2014-10-13 04:12:09 +00:00
; stdio.h
; Definitions for stream input/output.
_NFILE equ 20
; Bufferisation type to be used as 3rd argument for "setvbuf" function
_IOFBF equ 0
_IOLBF equ 1
_IONBF equ 2
; "flags" bits definitions
_F_RDWR equ 00003h ; Read/write flag
_F_READ equ 00001h ; Read only file
_F_WRIT equ 00002h ; Write only file
_F_BUF equ 00004h ; Malloc'ed Buffer data
_F_LBUF equ 00008h ; line-buffered file
_F_ERR equ 00010h ; Error indicator
_F_EOF equ 00020h ; EOF indicator
_F_BIN equ 00040h ; Binary file indicator
_F_IN equ 00080h ; Data is incoming
_F_OUT equ 00100h ; Data is outgoing
_F_TERM equ 00200h ; File is a terminal
; End-of-file constant definition
EOF equ (-1) ; End of file indicator
; Default buffer size use by "setbuf" function
STDIO_BUFSIZ equ 512 ; Buffer size for stdio
; Size of an arry large enough to hold a temporary file name string
L_ctermid equ 5 ; CON: plus null byte
P_tmpdir equ "" ; temporary directory
L_tmpnam equ 13 ; tmpnam buffer size
; Constants to be used as 3rd argument for "fseek" function
SEEK_CUR equ 1
SEEK_END equ 2
SEEK_SET equ 0
; Number of unique file names that shall be generated by "tmpnam" function
; Definition of the control structure for streams
FILE struc
level dw ? ; fill/empty level of buffer
flags dw ? ; File status flags
fd db ? ; File descriptor
hold db ? ; Ungetc char if no buffer
_bsize dw ? ; Buffer size. Yes, calling it just "bsize" crashes TASM.
[JWasm move] Fix improper structure declarations
Really, Borland? You considered it necessary to add directives for object-
oriented programming (in Assembly!) and convenience features like bitfield
records or PUSHSTATE/POPSTATE, yet you never came up with the actually
*helpful* idea of just adding a simple basic pointer data type that depends
on the current memory model's data size?
Like, something like DP... oh wait, that's already taken, as an alias for
DF, the 48-bit 80386 far pointer type.
And this, exactly, is the problem with assemblers. The language itself is
undefined beyond the instructions themselves, but it's obviously very
uncomfortable to program anything with just that, so your assembler needs to
add custom directives on top of that, and of course everyone has different
ideas of the features and use cases that should (and should not) be covered by
syntax. (I'm looking especially at you, NASM.)
And then one of those developers sells their compiler division to a different
company, which then subsequently discontinues all products without ever
releasing the source code, trapping their nice extensions in a single
executable for a single platform that is not even legally available anymore.
tl;dr: http://xkcd.com/927/
2014-11-20 03:55:57 +00:00
buffer dd ? ; Data transfer buffer
curp dd ? ; Current active pointer
buffer dw ? ; Data transfer buffer
curp dw ? ; Current active pointer
2014-10-13 04:12:09 +00:00
istemp dw ? ; Temporary file indicator
token dw ? ; Used for validity checking
2014-11-06 05:45:35 +00:00
FILE ends
2014-10-13 04:12:09 +00:00
2014-10-18 00:20:40 +00:00
2014-10-13 04:12:09 +00:00