[Maintenance] [th02/th04/th05] Text overlay: Adopt "playfield TRAM" code

Part of P0186, funded by [Anonymous] and Blue Bolt.
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2022-03-07 00:44:13 +01:00
parent 7d5b34d390
commit 39fd88d728
11 changed files with 104 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#if (GAME == 2)
// Fills the playfield's area on the text RAM with transparency.
// (Future games use a near function.)
void far overlay_wipe(void);

View File

@ -18,12 +18,6 @@
#if (GAME == 2)
// Fills the playfield's area on the text RAM with transparency.
// (Future games use a near function.)
void far playfield_tram_wipe(void);
#define playfield_encloses_yx_lt_ge(center_x, center_y, w, h) ( \
/* Casting the center coordinate allows this macro to easily be used */ \
/* with the _AX and _DX pseudoregisters after motion_update(). */ \

View File

if GAME eq 5
playfield_tram_x_loop macro @@atrb:req
overlay_x_loop macro @@atrb:req
call text_putsa pascal, PLAYFIELD_TRAM_LEFT, si, _PLAYFIELD_BLANK_ROW, @@atrb
playfield_tram_x_loop macro @@atrb:req
overlay_x_loop macro @@atrb:req
local @@x_loop, @@x_more?
jmp short @@x_more?
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ else
playfield_tram_loop macro @@atrb:req
overlay_loop macro @@atrb:req
jmp short @@y_more?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
playfield_tram_x_loop <@@atrb>
overlay_x_loop <@@atrb>
inc si
@ -51,23 +51,23 @@ playfield_tram_loop macro @@atrb:req
jl short @@y_loop
playfield_tram_loop_func macro @@funcname:req, @@dist:req, @@atrb:req
overlay_loop_func macro @@funcname:req, @@dist:req, @@atrb:req
public @@funcname
@@funcname proc @@dist
@@funcname proc @@dist
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
if GAME ne 5
push di
playfield_tram_loop <@@atrb>
overlay_loop <@@atrb>
pop di
playfield_tram_loop <@@atrb>
overlay_loop <@@atrb>
pop si
pop bp
@@funcname endp
@@funcname endp
TILE_W = 16

View File

@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ var_C = byte ptr -0Ch
call graph_clear
graph_showpage 0
call hud_put
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
call _pi_put_8 stdcall, 96, large 144
@ -3378,9 +3378,9 @@ loc_C3FB:
cmp _key_det, 0
jz short loc_C3FB
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call sub_1C9FE
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.continues_used], 3
jnb loc_C4F5
@ -3485,7 +3485,7 @@ loc_C516:
mov power_overflow_level, 10
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov ax, di
pop di
pop si
@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ loc_EB5D:
inc byte_21A55
cmp byte_21A55, 12h
jb short loc_EB7C
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov _bomb_frame, 132
@ -9409,7 +9409,7 @@ loc_FBDF:
retn 0Ah
sub_FB42 endp
playfield_tram_loop_func _playfield_tram_wipe, far, <TX_WHITE>
overlay_loop_func @overlay_wipe$qv, far, <TX_WHITE>
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -9470,7 +9470,7 @@ var_4 = dword ptr -4
push offset gBONUS
mov cx, 6
call SCOPY@
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov PaletteTone, 62
call far ptr palette_show
push (24 shl 16) + 4
@ -9632,7 +9632,7 @@ var_4 = dword ptr -4
push offset gBONUS_0
mov cx, 6
call SCOPY@
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov PaletteTone, 62
call far ptr palette_show
push (24 shl 16) + 4
@ -15490,13 +15490,13 @@ var_2 = word ptr -2
push si
push di
mov di, 32
nopcall _playfield_tram_wipe
nopcall @overlay_wipe$qv
call sub_DE4E
call graph_scrollup pascal, _scroll_line
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage _page_front
nopcall _playfield_tram_wipe
nopcall @overlay_wipe$qv
mov si, 320
add si, _scroll_line
cmp si, RES_Y
@ -15565,7 +15565,7 @@ var_2 = word ptr -2
push si
push di
mov di, 20h ; ' '
nopcall _playfield_tram_wipe
nopcall @overlay_wipe$qv
mov si, 320
add si, _scroll_line
cmp si, RES_Y
@ -16367,7 +16367,7 @@ sub_13414 endp
sub_13439 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
nopcall _playfield_tram_wipe
nopcall @overlay_wipe$qv
pop cx
push 69h ; 'i'

View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ static inline void boss_bgm_dissolve_put(const int& bgm_len)
#define dissolve_out_update(frame) \
playfield_tram_wipe(); \
overlay_wipe(); \
dissolve_sprite = BB_TXT_OUT_SPRITE; \
} else { \
if((frame & 1) == 0) { \
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void pascal near overlay_titles_update_and_render(void)
if(dissolve_sprite >= (BB_TXT_OUT_SPRITE + BB_TXT_OUT_CELS)) {
if(frames & 1) {
overlay_text = nullfunc_near;
overlay1 = nullfunc_near;
frames = 0;
dissolve_sprite = 0;
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void pascal near overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_render(void)
if(dissolve_sprite >= (BB_TXT_OUT_SPRITE + BB_TXT_OUT_CELS)) {
if(frames & 1) {
overlay_text = nullfunc_near;
overlay1 = nullfunc_near;
frames = 0;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void pascal near overlay_popup_update_and_render(void)
if(frame >= POPUP_DURATION) {
frame = 0;
overlay_popup = nullfunc_near;
overlay2 = nullfunc_near;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
/// TRAM text overlaid on top of the playfield
/// -------------------------------------------
extern nearfunc_t_near overlay_text; // Rendered first
extern nearfunc_t_near overlay_popup; // Rendered second
extern nearfunc_t_near overlay1; // Rendered first
extern nearfunc_t_near overlay2; // Rendered second
// Fills the playfield area on the text RAM with transparent spaces.
void near overlay_wipe(void);
// Fills the playfield area on the text RAM with black, effectively hiding the
// playfield in the process.
void near overlay_black(void);
// Popup messages for common gameplay events, shown at the top of the playfield
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ extern unsigned long overlay_popup_bonus;
void pascal far overlay_popup_update_and_render(void); \
overlay_popup_id_new = popup_new; \
overlay_popup = reinterpret_cast<nearfunc_t_near>( \
overlay2 = reinterpret_cast<nearfunc_t_near>( \
overlay_popup_update_and_render \
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ _boss_bgm_title_len dw ?
public _popup_gaiji_len, _popup_id_cur, _popup_dest_reached, _popup_shiftbuf
public _popup_cur_tram_left, _popup_dest_tram_left, _bgm_title_id
public _overlay_popup_id_new, _overlay_text, _overlay_popup, _titles_frame
public _overlay_popup_id_new, _overlay1, _overlay2, _titles_frame
public _overlay_popup_bonus
_popup_gaiji_len dw ?
_popup_id_cur db ?
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ _popup_cur_tram_left dw ?
_popup_dest_tram_left dw ?
_bgm_title_id db ?
_overlay_popup_id_new db ?
_overlay_text dw ?
_overlay_popup dw ?
_overlay1 dw ?
_overlay2 dw ?
_titles_frame db ?
_overlay_popup_bonus dd ?

View File

@ -13,12 +13,6 @@
// Fills the playfield area on the text RAM with transparent spaces.
void near playfield_tram_wipe(void);
// Fills the playfield area on the text RAM with black, effectively hiding the
// playfield in the process.
void near playfield_tram_black(void);
#define playfield_bg_put(left, top, cdg_slot) \
cdg_put_noalpha_8((PLAYFIELD_LEFT + left), (PLAYFIELD_TOP + top), cdg_slot)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ endif
extrn _hud_gaiji_row:byte:SCORE_DIGITS
extrn _overlay_popup_id_new:byte
extrn _overlay_popup:word
extrn _overlay2:word
if GAME eq 4
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ endif
jz short @@subtract_frame_delta_and_render
mov _hiscore_popup_shown, 1
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_HISCORE_ENTRY
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov eax, _score_delta_frame

View File

@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ loc_ABBA:
call main_01:bullets_render
call main_01:circles_render
call _overlay_text
call _overlay_popup
call _overlay1
call _overlay2
call _playfield_shake_update_and_rende
call main_01:far ptr _input_reset_sense
mov ax, vsync_Count1
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ loc_AF4A:
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call main_01:sub_12024
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call main_01:sub_B1D0
nopcall main_01:hud_put
call @eyecatch_animate$qv
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ loc_B156:
call palette_black_out
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
call main_01:_playfield_tram_black
call @overlay_black$qv
call main_01:tiles_render_all
mov _page_back, 1
mov _page_front, 0
@ -885,8 +885,8 @@ loc_B156:
nopcall main_01:sub_CB99
mov _overlay_text, offset sub_10DA3
mov _overlay_popup, offset nullfunc_near
mov _overlay1, offset sub_10DA3
mov _overlay2, offset nullfunc_near
pop si
pop bp
@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ loc_CF70:
mov _bgm_title_id, 10h
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov al, 1
pop bp
@ -3138,7 +3138,7 @@ loc_D6DC:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
pop di
pop si
@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ public @dialog_animate$qv
push bp
mov bp, sp
call @dialog_init$qv
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage _page_front
@ -4622,8 +4622,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_25660, 24h ; '$'
jb short loc_E47B
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
mov al, 1
jmp short loc_E4CD
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4698,8 +4698,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_25660, 0
jnz short loc_E4EB
call main_01:_playfield_tram_black
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_black$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
mov al, 1
jmp short loc_E53D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4830,7 +4830,7 @@ loc_E5EF:
jl short loc_E5C2
call gaiji_putsa pascal, (20 shl 16) + 12, ds, offset gGAMEOVER, TX_WHITE
call input_wait_for_change pascal, 0
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call main_01:sub_E67A
mov ah, 0
mov [bp+var_2], ax
@ -4861,7 +4861,7 @@ loc_E63F:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
jmp short loc_E675
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -5857,7 +5857,7 @@ loc_EE60:
nopcall main_01:sub_EEE8
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_EXTEND
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
call snd_se_play pascal, 7
@ -9098,8 +9098,8 @@ loc_10BFA:
sub_10ABF endp
include th04/main/player/render.asm
playfield_tram_loop_func _playfield_tram_wipe, near, <TX_WHITE>
playfield_tram_loop_func _playfield_tram_black, near, <TX_BLACK + TX_REVERSE>
overlay_loop_func @overlay_wipe$qv, near, <TX_WHITE>
overlay_loop_func @overlay_black$qv, near, <TX_BLACK + TX_REVERSE>
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -9114,16 +9114,16 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_22EA2, 48h ; 'H'
jb short loc_10DE5
call main_01:_playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+resident_t.demo_num], 0
jnz short loc_10DC6
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_titles_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_titles_update_and_render$qv
jmp short loc_10DDE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
call gaiji_putsa pascal, (18 shl 16) + 12, ds, offset gDEMO_PLAY, TX_YELLOW + TX_BLINK
@ -9200,8 +9200,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_22EA2, 0
jnz short loc_10E51
call main_01:_playfield_tram_black
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_black$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
jmp short loc_10EA1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -27646,7 +27646,7 @@ loc_1DBD0:
cmp _power, 127
jnz short loc_1DBF5
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 20
jnb short loc_1DBF5
mov _bullet_clear_time, 20
@ -27750,7 +27750,7 @@ loc_1DCCC:
jb short loc_1DCFE
mov _power, 128
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 20
jnb short loc_1DCFE
mov _bullet_clear_time, 20
@ -27793,7 +27793,7 @@ loc_1DD47:
call sub_EEE8
call snd_se_play pascal, 7
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_EXTEND
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
jmp short loc_1DD90 ; jumptable 0001CCD9 case 696
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -27804,7 +27804,7 @@ loc_1DD6F:
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _power, 128
call sub_11DE6
@ -28630,7 +28630,7 @@ loc_1E801:
mov _boss_hitbox_radius.x, (24 shl 4)
mov _boss_hitbox_radius.y, (48 shl 4)
mov _bgm_title_id, 0Fh
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
call cdg_free pascal, CDG_BG_BOSS
call @bb_stage_free$qv
call cdg_load_single_noalpha pascal, CDG_BG_BOSS, ds, offset aSt06bk2_cdg, 0
@ -28673,7 +28673,7 @@ loc_1E8C9:
call @end_extra$qv
mov _overlay_text, offset sub_10E39
mov _overlay1, offset sub_10E39
kajacall KAJA_SONG_FADE, 10
jmp short loc_1E905
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ loc_AF2D:
call sub_100C6
call circles_render
call _overlay_text
call _overlay_popup
call _overlay1
call _overlay2
call _playfield_shake_update_and_rende
call far ptr _input_reset_sense
mov al, _slowdown_caused_by_bullets
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ loc_B2DD:
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call sub_CFEE
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call sub_B55A
nopcall hud_put
call @eyecatch_animate$qv
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ loc_B4BB:
call palette_black_out
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
call _playfield_tram_black
call @overlay_black$qv
call tiles_render_all
mov _page_back, 1
mov _page_front, 0
@ -1015,8 +1015,8 @@ loc_B506:
mov _overlay_text, offset sub_11914
mov _overlay_popup, offset nullfunc_near
mov _overlay1, offset sub_11914
mov _overlay2, offset nullfunc_near
pop si
pop bp
@ -3839,7 +3839,7 @@ sub_EE58 proc near
mov _boss_update, eax
mov ax, _boss_fg_render_func
mov _boss_fg_render, ax
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov al, 1
pop bp
@ -4250,7 +4250,7 @@ loc_F2AB:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
pop si
@ -4299,7 +4299,7 @@ loc_F318:
call cdg_free pascal, CDG_BG_PLAYCHAR_BOMB
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage _page_front
@ -4551,8 +4551,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_2C99C, 24h ; '$'
jb short loc_F8B0
call _playfield_tram_wipe
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_wipe$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
mov al, 1
jmp short loc_F902
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4627,8 +4627,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_2C99C, 0
jnz short loc_F920
call _playfield_tram_black
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_black$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
mov al, 1
jmp short loc_F972
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4754,7 +4754,7 @@ loc_FA18:
jl short loc_F9EB
call gaiji_putsa pascal, (20 shl 16) + 12, ds offset gGAMEOVER, TX_WHITE
call input_wait_for_change pascal, 0
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
call sub_FAA3
mov ah, 0
mov [bp+var_2], ax
@ -4785,7 +4785,7 @@ loc_FA68:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
jmp short loc_FA9E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -5432,7 +5432,7 @@ hud_dream_put proc far
cmp _dream, 128
jb short loc_105E6
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_DREAMBONUS_MAX
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 20
jnb short loc_105E6
mov _bullet_clear_time, 20
@ -7513,8 +7513,8 @@ loc_118CD:
midboss5_render endp
playfield_tram_loop_func _playfield_tram_wipe, near, <TX_WHITE>
playfield_tram_loop_func _playfield_tram_black, near, <TX_BLACK + TX_REVERSE>
overlay_loop_func @overlay_wipe$qv, near, <TX_WHITE>
overlay_loop_func @overlay_black$qv, near, <TX_BLACK + TX_REVERSE>
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -7529,7 +7529,7 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_2288A, 48h ; 'H'
jb short loc_1195D
call _playfield_tram_wipe
call @overlay_wipe$qv
les bx, _resident
assume es:nothing
cmp es:[bx+resident_t.demo_num], 0
@ -7538,12 +7538,12 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
jnz short loc_1193E
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_titles_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_titles_update_and_render$qv
jmp short loc_11956
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
call gaiji_putsa pascal, (18 shl 16) + 12, ds, offset gDEMO_PLAY, TX_YELLOW + TX_BLINK
@ -7620,8 +7620,8 @@ var_1 = byte ptr -1
push di
cmp byte_2288A, 0
jnz short loc_119C9
call _playfield_tram_black
mov _overlay_text, offset nullfunc_near
call @overlay_black$qv
mov _overlay1, offset nullfunc_near
jmp short loc_11A19
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -10639,7 +10639,7 @@ sub_16F05 proc near
call sub_10407
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_EXTEND
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
call snd_se_play pascal, 7
@ -10677,7 +10677,7 @@ loc_16F76:
cmp _power, 127
jnz short loc_16F9B
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 20
jnb short loc_16F9B
mov _bullet_clear_time, 20
@ -10811,7 +10811,7 @@ loc_170B5:
jb short loc_170E7
mov _power, 128
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
cmp _bullet_clear_time, 20
jnb short loc_170E7
mov _bullet_clear_time, 20
@ -10853,7 +10853,7 @@ loc_1712C:
call sub_10407
call snd_se_play pascal, 7
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_EXTEND
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
jmp short loc_17171
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -10864,7 +10864,7 @@ loc_17150:
mov _overlay_popup_id_new, POPUP_ID_FULL_POWERUP
mov _overlay_popup, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _overlay2, offset @overlay_popup_update_and_render$qv
mov _power, 128
call sub_E4FC
@ -16255,7 +16255,7 @@ loc_1AF66:
call @dialog_animate$qv
mov _overlay_text, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov _overlay1, offset @overlay_boss_bgm_update_and_rend$qv
mov _boss_phase, 0
mov _boss_phase_frame, 0
mov _boss_fg_render, offset sub_10F12
@ -23854,7 +23854,7 @@ loc_1FD19:
call @end_extra$qv
mov _overlay_text, offset sub_119B1
mov _overlay1, offset sub_119B1
kajacall KAJA_SONG_FADE, 10
jmp short loc_1FD51
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------