th02/op: Identify performance option string pointers

This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2014-07-08 03:05:19 +02:00
parent 0f5b52c28e
commit 0459f03cfe
1 changed files with 14 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -23418,8 +23418,8 @@ sub_A481 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_A74A+27p
push offset aLL ; "«¸·«"
push 0
call sub_13D0
push seg_D786
push word_D784
push word ptr PERF_TITLE+2
push word ptr PERF_TITLE
push 0
push 144h
push 0C4h ; 'Ä'
@ -23604,8 +23604,8 @@ loc_A656: ; CODE XREF: sub_A510+FDj
jnz short loc_A6C7
push 18h
push 14h
push seg_D786
push word_D784
push word ptr PERF_TITLE+2
push word ptr PERF_TITLE
push si
call sub_2520
push 2Dh ; '-'
@ -23615,8 +23615,8 @@ loc_A656: ; CODE XREF: sub_A510+FDj
mov ah, 0
shl ax, 2
mov bx, ax
push word ptr [bx+15Ah]
push word ptr [bx+158h]
push word ptr (PERF_OPTION+2)[bx]
push word ptr PERF_OPTION[bx]
push si
call sub_2520
push 168h
@ -23629,8 +23629,8 @@ loc_A656: ; CODE XREF: sub_A510+FDj
mov ah, 0
shl ax, 2
mov bx, ax
push word ptr [bx+15Ah]
push word ptr [bx+158h]
push word ptr (PERF_OPTION+2)[bx]
push word ptr PERF_OPTION[bx]
push 0
push 144h
push 16Ch
@ -29825,12 +29825,9 @@ aOO db '
db 0ADh ; ­
db 0B2h ; ²
db 0
word_D784 dw 1B8h ; DATA XREF: sub_A481+53r
; sub_A510+153r
seg_D786 dw seg dseg ; DATA XREF: sub_A481+4Fr
; sub_A510+14Fr
dd aB@tPa ; " 通常 "
dd aIXfmym ; "一部軽減"
byte_D790 db 0 ; DATA XREF: sub_A2FB+4r sub_A2FB+10w ...
byte_D791 db 0 ; DATA XREF: sub_A74A+Bw sub_A74A+5Cw ...
byte_D792 db 0 ; DATA XREF: sub_A74A+4r sub_A74A+10w ...
@ -29849,9 +29846,9 @@ aTs1_pi db 'ts1.pi',0 ; DATA XREF: sub_9FAF+1Bo sub_A0C6+2Do
aSelect db 'select',0 ; DATA XREF: sub_9FAF+59o sub_9FAF+5Do ...
; char path[]
path db 'main',0 ; DATA XREF: sub_9FAF+67o sub_9FAF+6Bo ...
aIipo db '演出',0
aB@tPa db ' 通常 ',0 ; DATA XREF: dseg:0158o
aIXfmym db '一部軽減',0 ; DATA XREF: dseg:015Co
aPERF_TITLE db '演出',0
aPERF_NORMAL db ' 通常 ',0 ; DATA XREF: dseg:0158o
aPERF_TRUNCATE db '一部軽減',0 ; DATA XREF: dseg:015Co
aMikoft_bft db 'MIKOFT.bft',0 ; DATA XREF: _main+40o
aGminit_m db 'gminit.m',0 ; DATA XREF: _main+BEo
aTs3_pi db 'ts3.pi',0 ; DATA XREF: _main+DBo