2014-08-13 12:28:44 +00:00
; *Not* the original file, but an edit to turn it into an includable slice.
; Changes include:
Include RULES.ASI from every executable's dump file.
Having thought this over for a while, I've decided to stay with the "include
slice" model for now, due to various bugs and other reasons.
We need to compile for the 386 CPU, but this causes TASM to automatically
default every segment to 32-bit mode, which of course is not what we want (and
no, .MODEL USE16 sadly does not help either). Appending USE16 to every segment
declaration in all included files seems to work, but for some reason, this
messes up certain jump instructions. WTF? And even if it did work, we would
still have to do this for every single file we include.
The alternative would be to build proper libraries and let the linker merge
all the code. This would add a lot of unwarranted complexity to the build
process. Not to mention all the EXTERN statements we'd have to maintain.
Ultimately, all of the C runtime ASM code is going to vanish anyway once we've
completed the reduction step. Once we're there, we can simply link to the
original version of the library. These initial dumps are not pretty, and I see
no point in wasting time on making intermediary stages of development look
Since including RULES.ASI from every slice seems a bit inefficient (and even
potentiall harmful, considering the age of the development tools we have to
work with), we'll only include it once at the top of every main dump file.
[Binary change] Relocations in TH01's REIIDEN.EXE, again.
2014-08-14 06:01:36 +00:00
; * removal of RULES.ASI to eliminate redundancy
2014-08-13 12:28:44 +00:00
; * removal of the 'CODE' segment declaration (for obvious reasons)
Include RULES.ASI from every executable's dump file.
Having thought this over for a while, I've decided to stay with the "include
slice" model for now, due to various bugs and other reasons.
We need to compile for the 386 CPU, but this causes TASM to automatically
default every segment to 32-bit mode, which of course is not what we want (and
no, .MODEL USE16 sadly does not help either). Appending USE16 to every segment
declaration in all included files seems to work, but for some reason, this
messes up certain jump instructions. WTF? And even if it did work, we would
still have to do this for every single file we include.
The alternative would be to build proper libraries and let the linker merge
all the code. This would add a lot of unwarranted complexity to the build
process. Not to mention all the EXTERN statements we'd have to maintain.
Ultimately, all of the C runtime ASM code is going to vanish anyway once we've
completed the reduction step. Once we're there, we can simply link to the
original version of the library. These initial dumps are not pretty, and I see
no point in wasting time on making intermediary stages of development look
Since including RULES.ASI from every slice seems a bit inefficient (and even
potentiall harmful, considering the age of the development tools we have to
work with), we'll only include it once at the top of every main dump file.
[Binary change] Relocations in TH01's REIIDEN.EXE, again.
2014-08-14 06:01:36 +00:00
; * removal of the ARG directives (they don't compile correctly for some
2014-08-13 12:28:44 +00:00
; reason)
; * the "PROC Generic* DIST" directives (apparently invalid TASM syntax?!?)
; * and a small section of code in ExtendHeap, which is present in the
; original Touhou builds, but was not included in the original version of
; this file.
; C/C++ Run Time Library - Version 5.0
; Copyright (c) 1987, 1992 by Borland International
; All Rights Reserved.
; Memory Block Header (far heap)
; Each block in the heap, whether allocated or free, has a header.
; For an allocated block, only the first two fields of the header are
; used. For a free block all ten bytes are used. Blocks are aligned on
; paragraph boundaries, thus the smallest possible block sixteen bytes.
; Field Description
; --------- ----------------------------------------------------------
; size total size, in paragraphs, of this block
; prev_real segment of the physically previous block in the heap
; prev_real is 0 this block is free, get the prev_real from prev_real2
; prev_free segment of the logically previous free block
; next_free segment of the logically next free block
; prev_real2 segment of the physically previous block in the heap
; free_space first byte of free space available
; A doubly-linked queue is maintained of the free blocks and it is important
; to know that ordering of the blocks in this queue is logical rather than
; physical. If there is only one free block on the heap prev_free and
; next_free point to itself.
bsize EQU 0
prev_real EQU 2
prev_free EQU 4
next_free EQU 6
prev_real2 EQU 8
free_space EQU 10
; heapinfo structure (far heap)
; Used by the heapwalk function.
; heapwalk accepts a pointer to a struct of this type.
; On entry, the pointer field contains the address of the previous
; memory block in the heap (NULL for the first call). The next block
; in the heap is then found and its address is stored in the structure
; along with its size, in bytes, and a 'used' flag.
HeapInfo STRUC
hi_ptr dd ?
hi_size dd ?
hi_inuse dw ?
UsedHeaderSize EQU 4
FreeHeaderSize EQU 10
; Only three variables are needed to efficiently manage the heap.
; These reside in our own code segment for speed.
; We also set aside some scratch save areas.
PUBLIC ___first,___last,___rover
___first dw 0 ;segment of the first block
___last dw 0 ;segment of the last block
___rover dw 0 ;segment of an arbitrary free block
data_seg dw ? ;old ds save area
save_hi dw ? ;for realloc
save_lo dw ?
; Frees the last block on the heap
; free helper function
; Args: Pointer to the block (dx)
; Returns: void
FreeLastBlock PROC NEAR
cmp dx,cs:[___first] ;are we freeing the ONLY block?
je @@KillHeap
mov ds,dx
mov ds,ds:[prev_real] ;ds = next-to-last block
cmp WORD PTR ds:[prev_real],0 ;is the previous block used?
je @@PreviousBlockIsFree
mov cs:___last,ds
jmp short @@Cleanup1
mov ax,ds
cmp ax,cs:[___first] ;is the previous block the
je @@ResetHeap ;first block in the heap?
mov ax,ds:[prev_real2]
mov cs:___last,ax
push ds ;save for call to __brk
xor ax,ax
push ax
call PullFreeBlock
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
jmp short @@Cleanup2
mov dx,cs:[___first]
mov cs:___first,0
mov cs:___last,0
mov cs:___rover,0
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
push dx
xor ax,ax
push ax
call __brk ;reset the break level
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
; Frees an interior block from within the heap
; free helper function
; Args: Pointer to the block (dx)
; Returns: void
FreeInnerBlock PROC NEAR
mov ds,dx ;ds = block to free
push ds ;save block address
mov es,ds:[prev_real] ;es = previous block
mov WORD PTR ds:[prev_real],0 ;mark the block as free
mov ds:[prev_real2],es
cmp dx,cs:[___first] ;freeing first block?
je @@PreviousBlockIsUsed
cmp WORD PTR es:[prev_real],0 ;is the previous block free?
jne @@PreviousBlockIsUsed
mov ax,ds:[bsize] ;ax = size of this block
pop bx
push es
add es:[bsize],ax ;add it to the previous block
mov cx,es ;cx = previous block
add dx,ax ;dx = next block
mov es,dx ;es = next block
cmp WORD PTR es:[prev_real],0
jne @@NextBlockIsUsed
mov es:[prev_real2],cx
jmp SHORT @@CheckNextBlock
mov es:[prev_real],cx
jmp SHORT @@CheckNextBlock
call InsertFreeBlock
pop es ;es = retrieve block
mov ax,es ;ax = block
add ax,es:[bsize] ;ax = next block
mov ds,ax ;ds = next block
cmp WORD PTR ds:[prev_real],0 ;is next block free?
je JoinFreeBlocks
; Joins two physically adjacent free blocks together
; free helper function
; Args: Pointer to the lower block (es)
; Pointer to the upper block (ds)
; Returns: void
; This routine falls through to PullFreeBlock
JoinFreeBlocks PROC NEAR
mov ax,ds:[bsize] ;ax = size of upper block
add es:[bsize],ax ;add it to lower block size
mov ax,es ;ax = lower block
mov bx,ds ;bx = upper block
add bx,ds:[bsize] ;bx = next block
mov es,bx ;es = next block
mov es:[prev_real],ax ;fixup link
;;;; jmp SHORT PullFreeBlock
; Removes a block from the free block queue
; free helper function
; malloc helper function
; Args: Pointer to the block (ds)
; Returns: void
PullFreeBlock PROC NEAR
mov bx,ds ;bx = this block
cmp bx,ds:[next_free] ;only ONE free block?
je @@NoFreeBlocks
mov es,ds:[next_free] ;es = next free block
mov ds,ds:[prev_free] ;ds = previous free block
mov ds:[next_free],es
mov es:[prev_free],ds
mov cs:___rover,ds
mov ds,bx
mov cs:___rover,0
; Inserts a block into the free block queue
; free helper function
; Args: Pointer to the block (ds)
; Returns: void
InsertFreeBlock PROC NEAR
mov ax,cs:[___rover] ;ax = rover pointer
or ax,ax ;no free blocks?
jz @@FirstFreeBlock
mov bx,ss ;save ss
pushf ;save interrupt flag
cli ;disable interrupts
mov ss,ax ;ss = rover pointer
mov es,ss:[next_free] ;es = next free block
mov ss:next_free,ds ;fixup links
mov ds:prev_free,ss
mov ss,bx ;restore ss
popf ;restore interrupt flag
mov es:prev_free,ds
mov ds:next_free,es
mov cs:___rover,ds
mov ds:[prev_free],ds
mov ds:[next_free],ds
; C callable function to free a memory block
; Args: Pointer to the block to free (stack)
; Returns: void
PUBLIC _free
PUBLIC _farfree
_farfree PROC DIST
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov cs:data_seg,ds
mov dx,[bp+8] ;dx = segment to free
or dx,dx ;is it NULL
jz @@AllDone ; yes, skip it
cmp dx,cs:[___last] ;last block in the heap?
jne @@InnerBlock
call FreeLastBlock
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
call FreeInnerBlock
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; Creates a heap from scratch
; malloc helper function
; Args: Number of paragraphs for the first block requested (ax)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
; NULL if failure (dx:ax)
CreateHeap PROC NEAR
push ax ;save the size
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
xor ax,ax ;align the heap on paragraph
push ax
push ax
call __sbrk ;retrieve the break level
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
and ax,000fh
jz @@Aligned
mov dx,16d
sub dx,ax
xor ax,ax
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
push ax
push dx
call __sbrk ;align the heap
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
pop ax ;retrieve and save the size
push ax
xor bx,bx ;convert size to long in bx:ax
mov bl,ah
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl
shl ax,cl
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
push bx
push ax
call __sbrk ;adjust the break level
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
pop bx ;retrieve the size
cmp ax,-1 ;failure?
je @@NoRoom
mov cs:___first,dx ;update heap pointers
mov cs:___last,dx
mov ds,dx
mov WORD PTR ds:[bsize],bx
mov WORD PTR ds:[prev_real],dx ;just so we know it is used
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
xor ax,ax
; Attempts to extend the heap.
; malloc helper function
; Args: Number of paragraphs for the block requested (ax)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
; NULL if failure (dx:ax)
ExtendHeap PROC NEAR
; Touhou code below...
; ---
push ax
mov ds, cs:data_seg
xor ax, ax
push ax
push ax
call __sbrk
pop bx
pop bx
and ax,0Fh
jz short @@Aligned
mov dx,10h
sub dx,ax
xor ax,ax
mov ds,cs:data_seg
push ax
push dx
call __sbrk
add sp,4
pop ax
; ---
push ax ;save the size
xor bx,bx ;convert size to long in bx:ax
mov bl,ah
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl
shl ax,cl
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
push bx
push ax
call __sbrk ;adjust the break level
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
pop bx ;retrieve the size
cmp ax,-1 ;failure?
je @@NoRoom
and ax,0fh ;is it paragraph aligned?
jnz @@Misaligned ;no - go adjust it
mov cx,cs:[___last] ;cx = old last-block pointer
mov cs:___last,dx ;update last-block pointer
mov ds,dx
mov WORD PTR ds:[bsize],bx
mov WORD PTR ds:[prev_real],cx
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
; Come here if the break level is not aligned on a paragraph boundary,
; which sometimes happens if both sbrk() and malloc() are used. Adjust the
; break level and the block address up to the next paragraph boundary.
; The block segment is in DX; the low nibble of the offset is in AX.
push bx ;save size again
push dx ;save segment of block
neg ax ;compute 16 - low nibble
add ax,16 ;to get adjustment amount
xor bx,bx
push bx
push ax
call __sbrk ;allocate extra bytes
add sp,4 ;clean up stack
pop dx ;recover segment
pop bx ;recover size
cmp ax,-1 ;failure
je @@NoRoom
inc dx ;skip to next paragraph
jmp @@GotBlock
xor ax,ax
; Divides a free block into two pieces.
; malloc helper function
; Args: Number of paragraphs for the block requested (ax)
; Pointer of the block to divide (ds & dx)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap (dx:ax)
AllocatePartialBlock PROC NEAR
mov bx,dx ;save block
sub ds:[bsize],ax ;make room for new block
add dx,ds:[bsize]
mov ds,dx ;ds = new block
mov ds:[bsize],ax
mov ds:[prev_real],bx
mov bx,dx ;save block
add bx,ds:[bsize]
mov ds,bx ;ds = next block
mov ds:[prev_real],dx
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
; C callable function to allocates a given number of bytes from the far heap
; Args: Number of bytes requested (long, stack)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
; NULL if failure (ds:ax)
GenericMalloc PROC DIST
PUBLIC _malloc
_malloc LABEL DIST
push bp
mov bp,sp
xor dx,dx
mov ax,[bp+6] ;dx:ax = size requested (long)
jmp SHORT @@GotTheSize
PUBLIC _farmalloc
_farmalloc LABEL DIST
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+8]
mov ax,[bp+6] ;dx:ax = size requested (long)
mov cx,ax
or cx,dx ;does he want 0 bytes?
push si
push di
mov cs:data_seg,ds
jz @@AllDone
add ax,UsedHeaderSize+15 ;add the header size and
adc dx,0 ;force paragraph boundary
jc @@NoCanDo ;size too big?
test dx,0fff0h
jnz @@NoCanDo ;size too big?
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
shl dx,cl
or ah,dl ;ax = number of paragraphs
mov dx,cs:[___first] ;dx = first block in the heap
or dx,dx ;is there any heap at all?
jz @@BuildHeap
mov dx,cs:[___rover] ;dx = rover pointer
or dx,dx
jz @@AddToHeap
mov bx,dx ;bx = rover pointer
mov ds,dx ;ds = free block
cmp ds:[bsize],ax ;is it big enough?
jae @@AllocateBlock
mov dx,ds:[next_free] ;dx = next free block
cmp dx,bx ;are we done?
jne @@SearchHeap
call ExtendHeap
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
call CreateHeap
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
call AllocatePartialBlock
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
xor ax,ax
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
ja @@DivideFreeBlock
call PullFreeBlock ;remove it from the free-block queue
mov bx,ds:[prev_real2] ;mark it as allocated
mov ds:[prev_real],bx
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; Attempts to expand a block, relocating it if necessary
; realloc helper function
; Args: Pointer to the old block (bx)
; Number of paragraphs requested (ax)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
; NULL if failure (dx:ax)
ExpandBlock PROC NEAR
push bx ;save the old block
mov si,cs:[save_hi] ;get size parms from _farrealloc
push si ;setup for _farmalloc
mov si,cs:[save_lo] ;get size parms from _farrealloc
push si ;setup for _farmalloc
call _farmalloc
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
or dx,dx
jnz @@MallocOK
pop bx ;cleanup stack
pop ds ;ds = old block
mov es,dx ;es = new block
push es ;save new block
push ds ;save old block for _farfree
push bx
mov dx,ds:[bsize] ;dx = old block size
dec dx ;subtract one paragraph
mov di,UsedHeaderSize
mov si,di
mov cx,(16d-UsedHeaderSize)/2
or dx,dx
jz @@FreeOldBlock
mov ax,es ;increment segments
inc ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,ds
inc ax
mov ds,ax
xor di,di
mov si,di
mov cx,dx ;cx = paragraphs remaining
cmp cx,1000h
jbe @@MoveIt
mov cx,1000h
@@MoveIt: shl cx,1 ;cx = number of words
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
sub dx,1000h
jbe @@FreeOldBlock
mov ax,es ;increment segments
add ax,1000h ;add 64k
mov es,ax
mov ax,ds
add ax,1000h ;add 64k
mov ds,ax
jmp SHORT @@MoveLoop
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
call _farfree ;free the old block
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
pop dx
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
; Shrinks a block
; realloc helper function
; Args: Pointer to the block (bx)
; Size of the block (cx)
; Normalized number of paragraphs requested (ax)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
ShrinkBlock PROC NEAR
cmp bx,cs:[___last] ;last block in the heap?
je @@LastBlock
mov di,bx ;di = old block
add di,ax ;di = new block
mov es,di ;es = new block
mov si,cx ;si = old block size
sub si,ax ;si -= new block size
mov es:[bsize],si ;setup new block
mov es:[prev_real],bx
push es ;save for _farfree
push ax
mov es,bx ;es = original block
mov es:[bsize],ax
mov dx,bx ;dx = old block
add dx,cx ;dx = block after new
mov es,dx ;es = block after new
cmp WORD PTR es:[prev_real],0 ;is it used?
je @@NextIsFree
mov es:[prev_real],di
jmp SHORT @@UnlinkIt
mov es:[prev_real2],di
mov si,bx ;si = old block
call _farfree
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
mov dx,si
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
push bx ;save block
mov es,bx
mov es:[bsize],ax
add bx,ax
push bx
xor ax,ax
push ax
call __brk ;reset the break level
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
pop dx ;restore block
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
; Attempts to reallocate a block
; Args: Pointer to the old block (stack)
; Number of bytes requested (stack)
; Returns: Address of the first byte of user space available
; from the heap if successful (dx:ax)
; NULL if failure (dx:ax)
GenericRealloc PROC DIST
PUBLIC _realloc
_realloc LABEL DIST
push bp
mov bp,sp
xor dx,dx
jmp SHORT @@GetTheSize
PUBLIC _farrealloc
_farrealloc LABEL DIST
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+12]
mov ax,[bp+10] ;dx:ax = size requested (long)
mov bx,[bp+8] ;bx = segment to realloc
push si
push di
mov cs:data_seg,ds
mov cs:save_hi,dx
mov cs:save_lo,ax
or bx,bx ;is it a null pointer?
jz @@MallocIt
mov cx,ax
or cx,dx ;does he want 0 bytes?
jz @@FreeIt
add ax,UsedHeaderSize+15 ;add the header size and
adc dx,0 ;force paragraph boundary
jc @@RetNull ;size too big?
test dx,0fff0h
jnz @@RetNull ;size too big?
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
shl dx,cl
or ah,dl ;ax = number of paragraphs
mov es,bx ;es = segment to realloc
mov cx,es:[bsize] ;cx = current block size
cmp cx,ax
jb @@ExpandIt
ja @@ShrinkIt
mov dx,bx
mov ax,UsedHeaderSize
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
call ShrinkBlock
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
call ExpandBlock
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
push dx
push ax
call _farmalloc
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
jmp SHORT @@AllDone
push bx
push ax ;has a zero left over
call _farfree
add sp,4 ;cleanup stack
xor ax, ax
mov ds,cs:[data_seg]
pop di
pop si
pop bp