FCD6:
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 416;stuck at frame 416 until all score has been added
jnz short loc_1FD35
call score_delta_commit
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnb short loc_1FD0B
xor si, si
jmp short loc_1FD06
@ -29169,7 +29169,7 @@ loc_1FCD6:
mov al, _score_lebcd[si]
mov dl, stage_id
mov dl, _stage_id
mov dh, 0
shl dx, 3
les bx, _resident
@ -29182,14 +29182,14 @@ loc_1FD06:
jl short loc_1FCEE
cmp stage_id, 5
cmp _stage_id, 5
jnz short loc_1FD19
call end_game
jmp short loc_1FD25
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp stage_id, 6
cmp _stage_id, 6
jnz short loc_1FD25
call end_extra
@ -29855,11 +29855,7 @@ include th04/main/frames[bss].asm
word_25FE6 dw ?
byte_25FE8 db ?
include th03/hardware/palette_changed[bss].asm
stage_id db ?
_rank db ?
include th04/main/playperf[bss].asm
public _playchar
_playchar db ?
include th04/main/play[bss].asm
include th04/main/ems[bss].asm
_turbo_mode db ?
db ?
Reference in New Issue