mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Maintenance] [th01] Fix the function name format of graph_putsa_fx
Part of P0068, funded by Yanga.
This commit is contained in:
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ loc_A229:
shl bx, 2
lea ax, [bp+var_30]
add bx, ax
call graph_putsa_fx c, si, [bp+arg_2], [bp+arg_4], word ptr ss:[bx], word ptr ss:[bx+2]
call _graph_putsa_fx c, si, [bp+arg_2], [bp+arg_4], word ptr ss:[bx], word ptr ss:[bx+2]
add si, 10h
@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ loc_A814:
cmp si, 1Ah
jl short loc_A814
call graph_putsa_fx c, 32, 240, 823h, offset aVb, ds ; "a"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 32, 240, 823h, offset aVb, ds ; "a"
mov di, 8260h
xor si, si
jmp short loc_A8AA
@ -1543,10 +1543,10 @@ arg_E = word ptr 14h
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call graph_putsa_fx c, 32, 48, 33h, offset aB@cB@iB@, ds ; " 霊 位 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 144, 48, 33h, offset aB@b@cB@b@sob@b, ds ; " 名 前 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 352, 48, 33h, offset aB@b@uB@b@u_b@b, ds ; " 得 点 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 512, 48, 33h, offset aGxgebGwbeglbGg, ds ; "ステージ・ルート"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 32, 48, 33h, offset aB@cB@iB@, ds ; " 霊 位 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 144, 48, 33h, offset aB@b@cB@b@sob@b, ds ; " 名 前 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 352, 48, 33h, offset aB@b@uB@b@u_b@b, ds ; " 得 点 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 512, 48, 33h, offset aGxgebGwbeglbGg, ds ; "ステージ・ルート"
xor si, si
jmp loc_AD66
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ loc_AB36:
add ax, 64
push ax
push 32
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
jmp short $+2
@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ loc_AB77:
add ax, 64
push ax
push 144
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push 0
push 0
@ -1905,7 +1905,7 @@ loc_AC6D:
add ax, 64
push ax
push 528
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
jmp short loc_ACCD
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ loc_ACB5:
add ax, 64
push ax
push 528
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -1969,7 +1969,7 @@ loc_ACDD:
add ax, 64
push ax
push 560
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
cmp si, di
jnz short loc_ACFE
@ -6919,7 +6919,7 @@ sub_E099 endp
; Attributes: bp-based frame
graph_putsa_fx proc far
_graph_putsa_fx proc far
var_3A = byte ptr -3Ah
var_1A = word ptr -1Ah
@ -7314,7 +7314,7 @@ loc_E41D:
pop si
graph_putsa_fx endp
_graph_putsa_fx endp
extern _graph_move_byterect_interpage:proc
extern _z_respal_set:proc
@ -7361,7 +7361,7 @@ _arglist = byte ptr 10h
push [bp+arg_4]
push [bp+arg_2]
push [bp+arg_0]
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 16h
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ arg_0 = word ptr 6
push offset aVgvhvsb@vjvdvx ; " HIT KEY"
push (2Fh shl 16) or 306
push 244
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
pop bp
@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ arg_2 = word ptr 8
push ax
push [bp+@@y]
push [bp+@@x]
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
pop si
@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ sub_C8D5 endp
; Attributes: bp-based frame
graph_putsa_fx proc far
_graph_putsa_fx proc far
var_3A = byte ptr -3Ah
var_1A = word ptr -1Ah
@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@ loc_CC59:
pop si
graph_putsa_fx endp
_graph_putsa_fx endp
extern _z_respal_set:proc
op_06_TEXT ends
@ -4091,7 +4091,7 @@ arglist = byte ptr 10h
push [bp+arg_4]
push [bp+arg_2]
push [bp+arg_0]
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 16h
@ -2620,9 +2620,9 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
enter 2, 0
mov [bp+var_1], 0
call graph_putsa_fx c, 272, large (37h shl 16) or 128, offset aVovVtvrvd, ds ; "PAUSE"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large (37h shl 16) or 144, offset aB@nKjb@b@pic, ds ; " 再開 終了"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aBB@b@b@b@b@b@, ds ; "● "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 272, large (37h shl 16) or 128, offset aVovVtvrvd, ds ; "PAUSE"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large (37h shl 16) or 144, offset aB@nKjb@b@pic, ds ; " 再開 終了"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aBB@b@b@b@b@b@, ds ; "● "
push 28h ; '('
call sub_C8C7
pop cx
@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ loc_C9A2:
push 900140h
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
add sp, 8
call graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 256, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
mov [bp+var_1], 0
@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ loc_C9E6:
push 900100h
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
add sp, 8
call graph_putsa_fx c, 320, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 320, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
mov [bp+var_1], 1
@ -2689,9 +2689,9 @@ loc_CA39:
jz loc_CB96
cmp byte_34A51, 0
jz loc_CB96
call graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large (37h shl 16) or 128, offset aCUcvPicVVVsvdv, ds ; "本当に終了しちゃうの?"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large (37h shl 16) or 144, offset aB@vdvVVVgb@b@v, ds ; " うそですぅ はいっ"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large (37h shl 16) or 128, offset aCUcvPicVVVsvdv, ds ; "本当に終了しちゃうの?"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large (37h shl 16) or 144, offset aB@vdvVVVgb@b@v, ds ; " うそですぅ はいっ"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
mov [bp+var_1], 0
jmp loc_CB5D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2708,7 +2708,7 @@ loc_CACF:
push 900150h
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
add sp, 8
call graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 224, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
mov [bp+var_1], 0
@ -2718,7 +2718,7 @@ loc_CB13:
push 9000E0h
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
add sp, 8
call graph_putsa_fx c, 336, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 336, large ( 7h shl 16) or 144, offset aB, ds ; "●"
mov [bp+var_1], 1
@ -2844,11 +2844,11 @@ sub_CC0F proc far
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call sub_EC80
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 0, offset aVgvpvovfvivovx, ds ; "continue? "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 16, offset aVxvevub@b@B@, ds ; "Yes "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 32, offset aVmvpb@b@B@, ds ; "No "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (221h shl 16) or 48, offset aVxvevub@b@c@, ds ; "Yes "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (221h shl 16) or 64, offset aVmvpb@b@c@, ds ; "No "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 0, offset aVgvpvovfvivovx, ds ; "continue? "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 16, offset aVxvevub@b@B@, ds ; "Yes "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (227h shl 16) or 32, offset aVmvpb@b@B@, ds ; "No "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (221h shl 16) or 48, offset aVxvevub@b@c@, ds ; "Yes "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, (221h shl 16) or 64, offset aVmvpb@b@c@, ds ; "No "
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
@ -6522,7 +6522,7 @@ sub_F9D0 endp
; Attributes: bp-based frame
graph_putsa_fx proc far
_graph_putsa_fx proc far
var_3A = byte ptr -3Ah
var_1A = word ptr -1Ah
@ -6917,7 +6917,7 @@ loc_FD54:
pop si
graph_putsa_fx endp
_graph_putsa_fx endp
extern _graph_move_byterect_interpage:proc
extern _z_respal_set:proc
@ -10768,28 +10768,28 @@ loc_127AC:
push offset aVqvnvtvmvcb@vp ; "ROUND 1 CLEAR"
push (207h shl 16) or 0
push 0
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push ds
push offset aVbvpvovzvtvbvf ; "Congratulation!!"
push (207h shl 16) or 32
push 0
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push ds
push offset aVrvevmvevgvfb@ ; "Select next Round"
push (207h shl 16) or 64
push 0
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push ds
push offset aCvkev ; "魔界へ"
push (201h shl 16) or 96
push 0
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 2Eh
push ds
push offset aTnncv ; "地獄へ"
push (203h shl 16) or 128
push 0
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
push (0Fh shl 16) or 0Fh
@ -11872,15 +11872,15 @@ arg_0 = word ptr 6
pushd [bp+var_4]
push (2Ah shl 16) or 80
push 64
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 112, offset aB@b@vavnvmvtvr, ds ; " BONUS"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 128, offset aB@vsvivnveb@, ds ; " Time "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 160, offset aVbvpvovfvivovx, ds ; "Continuous"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 192, offset aVavpvnvvbxvovm, ds ; "Bomb&Player"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 224, offset aB@b@vrvsvVfvd, ds ; " STAGE"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 256, offset aVavnvmvtvrb@vo, ds ; "BONUS Point"
call graph_putsa_fx c, 160, large (2Ah shl 16) or 288, offset aVgvivfb@vyb@vj, ds ; "Hit Z Key"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 112, offset aB@b@vavnvmvtvr, ds ; " BONUS"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 128, offset aB@vsvivnveb@, ds ; " Time "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 160, offset aVbvpvovfvivovx, ds ; "Continuous"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 192, offset aVavpvnvvbxvovm, ds ; "Bomb&Player"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 224, offset aB@b@vrvsvVfvd, ds ; " STAGE"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 48, large (27h shl 16) or 256, offset aVavnvmvtvrb@vo, ds ; "BONUS Point"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 160, large (2Ah shl 16) or 288, offset aVgvivfb@vyb@vj, ds ; "Hit Z Key"
mov ax, word_39DAC
imul ax, 3
mov si, ax
@ -11921,7 +11921,7 @@ loc_1321E:
pushd [bp+var_8]
push (27h shl 16) or 128
push 256
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov ax, word_34A88
imul ax, 64h
@ -11949,7 +11949,7 @@ loc_13285:
pushd [bp+var_8]
push (27h shl 16) or 160
push 256
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov ax, _rem_lives
imul ax, 0C8h
@ -11981,7 +11981,7 @@ loc_132D0:
pushd [bp+var_8]
push (27h shl 16) or 192
push 256
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov ax, [bp+arg_0]
dec ax
@ -12010,7 +12010,7 @@ loc_13313:
pushd [bp+var_8]
push (27h shl 16) or 224
push 256
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov eax, dword_34A5E
add _score, eax
@ -12104,7 +12104,7 @@ loc_13313:
pushd [bp+var_8]
push (27h shl 16) or 256
push 240
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call sub_1889C
call sub_D02F
@ -13057,7 +13057,7 @@ loc_13C33:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
inc di
inc si
@ -13065,7 +13065,7 @@ loc_13C33:
cmp si, 1Ah
jl short loc_13C33
call graph_putsa_fx c, 32, large (823h shl 16) or 240, offset aVb, ds ; "a"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 32, large (823h shl 16) or 240, offset aVb, ds ; "a"
mov di, 8260h
xor si, si
jmp short loc_13CBF
@ -13094,7 +13094,7 @@ loc_13C89:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
inc di
inc si
@ -13132,7 +13132,7 @@ loc_13CC8:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
inc si
@ -13167,7 +13167,7 @@ loc_13D11:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
inc di
inc si
@ -13191,7 +13191,7 @@ loc_13D47:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
mov si, 0Fh
push ds
push offset aBi ; "←"
@ -13209,7 +13209,7 @@ loc_13D47:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
inc si
push ds
push offset aBi_0 ; "→"
@ -13227,7 +13227,7 @@ loc_13D47:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
inc si
push ds
push offset aPi ; "終"
@ -13245,7 +13245,7 @@ loc_13D47:
shl dx, 5
add dx, 32
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 28h
inc si
pop di
@ -13286,10 +13286,10 @@ arg_E = word ptr 14h
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call graph_putsa_fx c, 32, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@cB@iB@, ds ; " 霊 位 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 144, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@b@cB@b@sob@b, ds ; " 名 前 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 352, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@b@uB@b@u_b@b, ds ; " 得 点 "
call graph_putsa_fx c, 512, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aGxgebGwbeglbGg, ds ; "ステージ・ルート"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 32, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@cB@iB@, ds ; " 霊 位 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 144, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@b@cB@b@sob@b, ds ; " 名 前 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 352, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aB@b@uB@b@u_b@b, ds ; " 得 点 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 512, large (33h shl 16) or 48, offset aGxgebGwbeglbGg, ds ; "ステージ・ルート"
xor si, si
jmp loc_14082
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -13380,7 +13380,7 @@ loc_13ECE:
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
push 32
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -13408,7 +13408,7 @@ loc_13EFC:
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
push 144
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push 0
pushd 0
@ -13528,7 +13528,7 @@ loc_13FEB:
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
push 528
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -13539,7 +13539,7 @@ loc_13FFF:
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
push 560
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov [bp+var_4], 0
cmp si, [bp+arg_0]
@ -13580,7 +13580,7 @@ loc_1404B:
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
push 576
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
cmp [bp+arg_0], si
jnz short loc_14081
@ -13764,7 +13764,7 @@ loc_141A2:
push [bp+var_4]
push di
push si
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -13781,7 +13781,7 @@ loc_141AF:
push [bp+var_4]
push di
push si
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -13971,7 +13971,7 @@ loc_1432E:
push point_3945E.x
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0
add sp, 8
call graph_putsa_fx c, point_3945E.x, point_3945E.y, 23h, large [bp+arg_4]
call _graph_putsa_fx c, point_3945E.x, point_3945E.y, 23h, large [bp+arg_4]
les bx, [bp+arg_8]
mov bx, es:[bx]
add bx, bx
@ -13990,7 +13990,7 @@ loc_1432E:
push 3
push point_3945E.y
push point_3945E.x
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
xor ax, ax
@ -14627,7 +14627,7 @@ loc_148F9:
pop cx
cmp di, 1Eh
jge short loc_14942
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, large (227h shl 16) or 384, offset aUmx_2, ds ; "東方靈異伝 強者の記録 "
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, large (227h shl 16) or 384, offset aUmx_2, ds ; "東方靈異伝 強者の記録 "
mov al, _rank
shl ax, 2
@ -14640,7 +14640,7 @@ loc_148F9:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call graph_putsa_fx c, 0, large (227h shl 16) or 0, offset aUmx_1, ds ; "東方靈異伝 強者の記録"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 0, large (227h shl 16) or 0, offset aUmx_1, ds ; "東方靈異伝 強者の記録"
mov al, _rank
shl ax, 2
@ -14652,7 +14652,7 @@ loc_14942:
push 192
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
@ -20921,7 +20921,7 @@ loc_180F9:
mov bx, si
imul bx, 0Ah
push word ptr [bx+5370h]
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push ds
push offset aExtend ; "Extend!!"
@ -20986,7 +20986,7 @@ loc_18184:
push word ptr [bx+5370h]
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -21464,7 +21464,7 @@ loc_18509:
push ax
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
@ -21633,7 +21633,7 @@ loc_18629:
shl bx, 2
lea ax, [bp+var_30]
add bx, ax
call graph_putsa_fx c, si, [bp+arg_2], [bp+arg_4], large dword ptr ss:[bx]
call _graph_putsa_fx c, si, [bp+arg_2], [bp+arg_4], large dword ptr ss:[bx]
add si, 10h
@ -22990,7 +22990,7 @@ var_4 = byte ptr -4
push ax
push (27h shl 16) or 32
push 608
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push 100020h
push 260h
@ -23062,7 +23062,7 @@ loc_19124:
mov dx, 600
sub dx, ax
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
pushd 142h
push 200260h
@ -23081,7 +23081,7 @@ loc_19124:
push ax
push (27h shl 16) or 32
push 608
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
@ -23106,7 +23106,7 @@ loc_19124:
mov dx, 600
sub dx, ax
push dx
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
pushd 142h
push 200260h
@ -23117,7 +23117,7 @@ loc_19124:
push ax
push (27h shl 16) or 32
push 608
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
mov byte_39DA1, 0
cmp byte_34A49, 1
@ -23223,7 +23223,7 @@ loc_19287:
push ax
push (27h shl 16) or 0
push 512
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
push ss
@ -23231,7 +23231,7 @@ loc_19287:
push ax
push (27h shl 16) or 0
push 512
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 18h
pop si
@ -23279,7 +23279,7 @@ loc_192EB:
push ax
push si
pushd (0 shl 16) or 512
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pushd 14Dh
@ -23300,7 +23300,7 @@ loc_192EB:
push ax
push si
pushd (0 shl 16) or 512
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
pop si
@ -8603,7 +8603,7 @@ loc_20167:
mov ax, es:[bx]
add ax, [bp+@@x]
push ax
call graph_putsa_fx
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
Reference in New Issue