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522 lines
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* Copyright 2015 Tomi Valkeinen
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace xClient.Core.NetSerializer
public static class Primitives
public static MethodInfo GetWritePrimitive(Type type)
return typeof(Primitives).GetMethod("WritePrimitive",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null,
new Type[] { typeof(Stream), type }, null);
public static MethodInfo GetReaderPrimitive(Type type)
return typeof(Primitives).GetMethod("ReadPrimitive",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null,
new Type[] { typeof(Stream), type.MakeByRefType() }, null);
static uint EncodeZigZag32(int n)
return (uint)((n << 1) ^ (n >> 31));
static ulong EncodeZigZag64(long n)
return (ulong)((n << 1) ^ (n >> 63));
static int DecodeZigZag32(uint n)
return (int)(n >> 1) ^ -(int)(n & 1);
static long DecodeZigZag64(ulong n)
return (long)(n >> 1) ^ -(long)(n & 1);
static uint ReadVarint32(Stream stream)
int result = 0;
int offset = 0;
for (; offset < 32; offset += 7)
int b = stream.ReadByte();
if (b == -1)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
result |= (b & 0x7f) << offset;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
return (uint)result;
throw new InvalidDataException();
static void WriteVarint32(Stream stream, uint value)
for (; value >= 0x80u; value >>= 7)
stream.WriteByte((byte)(value | 0x80u));
static ulong ReadVarint64(Stream stream)
long result = 0;
int offset = 0;
for (; offset < 64; offset += 7)
int b = stream.ReadByte();
if (b == -1)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
result |= ((long)(b & 0x7f)) << offset;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
return (ulong)result;
throw new InvalidDataException();
static void WriteVarint64(Stream stream, ulong value)
for (; value >= 0x80u; value >>= 7)
stream.WriteByte((byte)(value | 0x80u));
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, bool value)
stream.WriteByte(value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out bool value)
var b = stream.ReadByte();
value = b != 0;
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, byte value)
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out byte value)
value = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, sbyte value)
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out sbyte value)
value = (sbyte)stream.ReadByte();
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, char value)
WriteVarint32(stream, value);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out char value)
value = (char)ReadVarint32(stream);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, ushort value)
WriteVarint32(stream, value);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out ushort value)
value = (ushort)ReadVarint32(stream);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, short value)
WriteVarint32(stream, EncodeZigZag32(value));
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out short value)
value = (short)DecodeZigZag32(ReadVarint32(stream));
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, uint value)
WriteVarint32(stream, value);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out uint value)
value = ReadVarint32(stream);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, int value)
WriteVarint32(stream, EncodeZigZag32(value));
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out int value)
value = DecodeZigZag32(ReadVarint32(stream));
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, ulong value)
WriteVarint64(stream, value);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out ulong value)
value = ReadVarint64(stream);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, long value)
WriteVarint64(stream, EncodeZigZag64(value));
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out long value)
value = DecodeZigZag64(ReadVarint64(stream));
public static unsafe void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, float value)
uint v = *(uint*)(&value);
WriteVarint32(stream, v);
public static unsafe void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out float value)
uint v = ReadVarint32(stream);
value = *(float*)(&v);
public static unsafe void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, double value)
ulong v = *(ulong*)(&value);
WriteVarint64(stream, v);
public static unsafe void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out double value)
ulong v = ReadVarint64(stream);
value = *(double*)(&v);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, float value)
WritePrimitive(stream, (double)value);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out float value)
double v;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out v);
value = (float)v;
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, double value)
ulong v = (ulong)BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value);
WriteVarint64(stream, v);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out double value)
ulong v = ReadVarint64(stream);
value = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble((long)v);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, DateTime value)
long v = value.ToBinary();
WritePrimitive(stream, v);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out DateTime value)
long v;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out v);
value = DateTime.FromBinary(v);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, string value)
if (value == null)
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)0);
var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
int len = encoding.GetByteCount(value);
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)len + 1);
var buf = new byte[len];
encoding.GetBytes(value, 0, value.Length, buf, 0);
stream.Write(buf, 0, len);
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out string value)
uint len;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out len);
if (len == 0)
value = null;
else if (len == 1)
value = string.Empty;
len -= 1;
var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
var buf = new byte[len];
int l = 0;
while (l < len)
int r = stream.Read(buf, l, (int)len - l);
if (r == 0)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
l += r;
value = encoding.GetString(buf);
sealed class StringHelper
public StringHelper()
this.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
public const int BYTEBUFFERLEN = 256;
public const int CHARBUFFERLEN = 128;
Encoder m_encoder;
Decoder m_decoder;
byte[] m_byteBuffer;
char[] m_charBuffer;
public UTF8Encoding Encoding { get; private set; }
public Encoder Encoder { get { if (m_encoder == null) m_encoder = this.Encoding.GetEncoder(); return m_encoder; } }
public Decoder Decoder { get { if (m_decoder == null) m_decoder = this.Encoding.GetDecoder(); return m_decoder; } }
public byte[] ByteBuffer { get { if (m_byteBuffer == null) m_byteBuffer = new byte[BYTEBUFFERLEN]; return m_byteBuffer; } }
public char[] CharBuffer { get { if (m_charBuffer == null) m_charBuffer = new char[CHARBUFFERLEN]; return m_charBuffer; } }
static StringHelper s_stringHelper;
public unsafe static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, string value)
if (value == null)
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)0);
else if (value.Length == 0)
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)1);
var helper = s_stringHelper;
if (helper == null)
s_stringHelper = helper = new StringHelper();
var encoder = helper.Encoder;
var buf = helper.ByteBuffer;
int totalChars = value.Length;
int totalBytes;
fixed (char* ptr = value)
totalBytes = encoder.GetByteCount(ptr, totalChars, true);
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)totalBytes + 1);
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)totalChars);
int p = 0;
bool completed = false;
while (completed == false)
int charsConverted;
int bytesConverted;
fixed (char* src = value)
fixed (byte* dst = buf)
encoder.Convert(src + p, totalChars - p, dst, buf.Length, true,
out charsConverted, out bytesConverted, out completed);
stream.Write(buf, 0, bytesConverted);
p += charsConverted;
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out string value)
uint totalBytes;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out totalBytes);
if (totalBytes == 0)
value = null;
else if (totalBytes == 1)
value = string.Empty;
totalBytes -= 1;
uint totalChars;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out totalChars);
var helper = s_stringHelper;
if (helper == null)
s_stringHelper = helper = new StringHelper();
var decoder = helper.Decoder;
var buf = helper.ByteBuffer;
char[] chars;
if (totalChars <= StringHelper.CHARBUFFERLEN)
chars = helper.CharBuffer;
chars = new char[totalChars];
int streamBytesLeft = (int)totalBytes;
int cp = 0;
while (streamBytesLeft > 0)
int bytesInBuffer = stream.Read(buf, 0, Math.Min(buf.Length, streamBytesLeft));
if (bytesInBuffer == 0)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
streamBytesLeft -= bytesInBuffer;
bool flush = streamBytesLeft == 0 ? true : false;
bool completed = false;
int p = 0;
while (completed == false)
int charsConverted;
int bytesConverted;
decoder.Convert(buf, p, bytesInBuffer - p,
chars, cp, (int)totalChars - cp,
out bytesConverted, out charsConverted, out completed);
p += bytesConverted;
cp += charsConverted;
value = new string(chars, 0, (int)totalChars);
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, byte[] value)
if (value == null)
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)0);
WritePrimitive(stream, (uint)value.Length + 1);
stream.Write(value, 0, value.Length);
static readonly byte[] s_emptyByteArray = new byte[0];
public static void ReadPrimitive(Stream stream, out byte[] value)
uint len;
ReadPrimitive(stream, out len);
if (len == 0)
value = null;
else if (len == 1)
value = s_emptyByteArray;
len -= 1;
value = new byte[len];
int l = 0;
while (l < len)
int r = stream.Read(value, l, (int)len - l);
if (r == 0)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
l += r;