2014-11-01 16:09:13 +00:00
ifdef FP87
_Emu_ equ 0 ; no emulation, '87 required
_Emu_ equ 1 ; emulator
public FIDRQQ ; wait, esc
public FIARQQ ; wait, DS:
public FICRQQ ; wait, CS:
public FIERQQ ; wait, ES:
public FISRQQ ; wait, SS:
public FIWRQQ ; nop, wait
public FJARQQ ; Esc nn -> DS:nn
public FJCRQQ ; Esc nn -> CS:nn
public FJSRQQ ; Esc nn -> ES:nn
; Use full emulator if _Emu_ is true.
if _Emu_
FIDRQQ equ 05C32h
FIARQQ equ 0FE32h
FICRQQ equ 00E32h
FIERQQ equ 01632h
FISRQQ equ 00632h
FIWRQQ equ 0A23Dh
FJARQQ equ 04000h
FJCRQQ equ 0C000h
FJSRQQ equ 08000h
FIDRQQ equ 00000h
FIARQQ equ 00000h
FICRQQ equ 00000h
FIERQQ equ 00000h
FISRQQ equ 00000h
FIWRQQ equ 00000h
FJARQQ equ 00000h
FJCRQQ equ 00000h
FJSRQQ equ 00000h
originalVectors dd 0Ch dup(?)
FPEpriorVector dd ?
fpinit_platform db 0
fpinit_100B5 dw 0FFFFh
fpinit_100B7 db ?
fpinit_100B8 db 0
plus_inf dd 7F800000h
; borrowed from T. Pascal, DOS 3.1 BIOS
; avoid DOS 3.2 stack swap
int75handler proc far
push ax
xor al, al ; Clear BUSY latch
out 0F0h, al
mov al, 20H ; End-of-interrupt
out 0A0h, al
out 20h, al
pop ax
int 2
int75handler endp
nec_fpinit_100CC proc near
push ax
mov al, 20h
out 8, al
jmp short $+2
mov al, 0Bh
out 8, al
jmp short $+2
in al, 8
or al, al
jnz short @@loc_100E3
mov al, 20h
out 0, al
pop ax
jmp short $+2
nec_fpinit_100CC endp
int2handler proc far
push ax
mov ax, seg __emu
call e087_Trap
jb short @@err
pop ax
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 0EAh
nmi dw 2 dup(?)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xchg ax, bx
mov ax, seg __8087
mov ds, ax
call __fperror
pop ax
int2handler endp
emu1st proc near
push ds
push si
push di
mov ax, seg __8087
mov ds, ax
; set end of FPU stack
mov ax, offset __emu + SIZE_FPU
mov word ptr ss:__emu+0Fh, ax
add ax, 0C0h
mov word ptr ss:__emu+11h, ax
mov ax, __protected
mov word ptr ss:__emu+7, ax
push ds
push cs
pop ds
; assume ds:nothing
mov ax, ds
xor ax, word ptr ss:__emu+7
mov ds, ax
; assume ds:DGROUP
mov ax, 3534h
mov cx, 11
mov di, offset originalVectors
int 21h
mov [di], bx
mov word ptr [di+2], es
add di, 4
inc ax
loop @@rememberLoop
push ds
push di
mov cl, 0
mov ax, seg __8087
mov ds, ax
cmp __8087, 0
jz short @@IBM
mov ah, 4
xor cx, cx
int 1Ah
mov cl, 2
cmp ch, 19h
jz short @@IBM
cmp ch, 20h
jz short @@IBM
mov cl, 1
pop di
pop ds
assume ds:seg fpinit_platform
mov ds:fpinit_platform, cl
cmp cl, 2
jnz short @@loc_10182
; grab INT 75h
mov ax, 3575h
int 21h
mov [di], bx
mov word ptr [di+2], es
add di, 4
; grab INT 2
mov ax, 3502h
jmp short @@loc_10199
cmp cl, 1
jnz short @@loc_101B0
push sp
pop ax
cmp ax, sp
mov ax, 3510h
jz short @@loc_10199
in al, 0Ah
and al, 40h
mov ds:fpinit_100B7, al
mov al, 16h
mov bl, al
mov bh, 25h
mov ds:fpinit_100B5, bx
int 21h
mov [di], bx
mov word ptr [di+2], es
mov ds:nmi, bx
mov ds:nmi+2, es
pop ds
assume ds:seg __psp
mov bx, -1
mov es, __psp
; Look for a "87" environment variable.
; Each variable is ended by a 0 and a zero-length variable stops
; the environment. The environment can NOT be greater than 32k.
; assume es:nothing
mov es, word ptr es:2Ch ; environment segment
; assume es:nothing
sub di, di ; ES:[di] points to environ
mov cx, 7FFFh ; Environment cannot be > 32 Kbytes
mov al, 0
repne scasb ; direction flag is clear
jcxz short @@env87done ; count exhausted imply end
cmp al, es:[di] ; double zero bytes imply end
jz short @@env87done
cmp word ptr es:[di], '78'
jnz short @@env87next
mov dx, es:[di+2]
cmp dl, '='
jnz short @@env87next
inc bx
and dh, not ('y' - 'Y')
cmp dh, 'Y'
jnz short @@env87done
inc bx
pop di
pop si
xor ax, ax
or bx, bx
jz short @@set_flag
jg short @@loc_1022E
mov cx, __8087
jcxz short @@loc_10250
mov __8087, 0
fnstcw __8087
mov cx, 20
loop @@delay_1 ; Delay awhile
mov cx, __8087 ; Get NPX control word
and cx, 0F3Fh ; Mask off undefined bits
cmp cx, 33Fh ; Do we have a math coprocessor
jnz short @@test_done ; No ...
mov __8087, -1
fnstsw __8087 ; Store the status word
mov cx, 14h
loop @@delay_2 ; Delay awhile
test __8087, 0B8BFh ; All bits off that should be?
jnz short @@test_done
inc ax
push sp
pop cx
cmp cx, sp
jnz short @@test_done
fld cs:plus_inf
fcomp cs:plus_inf ; compare +INF to -INF
fstsw ax ; we have a 287 or better
mov al, 2
jz short @@test_done ; equal on 80287 only
inc ax
mov __8087, ax
mov ss:__emu+6, al
pop ds
emu1st endp
2014-11-21 10:24:47 +00:00
option emulator
2014-11-01 16:09:13 +00:00
public ___fpreset
___fpreset proc near
@@temp1 = dword ptr -8
@@temp2 = dword ptr -4
push ds
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 8
mov bx, seg __8087
mov ds, bx
cmp __8087, 0
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp1], offset e087_Entry
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp1+2], seg e087_Entry
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp2], offset e087_Shortcut
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp2+2], seg e087_Shortcut
jnz short @@doCapture
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp1], offset e086_Entry
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp1+2], seg e086_Entry
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp2], offset e086_Shortcut
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp2+2], seg e086_Shortcut
mov ax, 2534h
mov cx, 10
lds dx, [bp+@@temp1]
int 21h
inc ax
loop @@captureLoop
mov ax, 253Eh
lds dx, [bp+@@temp2]
int 21h
mov ds, bx
cmp __8087, 0
jnz short @@loc_102D8
mov word ptr ss:__emu+41h, offset int2handler
mov word ptr ss:__emu+43h, cs
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, ds
xor ax, word ptr ss:__emu+7
mov ds, ax
assume ds:seg nmi
mov ds:nmi, offset int2handler_ret
mov ds:nmi+2, cs
mov ds:fpinit_100B5, -1
jmp short @@init87
push cs
pop ds
cmp ds:fpinit_platform, 2
jnz short @@loc_10306
mov ax, ds:fpinit_100B5
mov dx, offset int2handler
int 21h
mov ds, bx
assume ds:seg __8087
cmp __8087, 0
jz short @@init87
mov ax, __version
xchg ah, al
cmp ax, 1403h
jnz short @@init87
mov ax, 2575h
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:seg fpinit_platform
mov dx, offset int75handler
int 21h
cmp ds:fpinit_platform, 1
jnz short @@init87
mov ax, ds:fpinit_100B5
mov dx, offset int2handler
cmp al, 16h
jnz short @@loc_1031A
mov dx, offset nec_fpinit_100CC
int 21h
cmp al, 16h
jnz short @@init87
in al, 0Ah
and al, 0BFh
out 0Ah, al
mov ds, bx
mov cs:fpinit_100B8, 1
; Hack (this is not assembling to an emulated fninit for some reason?)
db 0CDh, 037h, 0E3h
mov word ptr ss:__emu+21h, 0
mov word ptr ss:__emu+23h, 0
assume ds:seg __default87
mov ax, __default87
mov word ptr [bp+@@temp1], ax
cmp __8087, 3
jl short @@control
or word ptr [bp+@@temp1], 2
push si
fldcw word ptr [bp+@@temp1]
pop si
mov ax, word ptr [bp+@@temp1]
and word ptr ss:__emu+2, ax
xor ax, ax
mov sp, bp
pop bp
pop ds
___fpreset endp
public emuLast
emuLast proc near
push ds
mov ax, seg __8087
mov ds, ax
cmp cs:fpinit_100B8, 0
jz short @@done
push ds
mov ax, 2534h
mov bx, offset originalVectors
mov cx, 11
lds dx, cs:[bx]
assume ds:seg __8087
int 21h
add bx, 4
inc ax
loop @@restoreLoop
pop ds
cmp __8087, 0
jz short @@done
cmp cs:fpinit_platform, 2
jnz short @@loc_103AA
mov ax, 2575h
lds dx, cs:[bx]
int 21h
add bx, 4
mov ax, cs:fpinit_100B5
cmp cs:fpinit_platform, 1
jnz short @@loc_103C8
cmp al, 16h
jnz short @@loc_103C8
xchg ax, dx
in al, 0Ah
or al, cs:fpinit_100B7
out 0Ah, al
xchg ax, dx
lds dx, cs:[bx]
int 21h
mov cs:fpinit_100B8, 0
pop ds
emuLast endp
public __fpuint
__fpuint proc far
mov ax, cs:fpinit_100B5
__fpuint endp