mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Decompilation] [th01] Elis: Star of David rendering
Nice that this is a dedicated function. ZUN could have easily
copy-pasted it into every pattern, just as we've seen with Konngara… 🎺
Part of P0194, funded by Ember2528.
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ extern bool initial_hp_rendered;
// --------
static const int CHOOSE_NEW = 0;
enum elis_starpattern_ret_t {
SP_PATTERN = true,
_elis_starpattern_ret_t_FORCE_INT16 = 0x7FFF,
extern union {
int angle_range; // ACTUAL TYPE: unsigned char
pellet_group_t group;
@ -106,6 +113,9 @@ enum elis_entity_cel_t {
C_WAVE_2 = 3,
C_WAVE_3 = 4,
C_WAVE_4 = 5,
#define ent_still_or_wave boss_entities[ENT_STILL_OR_WAVE]
@ -762,3 +772,75 @@ int phase_1(int id)
return CHOOSE_NEW;
void pascal near star_of_david_put(int col)
starcircle_line_put(-0x40, +0x16, col);
starcircle_line_put(-0x40, +0x6A, col);
starcircle_line_put(+0x16, +0x6A, col);
starcircle_line_put(+0x40, -0x6A, col);
starcircle_line_put(+0x40, -0x16, col);
starcircle_line_put(-0x6A, -0x16, col);
inline void star_of_david_unput(void) {
starcircle_line_unput(-0x40, +0x16);
starcircle_line_unput(-0x40, +0x6A);
starcircle_line_unput(+0x16, +0x6A);
starcircle_line_unput(+0x40, -0x6A);
starcircle_line_unput(+0x40, -0x16);
starcircle_line_unput(-0x6A, -0x16);
// Renders a frame of the Star of David summon/flash animation in front of a
// danmaku pattern.
elis_starpattern_ret_t near star_of_david(void)
#define circle star_of_david_circle
extern starcircle_t circle;
if(boss_phase_frame < 5) {
circle.frames = 0;
circle.angle = 0x00;
if(boss_phase_frame < 10) {
if(boss_phase_frame == 10) {
ent_unput_and_put_both(ENT_ATTACK, C_PREPARE);
circle.angle = 0x00;
circle.frames = 0;
if(bigcircle_is_summon_frame(10) && (circle.frames == 0)) {
if(bigcircle_summon(circle, 10, 0x02)) {
circle.frames = 1;
bigcircle_sloppy_unput(circle); // (redundant, position unchanged)
bigcircle_put(circle, V_WHITE);
} else if(bigcircle_summon_done(circle)) {
if(circle.frames == 10) {
if((circle.frames > 20) && ((circle.frames % 4) == 0)) {
bigcircle_put(circle, COL_FX);
} else if((circle.frames > 20) && ((circle.frames % 4) == 2)) {
bigcircle_put(circle, V_WHITE);
if(circle.frames > 60) {
boss_phase_frame = 0;
circle.angle = 0x00;
circle.frames = 0;
return SP_PATTERN;
#undef circle
@ -17408,274 +17408,12 @@ ELIS_BASE_TOP = (PLAYFIELD_TOP + ((PLAYFIELD_H / 21) * 5) - (ELIS_GIRL_H / 2))
extern @elis_free$qv:proc
extern @wave_teleport$qii:proc
extern @elis_select_for_rank$qmiiiii:proc
@STARCIRCLE_LINE_PUT$QUCUCI procdesc pascal near \
col:word, angle_1:byte, angle_2:byte
@STARCIRCLE_LINE_UNPUT$QUCUC procdesc pascal near \
angle_1:byte, angle_2:byte
extern @phase_1$qi:proc
@star_of_david$qv procdesc near
main_35_TEXT ends
main_35__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_25DE6 proc near
@@col = word ptr 4
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
mov si, [bp+@@col]
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 0C0h, 016h, si
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 0C0h, 06Ah, si
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 016h, 06Ah, si
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 040h, 096h, si
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 040h, 0EAh, si
call @starcircle_line_put$qucuci pascal, 096h, 0EAh, si
pop si
pop bp
retn 2
sub_25DE6 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_25E28 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 5
jge short loc_25E3D
mov word_3A6FF, 0
mov angle_3A6FE, 0
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 10
jl loc_260D8
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 10
jnz short loc_25EB1
push 1
call _graph_accesspage_func
call @girl_bg_put$qi stdcall, 2
mov elis_attack.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_attack.BE_bos_image, 0
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset elis_attack, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
call @girl_bg_put$qi stdcall, 2
mov elis_attack.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_attack.BE_bos_image, 0
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset elis_attack, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 20h
mov angle_3A6FE, 0
mov word_3A6FF, 0
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 10
jl loc_25FED
mov ax, _boss_phase_frame
mov bx, 2
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz loc_25FED
cmp word_3A6FF, 0
jnz loc_25FED
cmp _boss_phase_frame, 10
jnz short loc_25EE1
push 8
call _mdrv2_se_play
pop cx
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 2
push ax ; angle_end
push word ptr angle_3A6FE ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (7 shl 16) ; (radius_y) or (col shl 16)
push 128 ; radius_x
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 42h
push ax ; angle_end
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 40h
push ax ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (7 shl 16) ; (radius_y) or (col shl 16)
push 128 ; radius_x
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, -7Eh
push ax ; angle_end
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 80h
push ax ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (7 shl 16) ; (radius_y) or (col shl 16)
push 128 ; radius_x
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
add sp, 30h
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 194
push ax ; angle_end
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, -40h
push ax ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (7 shl 16) ; (radius_y) or (col shl 16)
push 128 ; radius_x
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
add sp, 10h
mov al, angle_3A6FE
add al, 2
mov angle_3A6FE, al
cmp angle_3A6FE, 40h
jb loc_260D8
mov word_3A6FF, 1
push 255 ; angle_end
push 0 ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (128 shl 16) ; (radius_x) or (radius_y shl 16)
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_sloppy_unput$qiiiiucucuc
push 255 ; angle_end
push 0 ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (7 shl 16) ; (radius_y) or (col shl 16)
push 128 ; radius_x
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
add sp, 1Eh
jmp loc_260D8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp angle_3A6FE, 40h
jb loc_260D8
inc word_3A6FF
cmp word_3A6FF, 0Ah
jnz short loc_26006
call sub_25DE6 pascal, 7
cmp word_3A6FF, 14h
jle short loc_26029
mov ax, word_3A6FF
mov bx, 4
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_26029
call sub_25DE6 pascal, bx
push 255 ; angle_end
push 0 ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 4 ; col
jmp short loc_2604C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word_3A6FF, 14h
jle short loc_26068
mov ax, word_3A6FF
mov bx, 4
idiv bx
cmp dx, 2
jnz short loc_26068
call sub_25DE6 pascal, 7
push 255 ; angle_end
push 0 ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 7 ; col
push 128 or (128 shl 16) ; (radius_x) or (radius_y shl 16)
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_put$qiiiiiucucuc
add sp, 10h
cmp word_3A6FF, 3Ch ; '<'
jle short loc_260D8
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 0C0h, 016h
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 0C0h, 06Ah
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 016h, 06Ah
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 040h, 096h
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 040h, 0EAh
call @starcircle_line_unput$qucuc pascal, 096h, 0EAh
push 255 ; angle_end
push 0 ; angle_start
push 1 ; angle_step
push 128 or (128 shl 16) ; (radius_x) or (radius_y shl 16)
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_top
add ax, 48
push ax ; center_y
mov ax, elis_still_or_wave.BE_cur_left
add ax, 64
push ax ; center_x
call @shape_ellipse_arc_sloppy_unput$qiiiiucucuc
add sp, 0Eh
mov _boss_phase_frame, 0
mov angle_3A6FE, 0
mov word_3A6FF, 0
mov ax, 1
pop bp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor ax, ax
pop bp
sub_25E28 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@ -18516,7 +18254,7 @@ loc_268D9:
cmp word_35D42, 0
jnz short loc_268FA
call sub_25E28
call @star_of_david$qv
mov word_35D42, ax
mov ax, 1
jmp short loc_26935
@ -18530,7 +18268,7 @@ loc_268FA:
cmp word_35D42, 0
jnz short loc_26912
call sub_25E28
call @star_of_david$qv
mov word_35D42, ax
mov ax, 2
jmp short loc_26935
@ -18544,7 +18282,7 @@ loc_26912:
cmp word_35D42, 0
jnz short loc_2692A
call sub_25E28
call @star_of_david$qv
mov word_35D42, ax
mov ax, 3
jmp short loc_26935
@ -20322,7 +20060,7 @@ loc_27B2D:
jnz short loc_27B3C
call sub_25E28
call @star_of_david$qv
mov word_35D46, ax
jmp short loc_27B5B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -22347,8 +22085,9 @@ CEntities _pattern1_rifts, 5
public _pattern2_circle
_pattern2_circle bigcircle_t <?>
angle_3A6FE db ?
word_3A6FF dw ?
public _star_of_david_circle
_star_of_david_circle bigcircle_t <?>
db 100 dup(?)
x_3A765 dw ?
y_3A767 dw ?
Reference in New Issue