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403 lines
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403 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace xServer.Core.Compression
/// <summary>
/// Class for compressing a byte array into an LZ4 byte array.
/// </summary>
public unsafe class LZ4Compressor32
// Tuning parameters
// Increasing this value improves compression ratio
// Lowering this value reduces memory usage
// Reduced memory usage typically improves speed, due to cache effect (ex : L1 32KB for Intel, L1 64KB for AMD)
// Memory usage formula : N->2^(N+2) Bytes (examples : 12 -> 16KB ; 17 -> 512KB)
const int COMPRESSIONLEVEL = 12;
// Decreasing this value will make the algorithm skip faster data segments considered "incompressible"
// This may decrease compression ratio dramatically, but will be faster on incompressible data
// Increasing this value will make the algorithm search more before declaring a segment "incompressible"
// This could improve compression a bit, but will be slower on incompressible data
// The default value (6) is recommended
// 2 is the minimum value.
// Constants
const int MAXD_LOG = 16;
const int MAX_DISTANCE = ((1 << MAXD_LOG) - 1);
const int MINMATCH = 4;
const int MINLENGTH = (MFLIMIT + 1);
const uint LZ4_64KLIMIT = ((1U << 16) + (MFLIMIT - 1));
const int HASHLOG64K = (HASH_LOG + 1);
const int HASHTABLESIZE = (1 << HASH_LOG);
const int HASH_MASK = (HASHTABLESIZE - 1);
const int LASTLITERALS = 5;
const int STEPSIZE = 4;
static byte[] DeBruijnBytePos = new byte[32] { 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 };
// Macros
byte[] m_HashTable;
public LZ4Compressor32()
m_HashTable = new byte[HASHTABLESIZE * IntPtr.Size];
if (m_HashTable.Length % 16 != 0)
throw new Exception("Hash table size must be divisible by 16");
public byte[] Compress(byte[] source)
int maxCompressedSize = CalculateMaxCompressedLength(source.Length);
byte[] dst = new byte[maxCompressedSize];
int length = Compress(source, dst);
byte[] dest = new byte[length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(dst, 0, dest, 0, length);
return dest;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the max compressed byte[] size given the size of the uncompressed byte[]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uncompressedLength">Length of the uncompressed data</param>
/// <returns>The maximum required size in bytes of the compressed data</returns>
public int CalculateMaxCompressedLength(int uncompressedLength)
return uncompressedLength + (uncompressedLength / 255) + 16;
/// <summary>
/// Compress source into dest returning compressed length
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">uncompressed data</param>
/// <param name="dest">array into which source will be compressed</param>
/// <returns>compressed length</returns>
public int Compress(byte[] source, byte[] dest)
fixed (byte* s = source)
fixed (byte* d = dest)
if (source.Length < (int)LZ4_64KLIMIT)
return Compress64K(s, d, source.Length, dest.Length);
return Compress(s, d, source.Length, dest.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Compress source into dest returning compressed length
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">uncompressed data</param>
/// <param name="srcOffset">offset in source array where reading will start</param>
/// <param name="count">count of bytes in source array to compress</param>
/// <param name="dest">array into which source will be compressed</param>
/// <param name="dstOffset">start index in dest array where writing will start</param>
/// <returns>compressed length</returns>
public int Compress(byte[] source, int srcOffset, int count, byte[] dest, int dstOffset)
fixed (byte* s = &source[srcOffset])
fixed (byte* d = &dest[dstOffset])
if (source.Length < (int)LZ4_64KLIMIT)
return Compress64K(s, d, count, dest.Length - dstOffset);
return Compress(s, d, count, dest.Length - dstOffset);
int Compress(byte* source, byte* dest, int isize, int maxOutputSize)
fixed (byte* hashTablePtr = m_HashTable)
fixed (byte* deBruijnBytePos = DeBruijnBytePos)
Clear(hashTablePtr, sizeof(byte*) * HASHTABLESIZE);
byte** hashTable = (byte**)hashTablePtr;
byte* ip = (byte*)source;
int basePtr = 0; ;
byte* anchor = ip;
byte* iend = ip + isize;
byte* mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
byte* matchlimit = (iend - LASTLITERALS);
byte* oend = dest + maxOutputSize;
byte* op = (byte*)dest;
int len, length;
const int skipStrength = SKIPSTRENGTH;
uint forwardH;
// Init
if (isize < MINLENGTH) goto _last_literals;
// First Byte
hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG))] = ip - basePtr;
ip++; forwardH = (((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG));
// Main Loop
for (; ; )
uint findMatchAttempts = (1U << skipStrength) + 3;
byte* forwardIp = ip;
byte* r;
byte* token;
// Find a match
uint h = forwardH;
uint step = findMatchAttempts++ >> skipStrength;
ip = forwardIp;
forwardIp = ip + step;
if (forwardIp > mflimit) { goto _last_literals; }
forwardH = (((*(uint*)forwardIp) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG));
r = hashTable[h] + basePtr;
hashTable[h] = ip - basePtr;
} while ((r < ip - MAX_DISTANCE) || (*(uint*)r != *(uint*)ip));
// Catch up
while ((ip > anchor) && (r > (byte*)source) && (ip[-1] == r[-1])) { ip--; r--; }
// Encode Literal Length
length = (int)(ip - anchor);
token = op++;
if (length >= (int)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK) { *token = (byte)(LZ4Util.RUN_MASK << LZ4Util.ML_BITS); len = (int)(length - LZ4Util.RUN_MASK); for (; len > 254; len -= 255) *op++ = 255; *op++ = (byte)len; }
else *token = (byte)(length << LZ4Util.ML_BITS);
//Copy Literals
{ byte* e = (op) + length; do { *(uint*)op = *(uint*)anchor; op += 4; anchor += 4; ; *(uint*)op = *(uint*)anchor; op += 4; anchor += 4; ; } while (op < e);; op = e; };
// Encode Offset
*(ushort*)op = (ushort)(ip - r); op += 2;
// Start Counting
ip += MINMATCH; r += MINMATCH; // MinMatch verified
anchor = ip;
// while (*(uint *)r == *(uint *)ip)
// {
// ip+=4; r+=4;
// if (ip>matchlimit-4) { r -= ip - (matchlimit-3); ip = matchlimit-3; break; }
// }
// if (*(ushort *)r == *(ushort *)ip) { ip+=2; r+=2; }
// if (*r == *ip) ip++;
while (ip < matchlimit - (STEPSIZE - 1))
int diff = (int)(*(int*)(r) ^ *(int*)(ip));
if (diff == 0) { ip += STEPSIZE; r += STEPSIZE; continue; }
ip += DeBruijnBytePos[((uint)((diff & -diff) * 0x077CB531U)) >> 27]; ;
goto _endCount;
if ((ip < (matchlimit - 1)) && (*(ushort*)(r) == *(ushort*)(ip))) { ip += 2; r += 2; }
if ((ip < matchlimit) && (*r == *ip)) ip++;
len = (int)(ip - anchor);
if (op + (1 + LASTLITERALS) + (len >> 8) >= oend) return 0; // Check output limit
// Encode MatchLength
if (len >= (int)LZ4Util.ML_MASK) { *token += (byte)LZ4Util.ML_MASK; len -= (byte)LZ4Util.ML_MASK; for (; len > 509; len -= 510) { *op++ = 255; *op++ = 255; } if (len > 254) { len -= 255; *op++ = 255; } *op++ = (byte)len; }
else *token += (byte)len;
// Test end of chunk
if (ip > mflimit) { anchor = ip; break; }
// Fill table
hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip - 2) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG))] = ip - 2 - basePtr;
// Test next position
r = basePtr + hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG))];
hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG))] = ip - basePtr;
if ((r > ip - (MAX_DISTANCE + 1)) && (*(uint*)r == *(uint*)ip)) { token = op++; *token = 0; goto _next_match; }
// Prepare next loop
anchor = ip++;
forwardH = (((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG));
// Encode Last Literals
int lastRun = (int)(iend - anchor);
if (((byte*)op - dest) + lastRun + 1 + ((lastRun - 15) / 255) >= maxOutputSize) return 0;
if (lastRun >= (int)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK) { *op++ = (byte)(LZ4Util.RUN_MASK << LZ4Util.ML_BITS); lastRun -= (byte)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK; for (; lastRun > 254; lastRun -= 255) *op++ = 255; *op++ = (byte)lastRun; }
else *op++ = (byte)(lastRun << LZ4Util.ML_BITS);
LZ4Util.CopyMemory(op, anchor, iend - anchor);
op += iend - anchor;
// End
return (int)(((byte*)op) - dest);
// Note : this function is valid only if isize < LZ4_64KLIMIT
int Compress64K(byte* source, byte* dest, int isize, int maxOutputSize)
fixed (byte* hashTablePtr = m_HashTable)
fixed (byte* deBruijnBytePos = DeBruijnBytePos)
Clear(hashTablePtr, sizeof(ushort) * HASHTABLESIZE * 2);
ushort* hashTable = (ushort*)hashTablePtr;
byte* ip = (byte*)source;
byte* anchor = ip;
byte* basep = ip;
byte* iend = ip + isize;
byte* mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
byte* matchlimit = (iend - LASTLITERALS);
byte* op = (byte*)dest;
byte* oend = dest + maxOutputSize;
int len, length;
const int skipStrength = SKIPSTRENGTH;
uint forwardH;
// Init
if (isize < MINLENGTH) goto _last_literals;
// First Byte
ip++; forwardH = (((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)));
// Main Loop
for (; ; )
int findMatchAttempts = (int)(1U << skipStrength) + 3;
byte* forwardIp = ip;
byte* r;
byte* token;
// Find a match
uint h = forwardH;
int step = findMatchAttempts++ >> skipStrength;
ip = forwardIp;
forwardIp = ip + step;
if (forwardIp > mflimit) { goto _last_literals; }
forwardH = (((*(uint*)forwardIp) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)));
r = basep + hashTable[h];
hashTable[h] = (ushort)(ip - basep);
} while (*(uint*)r != *(uint*)ip);
// Catch up
while ((ip > anchor) && (r > (byte*)source) && (ip[-1] == r[-1])) { ip--; r--; }
// Encode Literal Length
length = (int)(ip - anchor);
token = op++;
if (op + length + (2 + 1 + LASTLITERALS) + (length >> 8) >= oend) return 0; // Check output limit
if (length >= (int)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK) { *token = (byte)(LZ4Util.RUN_MASK << LZ4Util.ML_BITS); len = (int)(length - LZ4Util.RUN_MASK); for (; len > 254; len -= 255) *op++ = 255; *op++ = (byte)len; }
else *token = (byte)(length << LZ4Util.ML_BITS);
// Copy Literals
{ byte* e = (op) + length; do { *(uint*)op = *(uint*)anchor; op += 4; anchor += 4; ; *(uint*)op = *(uint*)anchor; op += 4; anchor += 4; ; } while (op < e);; op = e; };
// Encode Offset
*(ushort*)op = (ushort)(ip - r); op += 2;
// Start Counting
ip += MINMATCH; r += MINMATCH; // MinMatch verified
anchor = ip;
// while (ip<matchlimit-3)
// {
// if (*(uint *)r == *(uint *)ip) { ip+=4; r+=4; continue; }
// if (*(ushort *)r == *(ushort *)ip) { ip+=2; r+=2; }
// if (*r == *ip) ip++;
while (ip < matchlimit - (STEPSIZE - 1))
int diff = (int)(*(int*)(r) ^ *(int*)(ip));
if (diff == 0) { ip += STEPSIZE; r += STEPSIZE; continue; }
ip += DeBruijnBytePos[((uint)((diff & -diff) * 0x077CB531U)) >> 27]; ;
goto _endCount;
if ((ip < (matchlimit - 1)) && (*(ushort*)r == *(ushort*)ip)) { ip += 2; r += 2; }
if ((ip < matchlimit) && (*r == *ip)) ip++;
len = (int)(ip - anchor);
//Encode MatchLength
if (len >= (int)LZ4Util.ML_MASK) { *token = (byte)(*token + LZ4Util.ML_MASK); len = (int)(len - LZ4Util.ML_MASK); for (; len > 509; len -= 510) { *op++ = 255; *op++ = 255; } if (len > 254) { len -= 255; *op++ = 255; } *op++ = (byte)len; }
else *token = (byte)(*token + len);
// Test end of chunk
if (ip > mflimit) { anchor = ip; break; }
// Fill table
hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip - 2) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)))] = (ushort)(ip - 2 - basep);
// Test next position
r = basep + hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)))];
hashTable[(((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)))] = (ushort)(ip - basep);
if (*(uint*)r == *(uint*)ip) { token = op++; *token = 0; goto _next_match; }
// Prepare next loop
anchor = ip++;
forwardH = (((*(uint*)ip) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH * 8) - (HASH_LOG + 1)));
int lastRun = (int)(iend - anchor);
if (((byte*)op - dest) + lastRun + 1 + ((lastRun) >> 8) >= maxOutputSize) return 0;
if (lastRun >= (int)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK) { *op++ = (byte)(LZ4Util.RUN_MASK << LZ4Util.ML_BITS); lastRun -= (byte)LZ4Util.RUN_MASK; for (; lastRun > 254; lastRun -= 255) *op++ = 255; *op++ = (byte)lastRun; }
else *op++ = (byte)(lastRun << LZ4Util.ML_BITS);
LZ4Util.CopyMemory(op, anchor, iend - anchor);
op += iend - anchor;
return (int)(((byte*)op) - dest);
/// <summary>
/// TODO: test if this is faster or slower than Array.Clear.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array"></param>
/// <param name="count"></param>
static void Clear(byte* ptr, int count)
long* p = (long*)ptr;
int longCount = count >> SIZE_OF_LONG_TIMES_TWO_SHIFT; // count / sizeof(long) * 2;
while (longCount-- != 0)
*p++ = 0L;
*p++ = 0L;
Debug.Assert(count % 16 == 0, "HashTable size must be divisible by 16");
//for (int i = longCount << 4 ; i < count; i++)
// ptr[i] = 0;