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@echo off
: Windows 9x doesn't support stderr redirection, and always sets ERRORLEVEL to
: 2 if you attempt to do that, regardless of `tasm32`'s existence. NT properly
: returns 9009 if not found, or 0 otherwise.
tasm32 >NUL 2>NUL
if errorlevel 9009 goto no_tasm32
if errorlevel 2 goto check_tasm32_win9x
: NT + TASM32 existing confirmed at this point
goto check_32bit
: Re-run the actual TASM check for Windows 9x. Calling a nonexistent command
: leaves ERRORLEVEL untouched, so we have to override it ourselves first.
call set_errorlevel_to_1.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto no_tasm32
: Trying to run either a 64-bit or 16-bit program might look like a better way
: of checking OS bitness, but
: Windows XP insists on showing an ugly message box when trying to run a
: 64-bit program, and
: Wine insists on starting DOSBox to run a 16-bit .COM program, which may or
: may not be installed.
: So, environment variables it is. Thankfully, these are available on every
: 64-bit version of Windows, so we can assume 32-bit if they don't exist.
set ReC98_DOS=
if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" == "AMD64" set ReC98_DOS=bin\msdos -e -x
if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" set ReC98_DOS=bin\msdos -e -x
call set_errorlevel_to_1.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto no_tlink
call set_errorlevel_to_1.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto no_tcc
if "%ReC98_DOS%" == "" goto fallback
: If we can run Tup, we're also on a decently modern Windows. Update the dumb
: full batch build script by parsing out commands from `tup parse`'s stdout.
: Using three files is the easiest way to preserve the error level of `tup
: parse`, unfortunately.
set unparsed=.tup\unparsed.bat
set parsed=.tup\parsed.bat
set final=build_dumb.bat
: The separate `tup parse` call might take some time.
xcopy /-I /L /D /Y Tupfile.lua %final% | findstr /B /C:"1 " >NUL || ^
xcopy /-I /L /D /Y Pipeline\rules.lua %final% | findstr /B /C:"1 " >NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto tup
: Tup insists on reparsing the Tupfile if we add or remove any file between
: `tup parse` and `tup`… unless we place it in `.tup/`, which might not exist
: yet.
if not exist .tup\ bin\tup init
bin\tup parse >%unparsed%
if errorlevel 1 del %unparsed% && goto eof
: Wine doesn't support sub-shell output redirection.
call :build_dumb_parse %unparsed% >%parsed%
del %unparsed%
for /f "usebackq" %%f in ('%parsed%') do (
if 0 neq %%~zf ( move /y %parsed% %final% >NUL ) else ( del %parsed% )
goto tup
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%l in (%~1) do (
set line=%%l
if "!line:~0,2!" == "$ " echo !line:~2!
exit /b
goto return_from_tup
echo [..] Running on a 32-bit OS, falling back on a dumb full rebuild...
: Windows 9x wouldn't support %final% in this position.
call build_dumb.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto eof
goto success
echo Could not find TASM32.
echo Please make sure that the BIN directory of Turbo Assembler 5.0 is in your PATH.
goto eof
echo Could not find TCC.
goto tc4j_bin
echo Could not find TLINK.
goto tc4j_bin
echo Please make sure that the BIN directory of Turbo C++ 4.0J is in your PATH.
goto eof
echo Done. Find the executables in the bin\ subdirectory.
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------