mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Decompilation] [th01] Keyboard input in FUUIN.EXE
The only TH01 executable not supporting the numpad? And that's the point where you just rewrite the distinct input_prev_* values as a single array, because they're local to input_sense() anyway. Part of P0091, funded by Ember2528.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,8 +10,49 @@ extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ReC98.h"
#include "th01/ranks.h"
#include "th01/hardware/grppsafx.h"
#include "th01/hardware/input.hpp"
#include "th01/hiscore/scoredat.hpp"
// Input
// -----
void input_sense(bool16 reset_repeat)
extern uint8_t input_prev[10];
int group_1, group_2;
if(reset_repeat == true) {
input_prev[0] = 0;
input_prev[1] = 0;
input_prev[2] = 0;
input_prev[3] = 0;
input_prev[4] = 0;
input_prev[5] = 0;
input_prev[6] = 0;
input_prev[7] = 0;
input_prev[8] = 0;
input_prev[9] = 0;
group_1 = key_sense(7);
group_2 = key_sense(5);
group_1 |= key_sense(7);
group_2 |= key_sense(5);
input_onchange_bool(0, input_up, (group_1 & K7_ARROW_UP));
input_onchange_bool(1, input_down, (group_1 & K7_ARROW_DOWN));
input_onchange_flag(2, input_lr, INPUT_LEFT, (group_1 & K7_ARROW_LEFT));
input_onchange_flag(3, input_lr, INPUT_RIGHT, (group_1 & K7_ARROW_RIGHT));
input_onchange_bool(4, input_shot, (group_2 & K5_Z));
input_onchange_bool(5, input_strike, (group_2 & K5_X));
input_pause_ok_sense(6, 7, group_1, group_2);
#include "th01/hardware/input_rs.cpp"
// -----
extern unsigned char rank;
extern const char SCOREDAT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND[];
@ -506,246 +506,8 @@ loc_A261:
sub_A168 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A265 proc far
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 6
enter 4, 0
cmp [bp+arg_0], 1
jnz short loc_A2A5
mov byte_14039, 0
mov byte_1403A, 0
mov byte_1403B, 0
mov byte_1403C, 0
mov byte_1403D, 0
mov byte_1403E, 0
mov byte_1403F, 0
mov byte_14040, 0
mov byte_14041, 0
mov byte_14042, 0
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 7
call key_sense
mov [bp+var_2], ax
push 5
call key_sense
mov [bp+var_4], ax
push 7
call key_sense
or [bp+var_2], ax
push 5
call key_sense
or [bp+var_4], ax
mov al, byte_14039
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_2]
and dx, 4
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A2EE
test byte ptr [bp+var_2], 4
jz short loc_A2E9
mov byte_12BA2, 1
jmp short loc_A2EE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12BA2, 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_2]
and al, 4
mov byte_14039, al
mov al, byte_1403A
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_2]
and dx, 20h
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A317
test byte ptr [bp+var_2], 20h
jz short loc_A312
mov byte_12BA3, 1
jmp short loc_A317
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12BA3, 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_2]
and al, 20h
mov byte_1403A, al
mov al, byte_1403B
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_2]
and dx, 8
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A340
test byte ptr [bp+var_2], 8
jz short loc_A33B
or byte_12B99, 2
jmp short loc_A340
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and byte_12B99, 0FDh
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_2]
and al, 8
mov byte_1403B, al
mov al, byte_1403C
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_2]
and dx, 10h
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A369
test byte ptr [bp+var_2], 10h
jz short loc_A364
or byte_12B99, 1
jmp short loc_A369
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and byte_12B99, 0FEh
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_2]
and al, 10h
mov byte_1403C, al
mov al, byte_1403D
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_4]
and dx, 2
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A392
test byte ptr [bp+var_4], 2
jz short loc_A38D
mov byte_12B9C, 1
jmp short loc_A392
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12B9C, 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_4]
and al, 2
mov byte_1403D, al
mov al, byte_1403E
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_4]
and dx, 4
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A3BB
test byte ptr [bp+var_4], 4
jz short loc_A3B6
mov byte_12BA1, 1
jmp short loc_A3BB
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12BA1, 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_4]
and al, 4
mov byte_1403E, al
push 0
call key_sense
mov [bp+var_2], ax
push 3
call key_sense
mov [bp+var_4], ax
push 0
call key_sense
or [bp+var_2], ax
push 3
call key_sense
or [bp+var_4], ax
mov al, byte_1403F
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_2]
and dx, 1
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A409
test byte ptr [bp+var_2], 1
jz short loc_A409
mov al, 1
sub al, byte_12B9F
mov byte_12B9F, al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_2]
and al, 1
mov byte_1403F, al
mov al, byte_14040
mov ah, 0
mov dx, [bp+var_4]
and dx, 10h
cmp ax, dx
jz short loc_A445
test byte ptr [bp+var_4], 10h
jz short loc_A440
cmp byte_12B9F, 1
jnz short loc_A439
cmp byte_12B9C, 1
jnz short loc_A439
mov byte_12B9D, 1
mov byte_12BA0, 1
jmp short loc_A445
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12BA0, 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+var_4]
and al, 10h
mov byte_14040, al
sub_A265 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A44F proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov byte_12B99, 0
mov byte_12BA2, 0
mov byte_12BA3, 0
mov byte_12BA0, 0
mov byte_12B9F, 0
mov byte_12B9C, 0
mov byte_12BA1, 0
mov byte_12B9A, 0
mov byte_12B9B, 0
push 1
call sub_A265
pop cx
pop bp
sub_A44F endp
extern _input_sense:proc
extern _input_reset_sense:proc
extern _scoredat_name_byte_encode:proc
extern _scoredat_load:proc
extern _scoredat_name_get:proc
@ -1977,7 +1739,7 @@ arg_C = dword ptr 12h
push bp
mov bp, sp
cmp byte_12BA2, 1
cmp _input_up, 1
jz short loc_B0E6
jmp loc_B18F
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2039,12 +1801,12 @@ loc_B172:
push word ptr es:[bx]
call sub_AD86
add sp, 6
mov byte_12BA2, 0
mov _input_up, 0
jmp loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12BA3, 1
cmp _input_down, 1
jz short loc_B199
jmp loc_B242
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2106,12 +1868,12 @@ loc_B225:
push word ptr es:[bx]
call sub_AD86
add sp, 6
mov byte_12BA3, 0
mov _input_down, 0
jmp loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12B99, 2
cmp _input_lr, INPUT_LEFT
jz short loc_B24C
jmp loc_B2F4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2173,12 +1935,12 @@ loc_B2D7:
push word ptr es:[bx]
call sub_AD86
add sp, 6
mov byte_12B99, 0
mov _input_lr, 0
jmp loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12B99, 1
cmp _input_lr, INPUT_RIGHT
jz short loc_B2FE
jmp loc_B3A6
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2240,12 +2002,12 @@ loc_B38A:
push word ptr es:[bx]
call sub_AD86
add sp, 6
mov byte_12B99, 0
mov _input_lr, 0
jmp short loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12B9C, 1
cmp _input_shot, 1
jnz short loc_B3DC
push word ptr [bp+arg_C+2]
push word ptr [bp+arg_C] ; __int32
@ -2265,12 +2027,12 @@ loc_B3A6:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12B9C, 0
mov _input_shot, 0
jmp short loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12BA1, 1
cmp _input_strike, 1
jnz short loc_B403
push word ptr [bp+arg_C+2]
push word ptr [bp+arg_C] ; __int32
@ -2280,7 +2042,7 @@ loc_B3DC:
push 200h ; int
call sub_AEF6
add sp, 0Ch
mov byte_12BA1, 0
mov _input_strike, 0
jmp short loc_B408
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2483,11 +2245,10 @@ loc_B559:
cmp si, 10h
jl short loc_B554
mov [bp+var_8], 0
call fuuin_02:sub_A44F
call fuuin_02:_input_reset_sense
push 0
call fuuin_02:sub_A265
call fuuin_02:_input_sense stdcall, 0
pop cx
push ss
lea ax, [bp+var_6]
@ -2510,7 +2271,7 @@ loc_B566:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp byte_12BA0, 0
cmp _input_ok, 0
jz short loc_B59A
jmp short loc_B5AB
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2530,7 +2291,7 @@ loc_B5A9:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov byte_12BA0, 0
mov _input_ok, 0
xor si, si
jmp short loc_B5CB
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2696,7 +2457,7 @@ loc_B6F5:
jb short loc_B6CC
call fuuin_02:sub_A44F
call fuuin_02:_input_reset_sense
cmp [bp+var_2], 0
jle short loc_B710
jmp loc_B8BD
@ -2882,16 +2643,15 @@ loc_B8BD:
push 1Eh
call sub_A9FF
add sp, 10h
mov byte_12BA0, 1
mov byte_12B9C, 1
mov _input_ok, 1
mov _input_shot, 1
push 0
call fuuin_02:sub_A265
call fuuin_02:_input_sense stdcall, 0
pop cx
cmp byte_12BA0, 0
cmp _input_ok, 0
jz short loc_B8F8
cmp byte_12B9C, 0
cmp _input_shot, 0
jnz short loc_B8FA
@ -4341,13 +4101,12 @@ loc_C647:
xor si, si
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call sub_A44F
call _input_reset_sense
jmp short loc_C6B1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 0
call sub_A265
call _input_sense stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 1
pop cx
@ -4357,9 +4116,9 @@ loc_C6B1:
inc si
cmp ax, 7D0h
jge short loc_C6C7
cmp byte_12BA0, 0
cmp _input_ok, 0
jnz short loc_C6C7
cmp byte_12B9C, 0
cmp _input_shot, 0
jz short loc_C6A1
@ -4612,17 +4371,7 @@ path db 'op',0
; char arg0[3]
arg0 db 'op',0
db 0
byte_12B99 db 0
byte_12B9A db 0
byte_12B9B db 0
byte_12B9C db 0
byte_12B9D db 0
db 0
byte_12B9F db 0
byte_12BA0 db 0
byte_12BA1 db 0
byte_12BA2 db 0
byte_12BA3 db 0
include th01/hardware/input_main_end[data].asm
dd 0
db 49h ; I
db 81h
@ -4908,17 +4657,9 @@ _rank db ?
db ?
include th01/hiscore/hiscore[bss].asm
db ? ;
byte_14039 db ?
byte_1403A db ?
byte_1403B db ?
byte_1403C db ?
byte_1403D db ?
byte_1403E db ?
byte_1403F db ?
byte_14040 db ?
byte_14041 db ?
byte_14042 db ?
db ?
public _input_prev
_input_prev db 10 dup(?)
include th01/hardware/vsync[bss].asm
db 256 dup(?)
include th01/core/initexit[bss].asm
Reference in New Issue