2019-11-26 21:47:07 +00:00
public _zunsoft_palette
2018-03-21 22:20:04 +00:00
_zunsoft_palette db 48 dup(?)
; ZUN Soft logo explosion structure.
; These are only animated by increasing the distance; origin, angle, and speed
; stay constant.
; For increased precision, all coordinates (origin, distance, and speed) are
; stored in units of 1/16th of a pixel.
zunsoft_pyro_t struc
alive db ?
frame db ? ; since creation
origin Point ?
distance_prev dw ? ; unused
distance dw ?
speed dw ?
angle db ?
patnum_base db ? ; displayed sprite is incremented every 4 frames
zunsoft_pyro_t ends
_zunsoft_pyros zunsoft_pyro_t ZUNSOFT_PYRO_COUNT dup(<?>)