mirror of https://github.com/quasar/Quasar.git
1547 lines
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1547 lines
56 KiB
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using ProtoBuf.Meta;
using Type = IKVM.Reflection.Type;
#if MF
using EndOfStreamException = System.ApplicationException;
using OverflowException = System.ApplicationException;
namespace ProtoBuf
/// <summary>
/// A stateful reader, used to read a protobuf stream. Typical usage would be (sequentially) to call
/// ReadFieldHeader and (after matching the field) an appropriate Read* method.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ProtoReader : IDisposable
private Stream source;
private byte[] ioBuffer;
private TypeModel model;
private int fieldNumber, depth, dataRemaining, ioIndex, position, available, blockEnd;
private WireType wireType;
private bool isFixedLength, internStrings;
private NetObjectCache netCache;
// this is how many outstanding objects do not currently have
// values for the purposes of reference tracking; we'll default
// to just trapping the root object
// note: objects are trapped (the ref and key mapped) via NoteObject
private uint trapCount; // uint is so we can use beq/bne more efficiently than bgt
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of the field being processed.
/// </summary>
public int FieldNumber
get { return fieldNumber; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates the underlying proto serialization format on the wire.
/// </summary>
public WireType WireType
get { return wireType; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new reader against a stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The source stream</param>
/// <param name="model">The model to use for serialization; this can be null, but this will impair the ability to deserialize sub-objects</param>
/// <param name="context">Additional context about this serialization operation</param>
public ProtoReader(Stream source, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context)
Init(this, source, model, context, TO_EOF);
internal const int TO_EOF = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Gets / sets a flag indicating whether strings should be checked for repetition; if
/// true, any repeated UTF-8 byte sequence will result in the same String instance, rather
/// than a second instance of the same string. Enabled by default. Note that this uses
/// a <i>custom</i> interner - the system-wide string interner is not used.
/// </summary>
public bool InternStrings
get { return internStrings; }
set { internStrings = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new reader against a stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The source stream</param>
/// <param name="model">The model to use for serialization; this can be null, but this will impair the ability to deserialize sub-objects</param>
/// <param name="context">Additional context about this serialization operation</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read, or -1 to read until the end of the stream</param>
public ProtoReader(Stream source, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context, int length)
Init(this, source, model, context, length);
private static void Init(ProtoReader reader, Stream source, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context,
int length)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (!source.CanRead) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read from stream", "source");
reader.source = source;
reader.ioBuffer = BufferPool.GetBuffer();
reader.model = model;
bool isFixedLength = length >= 0;
reader.isFixedLength = isFixedLength;
reader.dataRemaining = isFixedLength ? length : 0;
if (context == null)
context = SerializationContext.Default;
reader.context = context;
reader.position = reader.available = reader.depth = reader.fieldNumber = reader.ioIndex = 0;
reader.blockEnd = int.MaxValue;
reader.internStrings = true;
reader.wireType = WireType.None;
reader.trapCount = 1;
if (reader.netCache == null) reader.netCache = new NetObjectCache();
private SerializationContext context;
/// <summary>
/// Addition information about this deserialization operation.
/// </summary>
public SerializationContext Context
get { return context; }
/// <summary>
/// Releases resources used by the reader, but importantly <b>does not</b> Dispose the
/// underlying stream; in many typical use-cases the stream is used for different
/// processes, so it is assumed that the consumer will Dispose their stream separately.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
// importantly, this does **not** own the stream, and does not dispose it
source = null;
model = null;
BufferPool.ReleaseBufferToPool(ref ioBuffer);
if (stringInterner != null) stringInterner.Clear();
if (netCache != null) netCache.Clear();
internal int TryReadUInt32VariantWithoutMoving(bool trimNegative, out uint value)
if (available < 10) Ensure(10, false);
if (available == 0)
value = 0;
return 0;
int readPos = ioIndex;
value = ioBuffer[readPos++];
if ((value & 0x80) == 0) return 1;
value &= 0x7F;
if (available == 1) throw EoF(this);
uint chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 7;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 2;
if (available == 2) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 14;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 3;
if (available == 3) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 21;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 4;
if (available == 4) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos];
value |= chunk << 28; // can only use 4 bits from this chunk
if ((chunk & 0xF0) == 0) return 5;
if (trimNegative // allow for -ve values
&& (chunk & 0xF0) == 0xF0
&& available >= 10
&& ioBuffer[++readPos] == 0xFF
&& ioBuffer[++readPos] == 0xFF
&& ioBuffer[++readPos] == 0xFF
&& ioBuffer[++readPos] == 0xFF
&& ioBuffer[++readPos] == 0x01)
return 10;
throw AddErrorData(new OverflowException(), this);
private uint ReadUInt32Variant(bool trimNegative)
uint value;
int read = TryReadUInt32VariantWithoutMoving(trimNegative, out value);
if (read > 0)
ioIndex += read;
available -= read;
position += read;
return value;
throw EoF(this);
private bool TryReadUInt32Variant(out uint value)
int read = TryReadUInt32VariantWithoutMoving(false, out value);
if (read > 0)
ioIndex += read;
available -= read;
position += read;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
public uint ReadUInt32()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Variant:
return ReadUInt32Variant(false);
case WireType.Fixed32:
if (available < 4) Ensure(4, true);
position += 4;
available -= 4;
return ((uint) ioBuffer[ioIndex++])
| (((uint) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 8)
| (((uint) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 16)
| (((uint) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 24);
case WireType.Fixed64:
ulong val = ReadUInt64();
return (uint) val;
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the position of the current reader (note that this is not necessarily the same as the position
/// in the underlying stream, if multiple readers are used on the same stream)
/// </summary>
public int Position
get { return position; }
internal void Ensure(int count, bool strict)
Helpers.DebugAssert(available <= count, "Asking for data without checking first");
if (count > ioBuffer.Length)
BufferPool.ResizeAndFlushLeft(ref ioBuffer, count, ioIndex, available);
ioIndex = 0;
else if (ioIndex + count >= ioBuffer.Length)
// need to shift the buffer data to the left to make space
Helpers.BlockCopy(ioBuffer, ioIndex, ioBuffer, 0, available);
ioIndex = 0;
count -= available;
int writePos = ioIndex + available, bytesRead;
int canRead = ioBuffer.Length - writePos;
if (isFixedLength)
// throttle it if needed
if (dataRemaining < canRead) canRead = dataRemaining;
while (count > 0 && canRead > 0 && (bytesRead = source.Read(ioBuffer, writePos, canRead)) > 0)
available += bytesRead;
count -= bytesRead;
canRead -= bytesRead;
writePos += bytesRead;
if (isFixedLength)
dataRemaining -= bytesRead;
if (strict && count > 0)
throw EoF(this);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a signed 16-bit integer from the stream: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
/// </summary>
public short ReadInt16()
return (short) ReadInt32();
/// <summary>
/// Reads an unsigned 16-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
public ushort ReadUInt16()
return (ushort) ReadUInt32();
/// <summary>
/// Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
public byte ReadByte()
return (byte) ReadUInt32();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a signed 8-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
/// </summary>
public sbyte ReadSByte()
return (sbyte) ReadInt32();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
/// </summary>
public int ReadInt32()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Variant:
return (int) ReadUInt32Variant(true);
case WireType.Fixed32:
if (available < 4) Ensure(4, true);
position += 4;
available -= 4;
return ((int) ioBuffer[ioIndex++])
| (((int) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 8)
| (((int) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 16)
| (((int) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 24);
case WireType.Fixed64:
long l = ReadInt64();
return (int) l;
case WireType.SignedVariant:
return Zag(ReadUInt32Variant(true));
throw CreateWireTypeException();
private const long Int64Msb = ((long) 1) << 63;
private const int Int32Msb = ((int) 1) << 31;
private static int Zag(uint ziggedValue)
int value = (int) ziggedValue;
return (-(value & 0x01)) ^ ((value >> 1) & ~ProtoReader.Int32Msb);
private static long Zag(ulong ziggedValue)
long value = (long) ziggedValue;
return (-(value & 0x01L)) ^ ((value >> 1) & ~ProtoReader.Int64Msb);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
/// </summary>
public long ReadInt64()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Variant:
return (long) ReadUInt64Variant();
case WireType.Fixed32:
return ReadInt32();
case WireType.Fixed64:
if (available < 8) Ensure(8, true);
position += 8;
available -= 8;
return ((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++])
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 8)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 16)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 24)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 32)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 40)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 48)
| (((long) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 56);
case WireType.SignedVariant:
return Zag(ReadUInt64Variant());
throw CreateWireTypeException();
private int TryReadUInt64VariantWithoutMoving(out ulong value)
if (available < 10) Ensure(10, false);
if (available == 0)
value = 0;
return 0;
int readPos = ioIndex;
value = ioBuffer[readPos++];
if ((value & 0x80) == 0) return 1;
value &= 0x7F;
if (available == 1) throw EoF(this);
ulong chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 7;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 2;
if (available == 2) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 14;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 3;
if (available == 3) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 21;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 4;
if (available == 4) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 28;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 5;
if (available == 5) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 35;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 6;
if (available == 6) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 42;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 7;
if (available == 7) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 49;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 8;
if (available == 8) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos++];
value |= (chunk & 0x7F) << 56;
if ((chunk & 0x80) == 0) return 9;
if (available == 9) throw EoF(this);
chunk = ioBuffer[readPos];
value |= chunk << 63; // can only use 1 bit from this chunk
if ((chunk & ~(ulong) 0x01) != 0) throw AddErrorData(new OverflowException(), this);
return 10;
private ulong ReadUInt64Variant()
ulong value;
int read = TryReadUInt64VariantWithoutMoving(out value);
if (read > 0)
ioIndex += read;
available -= read;
position += read;
return value;
throw EoF(this);
private System.Collections.Hashtable stringInterner;
private string Intern(string value)
if (value == null) return null;
if (value.Length == 0) return "";
if (stringInterner == null)
stringInterner = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
stringInterner.Add(value, value);
else if (stringInterner.ContainsKey(value))
value = (string)stringInterner[value];
stringInterner.Add(value, value);
return value;
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> stringInterner;
private string Intern(string value)
if (value == null) return null;
if (value.Length == 0) return "";
string found;
if (stringInterner == null)
stringInterner = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
stringInterner.Add(value, value);
else if (stringInterner.TryGetValue(value, out found))
value = found;
stringInterner.Add(value, value);
return value;
private static readonly UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a string from the stream (using UTF8); supported wire-types: String
/// </summary>
public string ReadString()
if (wireType == WireType.String)
int bytes = (int) ReadUInt32Variant(false);
if (bytes == 0) return "";
if (available < bytes) Ensure(bytes, true);
#if MF
byte[] tmp;
if(ioIndex == 0 && bytes == ioBuffer.Length) {
// unlikely, but...
tmp = ioBuffer;
} else {
tmp = new byte[bytes];
Helpers.BlockCopy(ioBuffer, ioIndex, tmp, 0, bytes);
string s = new string(encoding.GetChars(tmp));
string s = encoding.GetString(ioBuffer, ioIndex, bytes);
if (internStrings)
s = Intern(s);
available -= bytes;
position += bytes;
ioIndex += bytes;
return s;
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception indication that the given value cannot be mapped to an enum.
/// </summary>
public void ThrowEnumException(System.Type type, int value)
string desc = type == null ? "<null>" : type.FullName;
throw AddErrorData(
new ProtoException("No " + desc + " enum is mapped to the wire-value " + value.ToString()), this);
private Exception CreateWireTypeException()
"Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see http://stackoverflow.com/q/2152978/23354");
private Exception CreateException(string message)
return AddErrorData(new ProtoException(message), this);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a double-precision number from the stream; supported wire-types: Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
double ReadDouble()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
return ReadSingle();
case WireType.Fixed64:
long value = ReadInt64();
return BitConverter.ToDouble(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0);
return *(double*) &value;
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Reads (merges) a sub-message from the stream, internally calling StartSubItem and EndSubItem, and (in between)
/// parsing the message in accordance with the model associated with the reader
/// </summary>
public static object ReadObject(object value, int key, ProtoReader reader)
throw new NotSupportedException();
return ReadTypedObject(value, key, reader, null);
internal static object ReadTypedObject(object value, int key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)
if (reader.model == null)
throw AddErrorData(
new InvalidOperationException("Cannot deserialize sub-objects unless a model is provided"), reader);
SubItemToken token = ProtoReader.StartSubItem(reader);
if (key >= 0)
value = reader.model.Deserialize(key, value, reader);
else if (type != null &&
reader.model.TryDeserializeAuxiliaryType(reader, DataFormat.Default, Serializer.ListItemTag, type,
ref value, true, false, true, false))
// ok
ProtoReader.EndSubItem(token, reader);
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Makes the end of consuming a nested message in the stream; the stream must be either at the correct EndGroup
/// marker, or all fields of the sub-message must have been consumed (in either case, this means ReadFieldHeader
/// should return zero)
/// </summary>
public static void EndSubItem(SubItemToken token, ProtoReader reader)
if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
int value = token.value;
switch (reader.wireType)
case WireType.EndGroup:
if (value >= 0) throw AddErrorData(new ArgumentException("token"), reader);
if (-value != reader.fieldNumber)
throw reader.CreateException("Wrong group was ended"); // wrong group ended!
reader.wireType = WireType.None; // this releases ReadFieldHeader
// case WireType.None: // TODO reinstate once reads reset the wire-type
if (value < reader.position) throw reader.CreateException("Sub-message not read entirely");
if (reader.blockEnd != reader.position && reader.blockEnd != int.MaxValue)
throw reader.CreateException("Sub-message not read correctly");
reader.blockEnd = value;
throw reader.BorkedIt(); */
/// <summary>
/// Begins consuming a nested message in the stream; supported wire-types: StartGroup, String
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The token returned must be help and used when callining EndSubItem</remarks>
public static SubItemToken StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)
if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
switch (reader.wireType)
case WireType.StartGroup:
reader.wireType = WireType.None; // to prevent glitches from double-calling
return new SubItemToken(-reader.fieldNumber);
case WireType.String:
int len = (int) reader.ReadUInt32Variant(false);
if (len < 0) throw AddErrorData(new InvalidOperationException(), reader);
int lastEnd = reader.blockEnd;
reader.blockEnd = reader.position + len;
return new SubItemToken(lastEnd);
throw reader.CreateWireTypeException(); // throws
/// <summary>
/// Reads a field header from the stream, setting the wire-type and retuning the field number. If no
/// more fields are available, then 0 is returned. This methods respects sub-messages.
/// </summary>
public int ReadFieldHeader()
// at the end of a group the caller must call EndSubItem to release the
// reader (which moves the status to Error, since ReadFieldHeader must
// then be called)
if (blockEnd <= position || wireType == WireType.EndGroup)
return 0;
uint tag;
if (TryReadUInt32Variant(out tag))
wireType = (WireType) (tag & 7);
fieldNumber = (int) (tag >> 3);
if (fieldNumber < 1)
throw new ProtoException("Invalid field in source data: " + fieldNumber.ToString());
wireType = WireType.None;
fieldNumber = 0;
if (wireType == ProtoBuf.WireType.EndGroup)
if (depth > 0) return 0; // spoof an end, but note we still set the field-number
throw new ProtoException(
"Unexpected end-group in source data; this usually means the source data is corrupt");
return fieldNumber;
/// <summary>
/// Looks ahead to see whether the next field in the stream is what we expect
/// (typically; what we've just finished reading - for example ot read successive list items)
/// </summary>
public bool TryReadFieldHeader(int field)
// check for virtual end of stream
if (blockEnd <= position || wireType == WireType.EndGroup)
return false;
uint tag;
int read = TryReadUInt32VariantWithoutMoving(false, out tag);
WireType tmpWireType; // need to catch this to exclude (early) any "end group" tokens
if (read > 0 && ((int) tag >> 3) == field
&& (tmpWireType = (WireType) (tag & 7)) != WireType.EndGroup)
wireType = tmpWireType;
fieldNumber = field;
position += read;
ioIndex += read;
available -= read;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get the TypeModel associated with this reader
/// </summary>
public TypeModel Model
get { return model; }
/// <summary>
/// Compares the streams current wire-type to the hinted wire-type, updating the reader if necessary; for example,
/// a Variant may be updated to SignedVariant. If the hinted wire-type is unrelated then no change is made.
/// </summary>
public void Hint(WireType wireType)
if (this.wireType == wireType)
} // fine; everything as we expect
else if (((int) wireType & 7) == (int) this.wireType)
// the underling type is a match; we're customising it with an extension
this.wireType = wireType;
// note no error here; we're OK about using alternative data
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that the stream's current wire-type is as expected, or a specialized sub-type (for example,
/// SignedVariant) - in which case the current wire-type is updated. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
/// </summary>
public void Assert(WireType wireType)
if (this.wireType == wireType)
} // fine; everything as we expect
else if (((int) wireType & 7) == (int) this.wireType)
// the underling type is a match; we're customising it with an extension
this.wireType = wireType;
// nope; that is *not* what we were expecting!
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Discards the data for the current field.
/// </summary>
public void SkipField()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
if (available < 4) Ensure(4, true);
available -= 4;
ioIndex += 4;
position += 4;
case WireType.Fixed64:
if (available < 8) Ensure(8, true);
available -= 8;
ioIndex += 8;
position += 8;
case WireType.String:
int len = (int) ReadUInt32Variant(false);
if (len <= available)
// just jump it!
available -= len;
ioIndex += len;
position += len;
// everything remaining in the buffer is garbage
position += len; // assumes success, but if it fails we're screwed anyway
len -= available; // discount anything we've got to-hand
ioIndex = available = 0; // note that we have no data in the buffer
if (isFixedLength)
if (len > dataRemaining) throw EoF(this);
// else assume we're going to be OK
dataRemaining -= len;
ProtoReader.Seek(source, len, ioBuffer);
case WireType.Variant:
case WireType.SignedVariant:
ReadUInt64Variant(); // and drop it
case WireType.StartGroup:
int originalFieldNumber = this.fieldNumber;
depth++; // need to satisfy the sanity-checks in ReadFieldHeader
while (ReadFieldHeader() > 0)
if (wireType == WireType.EndGroup && fieldNumber == originalFieldNumber)
// we expect to exit in a similar state to how we entered
wireType = ProtoBuf.WireType.None;
throw CreateWireTypeException();
case WireType.None: // treat as explicit errorr
case WireType.EndGroup: // treat as explicit error
default: // treat as implicit error
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
public ulong ReadUInt64()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Variant:
return ReadUInt64Variant();
case WireType.Fixed32:
return ReadUInt32();
case WireType.Fixed64:
if (available < 8) Ensure(8, true);
position += 8;
available -= 8;
return ((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++])
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 8)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 16)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 24)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 32)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 40)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 48)
| (((ulong) ioBuffer[ioIndex++]) << 56);
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a single-precision number from the stream; supported wire-types: Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
float ReadSingle()
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
int value = ReadInt32();
return BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0);
return *(float*) &value;
case WireType.Fixed64:
double value = ReadDouble();
float f = (float) value;
if (Helpers.IsInfinity(f)
&& !Helpers.IsInfinity(value))
throw AddErrorData(new OverflowException(), this);
return f;
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a boolean value from the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ReadBoolean()
switch (ReadUInt32())
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return true;
throw CreateException("Unexpected boolean value");
private static readonly byte[] EmptyBlob = new byte[0];
/// <summary>
/// Reads a byte-sequence from the stream, appending them to an existing byte-sequence (which can be null); supported wire-types: String
/// </summary>
public static byte[] AppendBytes(byte[] value, ProtoReader reader)
if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
switch (reader.wireType)
case WireType.String:
int len = (int) reader.ReadUInt32Variant(false);
reader.wireType = WireType.None;
if (len == 0) return value == null ? EmptyBlob : value;
int offset;
if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
offset = 0;
value = new byte[len];
offset = value.Length;
byte[] tmp = new byte[value.Length + len];
Helpers.BlockCopy(value, 0, tmp, 0, value.Length);
value = tmp;
// value is now sized with the final length, and (if necessary)
// contains the old data up to "offset"
reader.position += len; // assume success
while (len > reader.available)
if (reader.available > 0)
// copy what we *do* have
Helpers.BlockCopy(reader.ioBuffer, reader.ioIndex, value, offset, reader.available);
len -= reader.available;
offset += reader.available;
reader.ioIndex = reader.available = 0; // we've drained the buffer
// now refill the buffer (without overflowing it)
int count = len > reader.ioBuffer.Length ? reader.ioBuffer.Length : len;
if (count > 0) reader.Ensure(count, true);
// at this point, we know that len <= available
if (len > 0)
// still need data, but we have enough buffered
Helpers.BlockCopy(reader.ioBuffer, reader.ioIndex, value, offset, len);
reader.ioIndex += len;
reader.available -= len;
return value;
throw reader.CreateWireTypeException();
//static byte[] ReadBytes(Stream stream, int length)
// if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
// if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
// byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
// int offset = 0, read;
// while (length > 0 && (read = stream.Read(buffer, offset, length)) > 0)
// {
// length -= read;
// }
// if (length > 0) throw EoF(null);
// return buffer;
private static int ReadByteOrThrow(Stream source)
int val = source.ReadByte();
if (val < 0) throw EoF(null);
return val;
/// <summary>
/// Reads the length-prefix of a message from a stream without buffering additional data, allowing a fixed-length
/// reader to be created.
/// </summary>
public static int ReadLengthPrefix(Stream source, bool expectHeader, PrefixStyle style, out int fieldNumber)
int bytesRead;
return ReadLengthPrefix(source, expectHeader, style, out fieldNumber, out bytesRead);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a little-endian encoded integer. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static int DirectReadLittleEndianInt32(Stream source)
return ReadByteOrThrow(source)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 8)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 16)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 24);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a big-endian encoded integer. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static int DirectReadBigEndianInt32(Stream source)
return (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 24)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 16)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 8)
| ReadByteOrThrow(source);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a varint encoded integer. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static int DirectReadVarintInt32(Stream source)
uint val;
int bytes = TryReadUInt32Variant(source, out val);
if (bytes <= 0) throw EoF(null);
return (int) val;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a string (of a given lenth, in bytes) directly from the source into a pre-existing buffer. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static void DirectReadBytes(Stream source, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int read;
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
while (count > 0 && (read = source.Read(buffer, offset, count)) > 0)
count -= read;
offset += read;
if (count > 0) throw EoF(null);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a given number of bytes directly from the source. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static byte[] DirectReadBytes(Stream source, int count)
byte[] buffer = new byte[count];
DirectReadBytes(source, buffer, 0, count);
return buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a string (of a given lenth, in bytes) directly from the source. An exception is thrown if the data is not all available.
/// </summary>
public static string DirectReadString(Stream source, int length)
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
DirectReadBytes(source, buffer, 0, length);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, length);
/// <summary>
/// Reads the length-prefix of a message from a stream without buffering additional data, allowing a fixed-length
/// reader to be created.
/// </summary>
public static int ReadLengthPrefix(Stream source, bool expectHeader, PrefixStyle style, out int fieldNumber,
out int bytesRead)
fieldNumber = 0;
switch (style)
case PrefixStyle.None:
bytesRead = 0;
return int.MaxValue;
case PrefixStyle.Base128:
uint val;
int tmpBytesRead;
bytesRead = 0;
if (expectHeader)
tmpBytesRead = ProtoReader.TryReadUInt32Variant(source, out val);
bytesRead += tmpBytesRead;
if (tmpBytesRead > 0)
if ((val & 7) != (uint) WireType.String)
// got a header, but it isn't a string
throw new InvalidOperationException();
fieldNumber = (int) (val >> 3);
tmpBytesRead = ProtoReader.TryReadUInt32Variant(source, out val);
bytesRead += tmpBytesRead;
if (bytesRead == 0)
// got a header, but no length
throw EoF(null);
return (int) val;
// no header
bytesRead = 0;
return -1;
// check for a length
tmpBytesRead = ProtoReader.TryReadUInt32Variant(source, out val);
bytesRead += tmpBytesRead;
return bytesRead < 0 ? -1 : (int) val;
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32:
int b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0)
bytesRead = 0;
return -1;
bytesRead = 4;
return b
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 8)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 16)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 24);
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32BigEndian:
int b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0)
bytesRead = 0;
return -1;
bytesRead = 4;
return (b << 24)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 16)
| (ReadByteOrThrow(source) << 8)
| ReadByteOrThrow(source);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("style");
/// <returns>The number of bytes consumed; 0 if no data available</returns>
private static int TryReadUInt32Variant(Stream source, out uint value)
value = 0;
int b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0)
return 0;
value = (uint) b;
if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
return 1;
value &= 0x7F;
b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0) throw EoF(null);
value |= ((uint) b & 0x7F) << 7;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) return 2;
b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0) throw EoF(null);
value |= ((uint) b & 0x7F) << 14;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) return 3;
b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0) throw EoF(null);
value |= ((uint) b & 0x7F) << 21;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) return 4;
b = source.ReadByte();
if (b < 0) throw EoF(null);
value |= (uint) b << 28; // can only use 4 bits from this chunk
if ((b & 0xF0) == 0) return 5;
throw new OverflowException();
internal static void Seek(Stream source, int count, byte[] buffer)
if (source.CanSeek)
source.Seek(count, SeekOrigin.Current);
count = 0;
else if (buffer != null)
int bytesRead;
while (count > buffer.Length && (bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
count -= bytesRead;
while (count > 0 && (bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, count)) > 0)
count -= bytesRead;
else // borrow a buffer
buffer = BufferPool.GetBuffer();
int bytesRead;
while (count > buffer.Length && (bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
count -= bytesRead;
while (count > 0 && (bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, count)) > 0)
count -= bytesRead;
BufferPool.ReleaseBufferToPool(ref buffer);
if (count > 0) throw EoF(null);
internal static Exception AddErrorData(Exception exception, ProtoReader source)
#if !CF && !FX11 && !PORTABLE
if (exception != null && source != null && !exception.Data.Contains("protoSource"))
exception.Data.Add("protoSource", string.Format("tag={0}; wire-type={1}; offset={2}; depth={3}",
source.fieldNumber, source.wireType, source.position, source.depth));
return exception;
private static Exception EoF(ProtoReader source)
return AddErrorData(new EndOfStreamException(), source);
/// <summary>
/// Copies the current field into the instance as extension data
/// </summary>
public void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance)
if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");
IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(true);
bool commit = false;
// unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with
// the extension object being responsible for disposal etc
Stream dest = extn.BeginAppend();
//TODO: replace this with stream-based, buffered raw copying
using (ProtoWriter writer = new ProtoWriter(dest, model, null))
commit = true;
extn.EndAppend(dest, commit);
private void AppendExtensionField(ProtoWriter writer)
//TODO: replace this with stream-based, buffered raw copying
ProtoWriter.WriteFieldHeader(fieldNumber, wireType, writer);
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32(ReadInt32(), writer);
case WireType.Variant:
case WireType.SignedVariant:
case WireType.Fixed64:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt64(ReadInt64(), writer);
case WireType.String:
ProtoWriter.WriteBytes(AppendBytes(null, this), writer);
case WireType.StartGroup:
SubItemToken readerToken = StartSubItem(this),
writerToken = ProtoWriter.StartSubItem(null, writer);
while (ReadFieldHeader() > 0)
EndSubItem(readerToken, this);
ProtoWriter.EndSubItem(writerToken, writer);
case WireType.None: // treat as explicit errorr
case WireType.EndGroup: // treat as explicit error
default: // treat as implicit error
throw CreateWireTypeException();
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the reader still has data remaining in the current sub-item,
/// additionally setting the wire-type for the next field if there is more data.
/// This is used when decoding packed data.
/// </summary>
public static bool HasSubValue(ProtoBuf.WireType wireType, ProtoReader source)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
// check for virtual end of stream
if (source.blockEnd <= source.position || wireType == WireType.EndGroup)
return false;
source.wireType = wireType;
return true;
internal int GetTypeKey(ref Type type)
return model.GetKey(ref type);
internal NetObjectCache NetCache
get { return netCache; }
internal System.Type DeserializeType(string value)
return TypeModel.DeserializeType(model, value);
internal void SetRootObject(object value)
netCache.SetKeyedObject(NetObjectCache.Root, value);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method, not intended for public use; this helps maintain the root object is complex scenarios
/// </summary>
public static void NoteObject(object value, ProtoReader reader)
if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
if (reader.trapCount != 0)
/// <summary>
/// Reads a Type from the stream, using the model's DynamicTypeFormatting if appropriate; supported wire-types: String
/// </summary>
public System.Type ReadType()
return TypeModel.DeserializeType(model, ReadString());
internal void TrapNextObject(int newObjectKey)
netCache.SetKeyedObject(newObjectKey, null); // use null as a temp
internal void CheckFullyConsumed()
if (isFixedLength)
if (dataRemaining != 0) throw new ProtoException("Incorrect number of bytes consumed");
if (available != 0)
throw new ProtoException("Unconsumed data left in the buffer; this suggests corrupt input");
/// <summary>
/// Merge two objects using the details from the current reader; this is used to change the type
/// of objects when an inheritance relationship is discovered later than usual during deserilazation.
/// </summary>
public static object Merge(ProtoReader parent, object from, object to)
if (parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
TypeModel model = parent.Model;
SerializationContext ctx = parent.Context;
if (model == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Types cannot be merged unless a type-model has been specified");
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
model.Serialize(ms, from, ctx);
ms.Position = 0;
return model.Deserialize(ms, to, null);
#region RECYCLER
internal static ProtoReader Create(Stream source, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context, int len)
ProtoReader reader = GetRecycled();
if (reader == null)
return new ProtoReader(source, model, context, len);
Init(reader, source, model, context, len);
return reader;
[ThreadStatic] private static ProtoReader lastReader;
private static ProtoReader GetRecycled()
ProtoReader tmp = lastReader;
lastReader = null;
return tmp;
internal static void Recycle(ProtoReader reader)
if (reader != null)
lastReader = reader;
private static object lastReader;
private static ProtoReader GetRecycled()
return (ProtoReader)System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref lastReader, null);
internal static void Recycle(ProtoReader reader)
if(reader != null)
System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref lastReader, reader);
private static readonly object recycleLock = new object();
private static ProtoReader lastReader;
private static ProtoReader GetRecycled()
ProtoReader tmp = lastReader;
lastReader = null;
return tmp;
internal static void Recycle(ProtoReader reader)
if(reader != null)
lastReader = reader;
} |