[Decompilation] [th01] Kikuri: Pattern 6/10

The one where Kikuri's souls fire single aimed pellets every 200
frames. Barely even noticeable as a distinct pattern due to the 4
other, much more complex patterns in phase 6 that run simultaneously.

Part of P0199, funded by Lmocinemod.
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2022-06-09 14:02:14 +02:00
parent 9dc05082a7
commit 023d75f93b
2 changed files with 21 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -696,3 +696,22 @@ void near pattern_two_crossed_eye_lasers(void)
void near pattern_souls_single_aimed_pellet_and_move_diagonally(void)
if((boss_phase_frame % 200) == 0) {
(souls[0].cur_center_x() - (PELLET_W / 2)),
(souls[0].cur_center_y() - (PELLET_H / 2)),
(souls[1].cur_center_x() - (PELLET_W / 2)),
(souls[1].cur_center_y() - (PELLET_H / 2)),
souls_move_diagonally_and_render__tears_update_and_render(4, 2);

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@ -14717,6 +14717,7 @@ main_34_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@pattern_souls_spreads$qv procdesc near
@pattern_souls_drop_tears_and_mov$qv procdesc near
@pattern_two_crossed_eye_lasers$qv procdesc near
@pattern_souls_single_aimed_pelle$qv procdesc near
main_34_TEXT ends
main_34__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@ -14724,76 +14725,6 @@ main_34__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
;org 4
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_2414C proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov ax, _boss_phase_frame
mov bx, 200
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_2419B
push PG_1_AIMED or (((2 shl 4) + 8) shl 16)
mov ax, kikuri_soul_0.BE_cur_top
add ax, 12
push ax
mov ax, kikuri_soul_0.BE_cur_left
add ax, 12
push ax
push ds
push offset _Pellets
call @CPellets@add_group$qii14pellet_group_ti
push PG_1_AIMED or (((2 shl 4) + 8) shl 16)
mov ax, kikuri_soul_1.BE_cur_top
add ax, 12
push ax
mov ax, kikuri_soul_1.BE_cur_left
add ax, 12
push ax
push ds
push offset _Pellets
call @CPellets@add_group$qii14pellet_group_ti
add sp, 18h
mov bx, _boss_phase_frame
and bx, 255
add bx, bx
movsx eax, _CosTable8[bx]
shl eax, 2
sar eax, 8
mov si, ax
mov bx, _boss_phase_frame
and bx, 255
add bx, bx
movsx eax, _CosTable8[bx]
shl eax, 1
sar eax, 8
mov di, ax
call @tears_update_and_render$qv
push 0
push si
push di
call @soul_move_and_render$qiii
push 1
mov ax, si
neg ax
push ax
push di
call @soul_move_and_render$qiii
pop di
pop si
pop bp
sub_2414C endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@ -15849,7 +15780,7 @@ loc_24CFA:
jnz loc_24DFB
inc _boss_phase_frame
inc _kikuri_invincibility_frame
call sub_2414C
call @pattern_souls_single_aimed_pelle$qv
cmp word_35D14, 0
jnz short loc_24D1C
call sub_241E7
@ -16847,9 +16778,6 @@ _kikuri_phase db ?
kikuri_soul_0 equ <_kikuri_souls[0 * size CBossEntity]>
kikuri_soul_1 equ <_kikuri_souls[1 * size CBossEntity]>
public _kikuri_tear_anim_frame, _kikuri_souls, _kikuri_tears
_kikuri_tear_anim_frame db KIKURI_TEAR_COUNT dup(?)
_kikuri_souls CBossEntity 5 dup (<?>)